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how you did.
I didn't know any of this nine years ago when I adopted my wolf-dog. And I have been through all of the above as well as spent over $7,000.00 on proper containment, training and attorney fees. In spite of it all, my wolf-dog stays with me because he has no where else to go. But the oppressive liability of it overshadows us daily. These questions are depressing at best. But they must be asked...and answered truthfully.

Courting, Mating, Breeding, & Adopting Rules:
1. Permission must be given by Alpha to court, mate, or breed. Courting time can last from 2 months and on. Alpha and other high ranking wolves decide when waiting period ends.
2. Both wolves must be 1 year or older to request a courtship and mate.
3. Both wolves must be 2 years or older to request to breed.
4. Out of Pack courtships and matings must have permission from Alphas of both packs. The couple must confront their Alpha and request to court. A council will then be given with the Alphas of both packs. This must be done in order to keep the loyalty of the pack in check.
5. A couple or single Member may adopt a cub with the permission of Alpha/Beta. Pups are 12 months and younger. A waiting period of 2 to 3 months is expected. Out-of-Pack adoptions must have permission of both Pack's Alphas.
Pups and the Pack
Having pups is a big decision just like courting and mating. Pups aren't born into the pack. They need to be evaluated just like any other Pack Member through Assessment Periods. To be a pup isn't an easy way to get into the Pack. The most common thing on IRC is adopting lone cubs that may wander into the clearing. The future parents shouldn't just snatch up any lone pup they see. They should watch for actions in character as well as out of character because this will help see how the pups will act towards its elders and behave in the clearing.
Birthing pups:
A transition period may be needed, while the Parents look for someone to be their cub on a permanent basis. During the transition period, a member approved by Alpha who is active and experienced with knowledge of cubs will play the cub in its first month. By this I mean act out movements using :: :: After transition period, if players are not found for cubs, the cubs will die of illness or neglect, or predation.Once a permanent wolf is found I would request them to remain within the Sweet Mystics territory until they are old enough to roam to other clearings (channels) I would say until they are 6 months. They should understand this before making that commitment of being a cub at 1 month old to Sweet Mystic parents. Cubs are not born into Pack, they must go through Assessment period. There are rules to go by dealing with birthing of cubs and time periods.

Other Rules to Remember:
The waiting period (pregnancy) is about 9 weeks. Gestation should occur in the natural timeframe; gestation would be around dec/jan and birthing around feb/apr though this may vary (Research is still needed) The most common size of a litter is 6 pups; but usually ranging from 1-8 pups. Pups are usually born during springtime. When pups are born they are blind and helpless and cannot regulate their own temperature. They depend solely on their mother and no other members except their mother are to see the pups until they are ready to leave the den. Pups open their eyes by about 9 days. The begin developing their vision around 3-4 weeks. They leave the confinement of the den by 1 month and begin traveling with the pack by 3-5 months. Since irc wolves dont really travel and stay in the clearing, this would mean the pups would stay close to the den and meet the members for up to 3-5 months, then may start exploring the territory. Pups are independant at about 1 year. Please visit the Hunting Page for ages when pups may hunt. Also Wolf Facts to read more in depth about pup behavior
Family is for Life.
Wolves are not really evil and wicked! They are simply animals that are trying to survive in the wild. Read on for some interesting facts about wolves that are not intended to project wolves in a bad light, rather, these facts reveal only the truth associated with them.
Interesting Facts about Wolves:
A wolf holds the reputation of a killer and is known to be a skillful hunter who eats animals that may belong to the same genus.

Wolves are known to hunt in packs and this pack is divided as per hierarchy. In a pack, it is noticed the breeding pair enjoys a lot of freedom as compared to other wolves. This does not mean, however, the breeding pair has all the rights to take decisions for the entire pack.

A pack of wolves can range from two members to around 20 wolves as well! When in a pack, two members are known to stay back at the den.

These packs also travel large distances together. Wolves can cover 30 miles or even more in a single day when they are out hunting for food.

Apart from the breeding pair in a pack, there is also another wolf that enjoys a prominent role in the pack. This wolf is known to fulfill other important tasks for the pack such as looking after the young ones.

Experts have the opinion that wolves are known to have the same ancestry as domestic dogs. In fact, yet another interesting fact about wolves would be the presence of many wild dogs that have a strong resemblance to wolves, which establish this fact.

Wolves have large paws, which enable it to go across different terrains with ease. Even if there is snowfall, wolves have particular webbings between each toe, which helps it move across the ground with ease.

When compared to dogs, wolves have relatively larger paws, longer legs, bigger teeth and prominent yellow eyes. This can perhaps be said to be their distinguishing features.

Wolves have thick coats that consist of two layers. The first layer of the coat protects the wolf from dirt and water. The second coat is almost water resistant and this coat is generally shed during the early summer season.

Although wolves are described as wicked creatures, the acts of humans are even more wicked. In areas that are not protected, wolves are subjected to torture when they are trapped in snares.

The howls of wolves are often used in an exaggerated way in most horror flicks. In reality, experts have the opinion that wolves howl during breeding season and this kind of howling is used to communicate with each other. There are of course, many other reasons why a wolf howls in particular. It could be as a way to mark their territory or even as a way to communicate between two packs. Wolves make use of different tones and pitches to express different things. Experts say this howling intensifies especially during twilight.

Wolves use scent markings to mark their territory. These scent markings are also used on fresh kills.

Wolves use various ways to communicate only through body language and a variety of expressions. For example- if the wolf is stiff legged and the tail is vertical, it displays an act of dominance. Besides if the wolf joyfully wags its tail and even let’s its tongue roll out, it simply means the wolf is in a joyful mood!

These interesting facts about wolves would have surely cleared the fog that surrounds wolves, which depict them in a bad light! Just like other animals, wolves are only struggling for their survival.
Wolf Factoids
(1) The wolf (Canis lupus ) Order: Carnivore, Family: Canidae
(2) The wolf is the largest in the wild canine family
(3) The coyote evolved separately from the wolf over 500,000 years ago
(4) The wolf has 42 teeth
(5) The wolf has rounded ears
(6) The wolf has a broad heavy muzzle
(7) The wolf has extremely powerful jaws capable of generating 1,500 psi pressure
(8) The wolf has one of the widest ranges of size, shape and color of any mammal in North America
(9) The wolf lives in a pack, family oriented social structure
10) Mating season for the wolf occurs in February and March.
11) The gestation period for the wolf is 63 days
(12) Wolf pups are born in April and May
(13) The average litter size for the wolf is 4 to 7 pups
(14) Litter size for the wolf depends on nutrition factors as well as fitness of the female
(15) Mortality rates for wolf pups can be as high as 50%
(16) Wolves have a vast communication repertoire including scent marks, vocalizations, visual displays, facial and body postures and rituals
(17) Wolves communicate with each other more by harmony and integration rather than by aggression and submission
(18) Wolves are territorial and defend their territory through vocalizations and scent marking
(19) If necessary, wolves will attack other wolf intruders to protect their territory
(20) There are two species of the wolf in North America, the Gray Wolf (Canis lupus ) and the Red Wolf (Canis rufus )
(21) In North America there are 10 recognized sub-species of the wolf
(22) The main threat to wolf populations is loss of habitat
(23) Predation is not violence, it is the act of obtaining food for survival
(24) The wolf is an ultimate predator at the top of the food chain
(25) The wolf is designed for running, catching and killing large animals
(26) The wolf is opportunistic and will attempt to catch the easiest and most vulnerable animal
(27) The wolf can kill healthy animals but naturally seeks out the sick, the weak, crippled, old and young animals
(28) The wolf primarily travels at a 5 mile per hour trot
(29) In chases, the wolf can achieve estimated speeds of between 28 and 40 miles per hour for up to 20 minutes
(30) Radio tracking wolves has been used in wildlife research since 1963
(31) Wolves are vulnerable to skull injury from kicking prey
(32) The canine teeth "interlock" so the wolf can grip and hang on to struggling prey
(33) The back teeth, or carnassial molars, are designed to crush bones and shear meat
(34) The wolf uses facial display in ritual aggression, dominance, submission or fear
(35) The wolf has 2 types of hair, "Guards and "Undercoat"
(36) The hair of the wolf is shed in the spring and summer and sheds out in sheets unlike most dogs
(37) The color of a wolf's pelt can be anywhere from white to black
(38) The wolf uses its hair to communicate anger, dominance and aggression
(39) The wolf's sense of smell is more than 100 times greater than a human
(40) A wolf 'scent rolls' to promote interaction with other pack members
(41) Dominance in a wolf pack is not necessarily established by brawn or direct attack
(42) A wolf 'scent marks' its home range. This serves as messages, and provides warnings
(43) The hierarchy in a wolf pack neutralizes aggression, reduces conflict and promotes social order
(44) There are two hierarchies in a wolf pack, one for females and one for males
(45) Change of rank in a wolf pack is more frequent in lower rank positions
(46) Wolf pups, while low in hierarchy, have many privileges and social freedom
(47) 'Ethology' is the study of animal behavior as a scientific counterpart to human psychology
(48) The "Alpha" wolf is the highest ranking individual within the dominance hierarchy
(49) "You just can't let nature run
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