» Erotic » Leverage on Him, Debora Pin [drm ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Leverage on Him, Debora Pin [drm ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Debora Pin

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day. She tucked the towel around her and grabbed her phone to check the calendar. Hmm…she should’ve already started.

Actually…she should’ve started last week.

She was never late.


She had the internal female mechanism of an atomic clock — precise and exact.

A flush stole over her body and she sat heavily in the window chair.

What the hell? Was she in a parallel universe where the crazy insane stuff happens because there was no way in hell she was sitting there afraid to acknowledge the most obvious reason for a late period.

He said he couldn’t have kids.

That’s why they hadn’t used protection.

He promised her he was sterile.

A tight, squeezing feeling made it hard to breathe and black dots swam

before her eyes. Was this truly happening? Now she was about to pass out? Oh holy hell…what a Twilight Zone episode.

The last thought tumbling through her mind as she slid from the chair

in a boneless heap was… he motherfucking lied to me.


And then she was aware of nothing.



Boston stared hard at the emergency room doctor, nearly boring holes

in his white lab coat. “Are you sure?” he asked with barely contained rage. “I need you to be sure.”

The doctor looked at Boston quizzically. “Yes, I am positive. She’s six

weeks pregnant.”

Pregnant? Julianna was pregnant? “Are you sure about how far along

she is?” he pressed, hating the sick feeling lodged in his gut. If Julianna was pregnant it could only mean one thing — she’d been fucking someone else.

And the idea of someone else putting their hands on his girl was enough to make him want to bury his fist in a wall. “Are you sure, doctor?” he asked again brusquely.

“Is this an unexpected pregnancy?” the doctor asked with a modicum of


“You could say that,” Boston answered. “Can I see her?”

“Yes, she’s resting. She’s going to need some prenatal care. She may have been anemic before the pregnancy or at the very least low in iron and the pregnancy just made it worse but she needs to supplement to sustain the pregnancy. I can give you the name of a few quality OB-GYNs who are accepting new patients, if you’d like.”

Boston shook his head. Everything was moving too quickly. His head was jammed with rage, questions, and pain. She’d obviously cheated on him.

How could she? Because she doesn’t love you and never will. He hated that fucking voice in his head but he couldn’t deny the truth staring him in the face.

She hated him anyway. What better way to bury a hatchet in his back than to get knocked up while she was still shacking up with him? Seemed a perfectly executed plan. He accepted a business card from the doctor and stalked away, going straight to her room.

She looked up and he was surprised to see a mirror of rage in her eyes.

He tossed her the business card. “You might need this. Seems you’re anemic and you need to supplement for your baby.”

“My baby?” she hissed and tossed the card back at him. “You’re a fucking liar. You told me you couldn’t father kids. Is this some kind of joke to you? I don’t appreciate this underhanded trick to get me pregnant.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” he shot back, confused and pissed as hell that she would try and throw this back on him. “Do you hear yourself? I told you that I can’t have kids and that wasn’t a lie. If anyone is lying it’s you. Obviously, you’ve been cheating on me!”

Her eyes widened and she shook her head, both outraged and equally confused. “I haven’t slept with anyone but you, asshole. You’d better get your balls checked again because you put this baby in my stomach and no one else!”

Julianna’s eyes flashed with real indignation and he didn’t know what to

think. Was it possible? But how? “I was told by multiple doctors that I couldn’t father children,” he said stiffly. “So if you say that I got you pregnant, against all fucking odds, you won’t mind a paternity test.”

“Bring it.” She scooted up and met his gaze with a hard one of her own

but he detected a subtle glitter in her eyes that made him wonder if she was telling the truth. “And when it comes back that you’re the father, I’m going to shove the results up your ass!” The air between them crackled with tension and it seemed neither would back down until Julianna looked away with a tiny shudder as her shoulders bowed and tears started to flow down her cheeks.

“Get out, please. I need to be alone for awhile.”

If by some miracle, he’d somehow gotten her pregnant…a wild arc of

joy and hope followed until he realized, she didn’t want his baby. She was devastated by the very idea. A different thought followed that chilled his blood.

“You are not to abort that child,” he growled. “If that baby is mine…you are not to get rid of it. Do you hear me?”

“Hello? Welcome to the feminist revolution. It’s my body and I have the

right to do what I want with it,” she retorted dully, wiping at her eyes.

“Correction. That’s my body. Bought and paid for. And if you have an abortion I’ll ruin you. Do you understand me?”

She closed her eyes. “Go away, Boston.”

Satisfied he’d made his point, he spun on his heel and left her in the hospital. A part of him wanted to stay and insist on the tests right this second, no matter the cost, but another part of him desperately needed space and time to think.

A baby. Was it possible? He’d long given up on the dream of being a father. He’d considered adopting but discarded the idea knowing that he didn’t have time to find a wife and then start the adoption process. Plus, if he were being honest, he’d wanted to look into the eyes of his child and see a bit of himself staring back. It was his ego, plain and simple. He could admit that. And now that Julianna had a baby growing inside her that was possibly his? He wanted that baby. He wanted it desperately.

But Julianna hated him. More so now than ever. And he felt something

for her. He wasn’t sure what it was — certainly not love, hell, he wasn’t that stupid — but he cared for her. And the sex was phenomenal. He wasn’t ready to give that up.

Everything hinged on the paternity test. He skidded to a halt and did an

about face. He couldn’t wait. He had to know.

The fate of three lives hung in the balance of one simple test.

Was he being a fool to hope?

He’d soon find out.





Is Boston the father of Julianna’s baby and if so, how will that affect their relationship? Julianna isn’t too happy about becoming the prospect of becoming a mother. Is it just because of Boston or is there another reason she’s freaking out?



Publication Date: 07-24-2017

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