» Education » MY SCHOOL, Dr .Nilesh Gopal das Joshi [best free ebook reader for pc txt] 📗

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need of mutual give and take among the heads concerned. At the same time, in several states of our country, the school complexes are functioning to the liking and satisfaction of many teachers and administrators.

It can be hoped with confidence that school complexes will play a greater role in improving the quality of education in the days to come. The concerned authorities should provide necessary incentives and guidelines to more and more schools to form themselves into school complexes.



A school is an important public institution. In the matter of its effective functioning, it is answerable to several bodies, agencies and authorities. To the parents, in the first place, it is responsible to show that the aims and objectives of education have been attained and the children are receiving fruitful education. To the society, in the second place, it has to give assurance and satisfaction that future citizens being prepared in it will prove equal to every social task and responsibility.

To the State and central Governments, in the third place, it has to give satisfaction that public funds are being best utilized for the cause of education and norms, standards and directions given by the governments are being observed honestly and efficiently. Lastly, the staff and authorities have to provide satisfaction to the pupils by ensuring and watching their progress in studies, ascertaining and appraising their attainments and capacities and conditioning their conduct and behavior.

In order that the school may obtain information and furnish it to all the concerned or interested parties, it is necessary that complete and systematic records be maintained. These records consist of a large number of documents and registers.

According to Durosaro(2002), records are important tools for effective planning and administration of a school.

Records and registers form the core of any organization. They provide deep insight into the state and status of the organization. A school is no exception. We maintain so many records to keep track of the events going on in the school.

Every school has to keep records and registers which will facilitate to know its origin, its growth and development, its progress and efficiency at different periods, its achievement and usefulness. Records are important because they serve as major information tool that sustains the school and aids in achieving educational goals and objectives. Records restore teaching competence and maintain the trend in the history of teaching and learning processes.Therefore maintenance of school records and registers is very important.

Importance of School Records

The maintenance of records is indispensable for systematic and successful working of a school. With the increase in the functions and responsibilities of a school, the numbers of its records and registers have considerably increased. Records are essential on account ofseveral reasons like:

Schools keep an account of each student on its roll and submit periodic reports, which contain all the necessary information about the students. The school records help to submit to the Department of Education the budgetary statement of financial needs at the beginning of the session. School records help to judge the progress of the student on rolls, their strength and weakness and help the teachers and parents to bring about desirable changes. The records also help to know the educational achievements of a particular locality and even of the state. School records help in the development of healthy relationship between the school and home. From the progress report, both the teachers and parents evaluate the student’s achievement and progress. School records help in undertaking educational research. Research scholars get a complete picture of student progress, instructional materials, physical development, promotion practices, different tests etc. The research findings also help the school authorities to introduce new educational reforms.

why records are essential:

Legal Requirements

The department of education, managements, provisions of educational code and other rules and regulations make it binding on the school authorities to maintain records of various types. The school has to keep up-to-date information about student strength, average attendance, leave, grants, expenditure, income, staff strength, activities, examination results, scholarships, vacancies, work allotment, admissions, withdrawals etc.

Financial needs

The school has to submit a lot of data to justify its budget and financial needs. In order to get additional funds and posts, it produces the anticipatory student strength, staff position, position of equipment etc. The budgetary statements of financial needs are prepared and submitted to higher authorities each year well in advance.

Administrative needs

Records and registers are very essential for administrative purposes. The school work cannot be planned without them.

Appraisal of institutional programmes

The records show the progress made by the pupils, the work done by the teachers, the guidance provided by the supervisor and other authorities, facilities provided and their utilization etc. It will enable the administrators to know the direction in which changes are to be made for improvement.

Research needs

Records supply comprehensive and authentic data to those who undertake the responsibility of educational research and reforms. The data also facilitates statistical analysis and evaluation of policies and programmes.

Relationship with home and community

Reports based on school records and examination results are sent to parents from time to time. The data enables the teachers and headmaster to discuss student problems and shortcomings with parents in particular and the community in general.

Future reference

Certain things which are being put into records may not look very essential today, but after sometime, it may be of great importance. It may throw light on the root cause of many ills, clue to any later problem, causes of deterioration etc. They may also become a treasured document of our rich educational heritage. It is only from records that anything of the past can be obtained.

Essential for Child’s all-round growth and development

Regularly maintained detailed records of the child can keep track of the child’s all-round growth and development and can be dependable in providing guidance and direction.

Efficient working

Maintenance of records in any institution will promote efficiency in it. The staff will be conscious about the fact that their activities, achievements and failings are being recorded regularly. The record makes various activities and programmes clear cut and smooth. The record provides an indication that everything is in the knowledge of the office, colleagues, headmaster, students, parents and authorities. Every teacher will show a good record so that his/her credibility in the profession remains high.

how records are useful for the school, teachers as well as pupils:

Records help the school

To locate each pupil quickly To have available the facts significant about each pupil. To explain and remove undesirable conditions. To find if all legal requirements are met. To determine if any administrative or other changes are desirable. To make important investigations and case studies possible. To find if school funds are adequate and wisely expended. To reduce retardation and failure to the minimum.

Records help the classroom teachers

To know pupils when the school year begins. To determine what work a pupil is capable of doing. To provide learning activities suitable to each pupil. To formulate a basis for the intelligent guidance of pupils. To explain the behavior characteristics or unhappy conditions of any pupil. To make possible the development of unusual capacities or exceptional talents. To identify and make proper provisions for the mentally slow. To make assignments to committee work and monitorial positions. To make periodic reports correctly and in time. To be properly informed when conferring with parents and others about a pupil.

Records help the pupil

To receive fair consideration in his classification. To do his best in making a good record. To make progress in accordance with his ability. To secure development of his natural capabilities. To secure transfer of correct information to other schools when desired. To receive proper adjustment and guidance.

Maintenance of School Records

It is one of the major responsibilities of the headmaster to keep and maintain the records of his school. Without maintaining records and keeping them up-to-date, he/she will soon lose grip over the institution, teachers and students. Ultimate responsibility in respect of these records falls on him/her. It is simply expected of him/her, that he/she is well conversant with this aspect of his/her job. Although he/she carries out this responsibility through members of the staff and laboratory staff, yet he has to maintain touch with all the records of the school. He/she has to check and verify these records from time to time.

School Office

The school office is the custodian and keeper of most of the school records. Every high or senior secondary school must have an office, preferably in a separate room. It should also be spacious. As it is the coordinating center for the school, it is desirable that it is centrally located. The office will look after a number of important duties like:

Maintenance of records Correspondence Accounts Stores Typing and duplicating Attending to visitors Miscellaneous office work

Requisites of School records

If the school records have to serve the desired purpose, they should be maintained by keeping in mind a number of considerations:

Accuracy: All information, facts and figures contained in the school records should be correct and accurate. The records should be genuine, valid and reliable. They should not misguide anybody in any way. Accuracy can be ensured by prompt entries and their regular and systematic checking. Completeness: The records should not be left incomplete. Data about every child, every teacher, every activity, every house examination and every department should be complete in its detail. Utility: Every record should be maintained with utilitarian motives and considerations. It should serve the purpose of reference in future. Easy maintenance: The records and registers should be maintainable and should require a minimum of time and energies for making entries. Systematic maintenance: It is necessary for avoiding duplication in its maintenance and its loss for future reference. The filing should be flawless so that the entire record is usable to the greatest advantage even after a long time. Availability: It should be possible to locate it promptly at the time of need. Its placement and storing should not be such which necessitates endless searching when reference has to be made.

Mode of Keeping Records

Prepare a stock list of registers maintained in the school. Write distinctly and completely the necessary identity on the outer cover of each register; such as the name of the institution, the name of the register, the opening and closing dates, the number of pages. Number all the pages in the register and never tear any page under any circumstances. If at all a page is left unused, it should be cancelled. Keep the registers neat and tidy and avoid overwriting. Get each cutting attested by the headmaster. Do not start a new register till the previous one is completely full. Fill up every column provided in a prescribed register and avoid leaving blank space between entries.


Essential Records in the School

Every school needs to maintain several types of records and registers so as to make the process of administration efficient. A school is accountable to the students, parents, government, managing committee and the larger society. This necessitates proper record keeping for present and future reference.

Different kinds of Records, Registers and Reports

School records may be classified as:

The General Records Calendar Log Book Visitor’s Book Service Registers of the Employees Admission Register Personal record of the Teachers Transfer certificate File Duty Registers of teachers The Financial Records Acquittance Roll Contingency Register Bill Register Register of Scholarship Register of Donation Student’s Fund Register Cash Book Fee-collection Register The Correspondence Records Register for Dispatch and Receipts Order Circulation file of the Department Casual leave register Register of D.O. Letters Examination File etc. The Educational Records General Timetables Teacher’s Timetables Workload statement of the Teachers Teacher’s Diary Terminal Examination Register Register for Maintaining Cumulative Record card Inspection Report of the Headmaster Order Book of the Headmaster Health Cards of the students Register of Private Tuition Register of Punishment etc. The Equipment Records Stock
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