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attitudes and ideals in relation to sex and family. Developing desirable habits, behavior and conduct in accordance with such attitudes and ideals. Acquiring knowledge and understanding of matters related to the physiology of human reproduction and related aspects of life. Correcting and alleviating some of the common worries and misconceptions in the field of sexual adjustment. Contributing to the emotional and social growth of the individual so that he/she can function adequately as a member of family, and eventually as a parent.

Agencies of Sex Education

The home and family The church The community and the society The school

Role of Teachers and Parents in Sex Education

These are some of the suggestive guidelines and measures which should be adapted to provide sex education as it plays an important role in controlling population and ensuring quality of life. Simple questions of children are sometimes difficult to answer. When a child is very young, one can make up any number of stories to convince him, but young boys and girls are keen to seek answers in depth. They may investigate, adventure or explore to find out the answers. Sometimes they find them out in the wrong way.

In a growing child, there is development of the body about which they are confused, there is also growth of mind and awareness. Their quest for information needs to be addressed. Nothing is better than direct communication between parents and youngsters.

Parents and teachers should not be thrown off-guard by awkward questions. They should have the presence of mind and answer some questions in fun and some in utter seriousness so that the child gets a positive signal that though sex is a private thing there is nothing shameful about it. In this way children are able to confide in their teachers and parents and look upon them as friends, which in turn keeps the teachers and parents informed about children’s activities.

Guidelines for Imparting Sex Education in Schools

Oberteuffer has suggested some guidelines in his book ‘School Health Education’ for imparting sex education in schools. Sex education include biological, moral, psychological and social aspects of sex because sex education involves the whole person and the whole life style. Sex education is concerned with both facts and values. While planning sex education, individual differences and the developmental needs of children should be kept in view. Teachers who impart sex education should be carefully selected and properly prepared for this task. Instructional methods for imparting sex education should be based on sound psychological principles. Sex education should be a continuous process. Correlation and integration approach should be followed in imparting sex education. There should be a continuous evaluation.

Methods of Imparting Sex Education

Documentaries can be shown to teenagers in schools. If made properly, they can easily hold their attention. Plays, seminars and workshops organized in school can also achieve this goal where the situations leading to problems can be dealt with. Students can directly approach the teachers or counsellors to have their confusions cleared. Students can be asked to write questions on a paper without revealing their identity so that shy students too can have answers. Teachers may be cautioned that they are likely to receive a few embarrassing, awkward and may be downright obscene questions or drawings which ought to be taken with an equanimity of mind and understanding. This may need discussion as to why some children do so. Over-suppressed, over-exposed or those children who are denied recognition by their parents of their sexual development may do these kinds of things and therefore are required to be reassured and gently pushed in the right direction. Specially trained teachers, separately for girls and boys in the initial phase, or doctors can be called to give a few lectures to remove misconceptions and doubts. Good books are best companions at all ages. They can serve the purpose of educating a curious mind where parents feel restricted in communicating with the child. This way parents also know that whatever a child is reading is healthy and beneficial for him/her. Guidance from an elderly relative can also serve the very important role of a confidante to the teenager in the family.




Meaning of Physical Fitness

Physical fitness is a relative term. Different people attach different meanings to physical fitness. For a doctor, physical fitness implies the proper functioning of the physiological systems. For the common man, it implies having a good physique.

      Physical fitness is the basic requirement for most of the tasks to be undertaken by an individual in his daily life.  Physical fitness is the capacity to carry out reasonably well, various forms of physical activities without being unduly tired.  A physically fit individual is capable of withstanding fatigue for longer periods, better equipped to tolerate physical stress, more efficient circulatory and respiratory systems, more efficient and stronger heart and exhibits good mental alertness and absence of nervous tension.

Thus, physical fitness varies according to the nature of the task. Physical fitness in general terms means the capacity to do routine work without any exertion or fatigue. So physical fitness implies:

The possession of strength and endurance. The capacity to do every day’s work effectively. The capacity to engage in recreational pursuits.

Definitions of Physical Fitness

      In the words of Charles A. Bucher, “if you are physically fit, your body systems functions efficiently.  You have sufficient strength to engage in vigorous physical activity, you recover quickly from fatigue.  You have reserves of strength, energy and stamina for emergencies.” 

According to Dr. K. L. Anderson, “physical fitness is the ability for respiration and circulation to recover from a standard work load”.

In the words of Edward Bortz, “Physical fitness implies that the body systems are capable of carrying on their activities satisfactorily”.

Bruno Balle states, “Physical fitness depends on the bio-dynamic potential of an individual which is composed of his functional and metabolic potential”.

According to Clarke (1971), “Physical fitness is the ability to carry out daily task with vigor and alertness without undue fatigue and ample energy to enjoy leisure time pursuits and to meet unforeseen emergencies.”

According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), physical fitness is defined as ‘the ability to carry out daily tasks with vigour and alertness, without undue fatigue, and with ample energy to enjoy leisure-time pursuits and respond to emergencies’.

Physical fitness is one’s richest possession.  To be totally fit person one must also possess emotional maturity, high ethical standards and ability to get along with others.


Fitness refers to the physical part. A fit person is supposed to have good stamina, strength and flexibility. He/she maintains the fitness by doing various kinds of exercises (indoor and outdoor, free hand or with weights, aerobic or anaerobic etc.). Wellness is a more general term encompassing the whole being which is the mind and soul in addition to the body. Wellness, in essence, covers all areas of health: mental health, emotional health, physical health, Spiritual health, social health, relationship health, and so on.

Importance of Physical Fitness

Physical fitness is very important from various angles.  Some of the major points are:

Enjoyment of a better life – With physical fitness one can enjoy a better life, better social status, more happiness and more satisfaction in life. Efficiency for facing emergencies – It imparts endurance and efficiency for facing emergencies and stress situation in life. Prevention of pre-mature aging – Physical fitness prolongs life, by preventing premature aging. Development of personality – Physical fitness programme leads to proper development of all the physiological systems and the body posture. This develops one’s personality by providing grace, smartness and agility in different walks of life. Prevention of minor ailments and diseases – The pressures and tensions of modern rapid life, generally cause depression, high blood pressure and even heart attack. But physically fit persons can avoid such common ailments, with their stamina and endurance power. Better performance in games and sports- Physically fit persons can withstand the stress and strain of competitive activity, with their strength and energy. So they can give better performance in games and sports.

Mentioning the importance of physical fitness, Shri A. K. Pandya, formerly Director General of Sports Authority in India, says, “People the world over, have realised the importance of physically fit body, for a vigorous and purposeful life. Unless we have the sustaining physical fitness, the joy of living and the satisfaction of a complete life is lost.”

Thus, physical fitness is very important for all persons, whether in service or in business or athletes or players.

Elements of Physical Fitness

There are three important elements of physical fitness. These are:

Anatomical fitness Physiological fitness Psychological fitness Anatomical fitness refers to a person’s body parts and structure. It includes the size and shape of the body and its suitability for performing a particular physical activity. For instance, a short statured person may not be a good smasher in volleyball or become a good high jumper as an athlete and a lean and thin person, a good weightlifter. Genetic imperfections in organs and tissues are responsible for weakness in a person’s structure and function. These limit their capacity for strength, endurance and skill. Physiological fitness means that all physiological systems of the body, like nervous, circulatory, respiratory and digestive etc. function effectively and efficiently. It would lead to proper growth and development of various organs of the body. It would also build stamina, strength and capacity of different body parts for particular physical activities.

The Greek philosopher Aristotle also described the importance of physiological fitness by saying, “The body is the temple of the soul, and to reach harmony of body, mind and spirit, the body must be physically fit.”

Psychological fitness also plays an important role in the performance of an individual. Psychological factors like perception, emotional stability, motivation and intelligence are of great importance in determining one’s fitness level. Lack of motivation and any kind of tension will not let an individual to give their best performance. Thus, all efforts should be made to keep intact the psychological fitness of the performers.

Factors of Physical Fitness

Physical fitness of a person depends on several factors. All these factors play an important role in influencing the maintenance and development of physical fitness of an individual. The main factors are:


Environment is the surroundings in which a living thing grows and develops. Environment includes the earth, the air, the water and all factors which help or hurt a living being to grow. Here, we are concerned with school children and their environment in school, home and neighbourhood etc. Students spend most of their day time in school. So the school environment must be favourable for their physical growth and fitness. The school should possess adequate building, proper lighting, ventilation, safe drinking water, proper toilet and hand washing facilities, besides a spacious, smooth and level ground for drill and physical exercise. A healthy environment at home and in the neighbourhood where the students spend time after school hours greatly helps their physical fitness and development.

Nutritive Diet

Nutritive diet provides energy to the body for the movements of muscles and all its organs It helps in an individual’s growth and development and protects them from diseases. It is also very helpful in repairing the body’s worn out tissues. Since school children keep themselves busy in various types of physical activities, they must get nutritive balanced diet. Such a diet should contain carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, salts and vitamins in proper ratio. It means that for physical growth and fitness, school children should be given milk, milk products,

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