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or writer rather than on picking out specific details. These two things are often used in combination in Communicative Language Testing. Because, in real life, these different skills are not used in isolation.

Communicative Language Tests are context specific. It reflects the communicative situation in which the testees are likely to find themselves. They are directed toward general social situation where they might be in a position to use English. Through Communicative Language Test the researcher took efforts to test the language of the learners in a way that they use it in real life communication.

For the present research, the researcher has selected Communicative Language Testing for assessing her learners. Here researcher has framed twenty activities with five tasks each. The first task can be taken as a model. The points that the learners should mention will be given separately. Learner’s responses were assessed through grading under three category such as non satisfactory*, satisfactory* and excellent* [below 50–non satisfactory, below 65–satisfactory, above 65–excellent]. Based on this, a checklist has been prepared under each activity which would show how these activities were worked out in the classroom.

Activity I: Introducing Personalities and Commodities: It deals with introducing personalities and commodities. Here learners were given various tasks like introducing a friend, a book, a new product and a chief guest.

Table: 4:1 Checklist: Introducing Personalities and Commodities Level / Task Non- Satisfactory Satisfactory Excellent 1. Self Introduction Ö 2. Introduce your friend Ö 3. Introduce a book Ö 4. Introduce a new product to your customer Ö 5. Introduce your chief guest Ö

Description First task was given as a model. Based on that learners were asked to introduce themselves in front of their classmates. The researcher has given 8–10 minutes for the preparation of each task. In the first activity they did well following the given model. While doing second task, they committed lot of mistakes in the usage of personal pronouns. For e.g.: instead of using ‘her’ they used ‘she’s’. While doing third task, they found difficult to select suitable book, because of lack of reading habits. While doing fourth task they got some confidence to do it. It has to be admitted that here also they committed some mistakes. Learners were able to do task five with less mistakes.

Activity II: Describing Second activity deals with describing objects. In this activity, learners were asked to describe some objects which were shown to them. Here they were asked to describe doll, alarm clock, brinjal, chair, and spectacles. Most of the things shown to them are familiar objects. So they felt easy but they struggled for vocabulary while describing these objects.

Table: 4:2 Cheek list: Describing Level/Task Non–Satisfactory Satisfactory Excellent 1. Describe the Doll Ö 2. Describe the alarm clock Ö 3. Describe Brinjal Ö 4. Describe Chair Ö 5. Describe spectacles Ö

Description For the first three tasks learners felt difficult to describe the given object. Thus for the next two activities, they are asked to write down the points and present it. This time they were able to do well.

Activity III: Guessing In activity III, learners were given some newspaper cuttings and were asked to give the meaning of that picture and write about it. Table: 4:3 Checklist: Guessing Level/Task Non-satisfactory Satisfactory Excellent 1. Picture 1 Ö 2. Picture 2 Ö 3. Picture 3 Ö 4. Picture 4 Ö 5. Picture 5 Ö

Description Learners took this activity as a challenge and they were given different interpretations. First two activities were given as individual activities. The result was so poor. So the learners were dived into groups and asked to write down after discussing with their group members. This produce positive result and learners did well than the first two tasks. Activity IV: Case Study Fourth activity deals with case study. Here learners were given some familiar situation and were asked to analyze that with the help of suitable example. It includes various topics like oil price hike, drug addiction, higher education in India and scarcity of water.

Table: 4:4 Checklist: Case study Level/Task Non–Satisfactory Satisfactory Excellent 1. Drug Addiction Ö 2. Oil Price Hike Ö 3. Higher Education In India Ö 4. Air Pollution Ö 5. Scarcity of Water Ö

Description This activity was given as individual written work. They did this activity in a better level than other activities.

Activity V: Group Discussion In Group Discussion learners were divided into three or four groups. Group members share their ideas and views on the given topic and their group leaders present it before the class. Table: 4:5 Checklist: Group Discussion Level/Task Non-Satisfactory Satisfactory Excellent 1. Planning of a tour from your class Ö 2. Science as a boon for humanity Ö 3. Brain drain Ö 4. Measures to overcome environmental pollution Ö 5. Mobile phone – is it necessary for college students Ö

Description Group discussion was a lively activity. Almost all the learners were actively participated in this activity. For the first task most of the learners expressed their views freely. For the second and the third they did not do up to the expected level. The fourth and fifth one, they did satisfactorily

Activity VI: Role Play In this activity learners were asked to write dialogue after forming pairs or groups and speak accordingly Table: 4:6 Checklist: Role Play Level/Task Non–Satisfactory Satisfactory Excellent 1. Shop keeper and customer in home appliance shop Ö 2. Father and daughter about her higher studies Ö 3. Principal with late comer Ö 4. Interview board (4 members) for selecting candidate for merit scholarship at P.G. level Ö 5. Interviewing Former President Abdul Kalam Ö

Description In activity VI, learners were divided into groups and they are asked to assume given roles. For the first task, learners did satisfactorily. For the second and third tasks learners were not able to perform up to the level of satisfactory but they did well in conveying meaning. For fourth and fifth tasks, learners developed the skills of framing questions and responding to that in a particular situation

Activity VII: Problem Solving Problem solving is also a group activity. Here learners were asked to find out solution for given problems. Table: 4:7 Check list: Problem Solving Level/Task Non–Satisfactory Satisfactory Excellent 1. Environmental Pollution in our city Ö 2. Traffic problems in your town Ö 3. Planning to go for a newly released film on a working day Ö 4. What do you do when your friends turn up unexpectedly? Ö 5. What will you do when you witness an accident on the way to attend an interview? Ö

Description For doing problem solving learners were divided into some groups and they were given problems and asked to discuss for ten minutes. After their discussion group leaders presented their group’s solution. Through this activity learners are encouraged to speak without any hesitation. They were not able to express exactly what they were intended to speak. This is the main defect the researcher has noticed in learners while doing this activity.

Activity VIII: Brain Storming Through this activity learners were asked to find out new ways of solving given problematic situations. This activity was given as an individual activity. Table: 4:8 Check List; Brain Storming Level/Task Non–Satisfactory Satisfactory Excellent 1. Planning to organize a departmental seminar on behalf of your class Ö 2. Measures to take conservation of energy Ö 3. How to create reading habits among youngsters Ö 4. Solution for water problems in your campus Ö 5. Create a suitable slogan for the toothpaste Ö Description Here each individual were asked to give their own ideas and solutions separately. Learners framed their answers based on the points given to them. For the first two tasks, their performance was very poor. They were given some remedial instructions about how to do these activities, how to develop points and how to coordinate them during their planning. While doing third, fourth and fifth activity learners were able to produce satisfactory results.

Activity IX: Improvisation: Through this activity learners were asked to respond themselves as they react when they encounter the given situation in real life. Table: 4:9 Checklist: Improvisation Level/Task Non–Satisfactory Satisfactory Excellent 1 Meeting Schoolmate at bus stand Ö 2 Interviewing Indian cricket team captain Ö 3 Campaigning students for the forth- coming college election Ö 4 Sate assembly which discuss about the admission criteria for professional course Ö 5 N.S.S. evening programme Ö

Description Improvisation was a group activity. Here learners were given different positions and they have to react according to their position without taking much time for preparation. For the first task most of the learners except three did satisfactorily. For the next three tasks, they were not able to respond with immediate situations. This activity involves listening and speaking skills. For the last task, all the learners participated effectively.

Activity X: Letter Writing In this activity learners were given some situations or advertisement from newspapers and were asked to write letters for respective purposes. Table: 4:10 Checklist: Letter Writing Level/Task Non–Satisfactory Satisfactory Excellent 1 Request to conduct an orientation programme Ö 2 Application letter for the post of P.G. teacher Ö 3 Application letter for the post of senior research fellowship Ö 4. Application for the post of Lectures Ö 5. Complainingletter to newspaper Ö Description Letter writing was given as an individual activity. The learners were thorough with the forms of letter writing. So here the researcher tried to provide practice in official letter writing. Most of the learners took these tasks in an easy way and all of them gave satisfactory results.

Activity XI: Writing Reports Through this activity the researcher wanted to mould the learner’s writing skill. Learners were asked to write newspaper report or official report according to given question. Table: 4:11 Checklist: Writing Reports Level/Task Non–Satisfactory Satisfactory Excellent 1. Newspaper report on Green Campus Ö 2 Newspaper report on the accident Ö 3 Newspaper report on the workshop Ö 4. Newspaper report on the college day celebration Ö 5 Official report on natural calamity Ö Description Report writing aimed at developing the writing habits of the learners. For newspaper report writing, one should take care about the selection of words. Limited number of words should be selected. For the first two tasks, they wrote the report like a story. For the remaining tasks, they produced satisfactory results.

Activity XII: Describe the Characteristics Through this activity learners were asked to talk about the qualities of given position. This activity was given as an individual work. All the tasks given to them were of familiar situation. Table: 4:12 Checklist: Describe the Characteristics Level/Task Non–Satisfactory Satisfactory Excellent 1. Teacher Ö 2. Friend Ö 3. Mother-in-law Ö 4. Principal Ö 5. Prime Minister Ö

Description Describe the characteristics activity aimed at developing narrating and describing skills of learners. Situation given to them were familiar ones. Most of them committed errors in sentence construction. All the learners were able to give satisfactory results.

Activity XIII: Forseeing Result By this activity the researcher made her learners to think about actions which may happen in the future. This activity was given as an individual work, which aimed to develop speaking and writing skills.

Table: 4:13 Checklist: Forseeing Result Level/Task Non–Satisfactory Satisfactory Excellent 1 Outbreak of communal violence Ö 2 Banning of plastics Ö 3 Stopping of paper production Ö 4 No traffic control Ö 5 End of world within ten days Ö

Description: Through this activity the researcher made her learners think about the future event, and write it and talk about it. While doing this activity the researcher has noticed that learners felt no hesitation to express their words in front of their class mates. While doing written work, they did well but in speaking, they committed lot of mistakes in grammatical construction of sentences. Activity XIV: Debate: For conducting debate, the researcher divided the whole class into two groups and they were given contradicting topics. Each group selected their group leader and one group member act as the moderator who controls the whole discussion.

Table: 4:14 Checklist: Debate: Level/Task Non–Satisfactory Satisfactory Excellent 1. Religion is the opium and Religion to develop moral values Ö 2. Love your country and Patriotism is outdated Ö 3. Brain drain and Brain gain Ö 4. Wealth make you happy and Wealth cannot make you happy Ö 5. With age comes wisdom and Older is not necessarily wiser. Ö

Description: Debate helped to develop integrative skills like listening, speaking arguing, questioning, demanding etc. While doing this activity, the researcher took care to change moderators and leaders in each task. This activity helped learners greatly for the co-ordination of ideas and to express that in correct order. While doing first three tasks, learners were not able to come up to the level of satisfaction. For the last two tasks they did well.

Activity XV: Publicity Campaign Publicity campaign intended to develop writing skill
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