» Education » The Secret of Falling Apple, Akbar Kouravand [best motivational books for students .TXT] 📗

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possession, he/she is a true addicted one, a person who is drug addicted to the ugliness and bad behavior of others with themselves leads to their bad method and want to modify themselves, but whoever gets addicted to their possessions will never know their bad method because opportunists are constantly telling their appreciations, because every day their clothes become more glorious and their inside gets more corrupted

This man becomes a god and the idols of others, so they will fall and there will no longer be a chance to rise... how lonely a person who their relatives and friends love him for his possessions.

What happens if a diver takes shellfish and throws away the pearl? And worse, if a shellfish... see its value in white color, not pearls inside... What happens?


I raised my voice and said with all my confidence: If the apples felt and a spark of gravity appeared at Newton's mind, it would be due to his high degree? Was not Einstein imbecile in childhood? Not everyone was disappointed with him. Was not a person better than Newton at that time with higher degrees...?

If you believe in a book, believe it all, not just that part based on your beliefs... The proud man mocks the empty half of others to announce his full half and to rise up... but to where...

If you have been valued for all your knowledge, I'm sorry for you and so sorry for your students…

The value of a rose plant is not for a beautiful flower, but it is for a set that has a beautiful red flower maker.

Arthur Schopenhauer spoke very beautifully about you...

“The scientist is someone who has learned things, the genius is someone that we learn things from him who have never learned from anyone else.

And he also said... every truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed... second, it is strongly opposed... third, as a matter of course, it is accepted. Of course, I must say that Newton was a scientific genius, not a genius scientist...

The hypocrite is in one color inside and in the other color outside, empty inside and claiming to be full outside.

If we look at history, useful scientific discoveries will be for the sake of the grace of God that created a question mark in all of them... why and for what reason.

Like discovering penicillin and...

If a great and useful discovery happens, it will be because of God's revelation, not human consciousness and sense...

Knowledge expresses what it is, inspiration states what is not...

If you are a scholar because you know only a fraction of the world, you may know very well in front of others, but in front of the Lord... you do not know so, so for covering unknowing against God..., not to be God of others, denying God means to claim to be God...

The greater the amount of your knowledge, the closer you must be to the Creator, but if you are proud, it will cause to make others deviant and distract from God.

I'll tell you how much I've been cheating in my lessons. I've been addicted for several years now, but now the Lord has raised me up…

I was like a chemical fertilizer inside the park that everyone who walked beside me would get away from me, so they could not smell my reek but now I have beautiful flowers and whoever goes to the park to see the flowers, runs to me.

Do you know what the biggest human growth is? You know that without God, you are void and you will not be.

I want to see all of the world, both good and evil things in order to find God's footsteps inside myself. If God did this to me, how much would He do to others?

If they only see my goodness, they will despair of their evil and they will be heart-rending with God, but they are grateful to the Lord because they know that if it is for me, they may happen for them too.

I consider myself a genius who is a product of God's hand and only...,

I wish you were taught at the university so that all students are where God wants, that is, according to their inner talent, not according to money, diploma or position... they should be taught to be themselves, no other.

How lively, enjoyable and flourishing life is for those who are in their right place.

Everything is copied, duplicated, documented, and the students repeat their professor’s speeches… Everyone is afraid of being themselves... why...?

If the document is valuable, it is not planted to grow up, like someone who wants the grain, not its fruit.

They see the world as black and white, they no longer have a smell of straw, they all dream of migrating to a city, and the urbanites are in dreams of being in a high-class place, but they do not know the dream of being in a high-class place is the smell of straw... how few those are in this council.... who are sitting in their right place... If the reputation was not a criterion, how seats would be now empty.

Maybe most of you were supposed to be a great cook, but why are you here? Anyone who does not know the pearl is looking for a white shellfish... There are very few who like to be themselves.

The kids are sighing for growing up and the elders are sighing for their childhood... Where is the problem...? If you do not teach her the child to be themselves, he/she will be in regret to grow up...

The greatest of humans... are the simplest of them and sometimes so simple that they do not see them...

All these mornings until the nights, you follow the name of your titles

If you are a governor in your heart, you should leave it from your mind!

The silence was ruled... deeply into their inside... I see their eyes, they doubt that my words cause their veil to be flawed.

Ah! I wish it broke to come out their veil and be themselves.

They looked at me, but I knew that they did not see me, they watched their past. It is right to say that, "Let's go to the heart. If the word is told from the heart, it will penetrate into the heart.”

Sound: Mr. Kouravand, we know that for every claim we must know its place, position, and information. To accept your claim about the gravity is equal to reject most of our books.

You practically get us to strip clothes and weapons and return to pre-school.

So I hope to know what you say and of course, we listen to you and we do not accept or reject any words before hearing it.

ME: That's right, you should never talk about having a meal whether it's good or not... before eating it.

How stupid someone is who feeds the restaurant’s food just because of his reputation or wears a dress because of fashion...

I always wear whatever I like, and my priority is simplicity and beauty because if I do not like the dress, other’s acceptance is worthless for me...

Dear audience: Let me first refer to your possessions and tell you...

According to Newton's findings, the earth has gravity and it causes to fall apple. He said: "If there was no gravity, there would never be the weight which could hold any object on the Earth." And if an object is thrown into the air, it will not return to Earth again due to lack of gravity.

This is Newton gravitational formula that two objects can interact with each other:

That is, the gravity is a tensile between all objects because of their mass, and this is the object's mass to the amount of its substance.

He said: Because of gravity, any object that is near the Earth will fall to the surface of the ground, but…

Dear audience, Newton himself eventually said that the origin of this gravitational force is the power of God, and that's enough...

He could not explain the main cause, he only acted on the cause...

Now I ask you one question:

Please do not answer me but answer your own conscience. If a simple man would say this issue and could not say a strong reason, do not mock him?

Would you accept their words? Never...

Do not you build your physics books based on this gravity? If Newton has not been able to prove the cause of gravity, how you will believe it

How you expect someone like me to approve all my words with the original documents but for Newton, you change the color of the subject.

What are you do? ... What do you say? ... What you have built and on what it do you build... You have built your house on the sand and sand in the beach, and from every hurricane of question and critique in every acid, you will reject any new idea because you know what Newton could not prove that he could not prove himself. Just he talked and went, but you're a nursemaid kinder than a mother...

You defend it so that even Newton himself cannot say anything…

Let me tell you a truth: no one can opine on all depth and height of God's creations ... but can bring about what they say.

Always science continues and is open and full of mysteries ... I know that

The earth, planets and the sun have gravitational force. But what? Where is it from? Which direction does it have? What is its cause? What is its product? What's the difference between “to be” and “not to be”?

I know, but thanks to God ... only you...

I do not want to go into this category now, but now I want to speak about the earth. I ask you to listen to what I am saying, not what your beliefs say...

Welcome to my restaurant…

...please order what you would like to eat in my restaurant and pay it, and if not... do not give any money... so please pay attention to what you eat, not what you think...

Do not look at my documents, because you should be frustrated with what you hear.

I am not proud of my degrees... It's been years over your documents for and you are still proud of your past. The person who saw yesterday and could not find today and tomorrow. My pride is the Creator who is the creator of what is...

... I went on to say that after Newton some people came and said that there is a force between the planets that makes gravity... but I refer to your documents so that I can approve my claim and rejecting the degrees means rejecting your own knowledge.

After hearing my words, I will be eager to listen to your questions because I know that finding new answers is a matter of hearing new questions...

According to your words: the air has weight and the weight of one cubic meter of air at the constant magnitude and zero degrees Centigrade is equal to 2.1 kg. The higher we go up, the lower the air pressure, but the lower the air density. So the air density is much higher on the earth's surface up to high altitudes.

Air Composition: 78% Nitrogen +21% Oxygen +1% Other Gases


I'm sure that this amount of air compounds and the variety of air compounds are all of God’s wisdom and science. Air leads to emerging weight, life, and existence. It illuminates the light and generates heat. But I do not know how nitrogen and other gases interfere in this, and I'm happy that I do not know. I ask to know, not to read to know.

It is not supposed to know everything but supposed to find it. To know is to brag, asking and finding is an asset full of joy and complacency. I was silence... saw their silence. If you don’t remain silent, you will not hear the voice of silence...

Every word is the destroyer of silence, so it is good to say the words that others force to be silent full of thought...

I knew that they were waiting to make my

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