» Erotic » Dirty Erotic Oneshots, Mistress_ Red [autobiographies to read txt] 📗

Book online «Dirty Erotic Oneshots, Mistress_ Red [autobiographies to read txt] 📗». Author Mistress_ Red

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I was in big trouble. I didn't dare do anything but obey. I sat straight down on the hard floor, already feeling my pussy swell.

He didn't say or do anything for a solid minute, though it felt much longer. I thought hard going through all the possible reasons he might be displeased. There were several naughty moments in my recent past, but I couldn't remember anything that would provoke this reaction in him. My face reddened as I waited and I became highly aware of the cold, hard tile beneath me. I bowed my head.

Finally, he stood and oh so slowly walked toward me. "Have you sorted through your guilty conscience, you bad girl? Do you know why I am displeased?"

I trembled as he came closer. I could smell him, feel his warmth. I shook my head.

He bent down, grabbed my chin and roughly forced my face toward his. "What was that?"

", Sir," I stammered, barely above a whisper.

"I see. You are so ill-behaved you cannot choose between all the bad things you've done. Is that right?"

I swallowed guiltily, "Yes, Sir."

"I shall take that into account when I punish you." He held my gaze a moment longer, his face hard, stern. I thrill shot through my body starting between my legs and spreading.

He stood and began walking toward the bedroom. "Come!" 

I stood and followed quickly, staying a respectful few steps behind him. Butterflies exploded in my stomach and I wracked my brain for why he would be punishing me. I hadn't been as respectful in my address as I should have been the past few days. My language had been a little crass. And the other day I had forgotten some of my chores. But none of those things nor even all of them together were enough for this level of sternness. 

He opened the bedroom door and held it for me. I was afraid to pass him, but I kept my pace and entered the room. My entire body tingled as I passed him, my arm brushing his for just a moment. I let out a tiny gasp and felt moisture spread in my slit.

He pointed to the end of the bed. "Bend over and rest your weight on your elbows."

I obeyed exposing my vulnerable ass to him. I wished I had worn thick jeans instead of the thin, short skirt and tights. But it was too late now.

He shut the door and went to the closet to retrieve the leather paddle. He placed it next to me. Then I heard the clink of metal and the soft shhhhhhhh as he slid off his belt and laid it next to the paddle. My breathing became shallow as I realized this would be an intense punishment. What could I have possibly done?

Then I stiffened. Oh, god. He had found it. He had found my stash. Oh, god, no.

"You remember now." He stated, noticing my body stiffen. He came closer and bent over me until his mouth was right next to my ear, his hot breath on my neck as he spoke. "You thought you were so clever. You thought you could hide it and that I wouldn't find out. Well, you weren't clever enough and a good thing, too. That is absolutely unacceptable behavior for any student of mine."

I trembled. "Sir, I..."

"Be quiet!"

I shut my mouth and turned to look at him, pleadingly.

"We have talked about this before, little one. When you confessed to me that before our arrangement you had a small propensity for this behavior and so we laid it down in the rules that you would discontinue all such activities. And now I discover that you have been squirreling away those little items behind my back this whole time. I am very displeased with you. You will be severely punished."

I hung my head and felt a small lump form in my throat. Before we had set up our agreement, I had dabbled in a little shoplifting. Nothing serious, a piece of candy or a small trinket and only once or twice. It was thrilling to walk out of the store with the stolen item in my pocket. I had confessed this naughtiness to my Professor when we set up the agreement, so that he would know how best to educate me.

After the agreement, I was good for a long time. But recently I had found the temptation too strong and had pilfered a few things over the last few months. Again, just little trinkets and not very many. But knowing it was naughty, I had hidden the items, tags and all, in a little stash in the back of our closet. I thought I was getting away with it and it felt delicious to be so secretly naughty. But apparently my Professor had found them and now I was really in for it. Of all the ways I could break the rules, I knew dishonesty was the most important to him. He would not take this lightly.

He straightened and walked around to stand behind me. "I am going to give you three spankings. The first for all the naughty things you thought of while trying to guess why I was displeased. The second for not confessing those things to me as per our agreement. The third and most severe will be for being a little thief and for hiding it from me. You will remain silent throughout. Note the count of each strike and report the total to me at the end. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir." I let out a small, shuddering breath. Then relaxed my back and laid my head down on the bed so that my backside was presented fully to my Professor. I wanted to show that I was completely submitting to my well deserved punishment.

"Good girl." He rubbed my behind softly for just a moment, then positioned himself so he could easily strike me and began.

I counted each of the twenty-five bare-hand-over-clothing strikes silently. It hardly stung, but I knew this was just the warm-up.

He rubbed my ass again, then lifted my skirt and pulled down my tights and my wet panties. Noticing the moisture, he slipped his fingers across my pussy once or twice. "You are such a naughty girl, but this will get much less enjoyable in a minute." Then he began to strike again. Harder this time, paying equal attention to each cheek. I bit my lip to keep from crying out and tried to focus on counting. Twenty-five more hard, stinging smacks. Near the end, my eyes were also stinging with the beginning of tears and I gasped when he finished.

He rubbed the warm, tender flesh. "That's a nice start," he said and he reached for the paddle. "That was for all those naughty little things you thought of, which are pretty bad by themselves. But I am even more displeased that you were dishonest and kept them from me. Undress." 

I straightened and took of all my clothing, then stood there nervously shifting my weight from one foot to the other. My backside stinging in the cool air.

He admired me for a moment. "Bend over." I obeyed, again resting on my elbows and bowing my head. He placed the cool, leather against my backside and rubbed it over my tender skin. I trembled slightly, but kept my ass as high as I could get it.


I involuntarily arched my back as the paddle landed hard against my skin. I immediately got back in position and braced myself against another strike.


The next one hurt even more, but I was better prepared and kept my position.

Whack! Whack! Whack!

They came faster now and I focused on keeping still and counting. It wasn't until he had finished all fifteen strikes that I noticed the tears on my face. I let out the breath I had been holding and sniffed.

I could hear he was breathing a bit harder, too, as he inspected the damage to my very red ass. "Good."

He laid the paddle back down then slowly reached for the belt. My breathing got shallower. My pussy was so very swollen and wet already and I could feel it throbbing. My ass was on fire, and it wasn't over yet. A small sob escaped my lips as I thought about what was to come, hoping I could endure it submissively, without sound. 

He paused, noticing my tears. "Are you all right? Do you need to use the safe word?" He softly stroked my sore behind and then my very wet slit.

I considered for just a moment, but I hadn't reached my threshold and I knew I deserved a strict punishment for my very bad behavior. I sniffed a little and my voice shook, but I said, "No, Sir."

He positioned himself and rested the belt against my hot flesh. He lifted his arm and paused. I tensed.

Whooooosh! Smack!

I couldn't help the gasp that left my mouth and my back arched. I reached my hands behind my back to cover my vulnerable skin, but he grabbed them both and held them out of reach. Tears trickled down my face and I bit my lip again to keep from crying out further. He lifted his arm again.

Whooosh! Smack!

I let out a strangled sob. "No! Please!"

"Silence!" Whoooosh! Smack!

I let the tears flow now, but said nothing.

Twice more he struck me, the last the hardest of all. As it hit my flaming backside my resolve broke and I burst into sobbing tears. "I'm so sorry, Sir! I'm so sorry! I'll never be naughty again! I'm so sorry!" I continued to cry, mumbling somewhat incoherently, the only intelligible word was "sorry".

He dropped the belt to the floor and sat beside me, gathering me up in his arms. He rocked me softly and stroked my hair. "Shhhh, it's all right, little one. You're forgiven." He continued to hold me like that, kissing my forehead softly every so often while I cried it out.

Finally, I calmed down and settled into his embrace, my breath coming in shuddering gasps but the tears had stopped. He softly stroked my face, wiping my tear-stained cheeks then tilted my chin up. "Are you my good little girl?"

"Yes, Sir." I sniffed.

He hugged me tight and kissed me softly. "Would you like an orgasm?"

My face lit up, "Oh, yes, please, Sir!"

He smiled at my enthusiasm and slipped his fingers to my pussy. "You are very wet, little one." He stroked my clit then slipped his fingers inside and rubbed me firmly, steadily while kissing my mouth tenderly. I moaned with the pleasure as I climbed higher and higher. 

"Sir...I, I'm going to..."

He stopped completely. "Lay down on your belly." I obeyed and lay beside him. He reached over to the bedside table and retrieved the soothing lotion he kept there. Softly, he rubbed it on my already bruised and tender flesh. I winced a little, but it felt so nice and cool on my skin.

"Good. Now, on your knees."

I lifted myself to my knees presenting my swollen pussy to him for his pleasure. He stood behind me admiring. "Reach between your legs and touch yourself for me."

I obeyed immediately, stroking myself while he watched. I heard the soft sound of cloth sliding against skin as he undressed. Naked, he climbed onto the bed behind me and began stroking my pussy with his very hard penis. I gasped with the pleasure.

"Keep playing while I fuck you."

"Yes, Sir." I continued to stroke myself, faster now as the pleasure grew. He placed his cock right at my opening and slowly, agonizingly slowly, he pushed and pulled, in and out. I whined, wanting him to fuck me harder, faster. 

"Patience, little one." He continued his agonizing pace while I rubbed my swollen clit, the sweetness growing, my breathing became shallower.

"I...I'm...Oh, god..."

"Yes, come for me."

"Oh, god, Sir. I'm going to..." I stopped, no longer able to form words as the orgasm began. My pussy clenched and the sweet feeling spread from my clit all the way to the tips of my fingers and toes. I moaned, loudly with each wave
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