» Erotic » Dirty Erotic Oneshots, Mistress_ Red [autobiographies to read txt] 📗

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that night. Both men drank from her until they were sated then fell down beside her. 


Cuddling her, both wrapped an arm around and she contently curled around her two lovers. Their scents mingled with each other until they no longer owned their individual scents. Their combined scent now indicated the mated trio.


"Holy fuck, they mated her!" Seth Crescent, the beta of the Crescent Moon pack gaped as he took in the sight of their omega entwined between the two visiting hybrids. Nolan Black and Dietrich Talon where the offspring of the werewolf ambassador Julian Black. 


He had fathered Dietrich with a dragon shifter, creating one of the first dragon and werewolf shifter hybrids. Julian's incubus mate had given birth to Nolan. Neither brother had joined a pack. 


This was the first time they had come to their pack to change and hunt during one of the full moons. Their paternal grandmother was part of the pack and Seth knew she had influenced them to come to get closer to their roots. 


Never in a million years would Seth have guessed the two alpha males would have mated the Crescent pack's sweet and submissive omega.

Enaera had a few finger shaped bruises marring her hips and wrists and Seth feared she might have been forced. The small smile gracing her lips said that she pretty damn happy right where she was in the middle of the two brothers. 


Seth noted with disgust that both of the brother's penises had traces of blood, and Enaera's thighs were stained by her virgin blood. While he was furious that Enaera had been taken advantage of, he and his packmates had to tread carefully here. 


The two hybrids were an anomaly in their world and their powers were as of yet unknown. And the fact that they were mated meant that only the two hybrids had any say concerning Enaera. 

His brother Andrew, the Alpha-to-be, grunted and kicked at Dietrich's leg. The hybrid's eyes snapped open as he lunged at Andrew. Seth stepped back to avoid any flying punches. 


He had a pretty face to protect after all. With interest, he noticed Nolan had woken up and placed his naked body between Enaera and The fighting duo. 


Dietrich pinned Andrew to the ground as he pummeled him. Seth winced when one of Dietrich's large fist met in a particularly sickening blow to Andrew's jaw. Smoke filtered through his nose, warning everyone that the hybrid was about to change into his dragon form. 


Seth motioned for Jaden, the pack enforcer to intervene. Ben, the second beta went to help Andrew up. Andrew hawked up the blood and spit in his mouth and spat at the ground a few inches from Dietrich. Dietrich was about to lunge again when his brother called a stop to the fight.

"Dietrich, stop." The other hybrid's almost inhuman voice startled the small group and stopped Dietrich in his tracks. If Seth didn't know better, that was just an Alpha's voice he heard. But that couldn't be possible. 


Andrew was going to be the next Alpha and going by the two mating marks on either side of Enaera's neck, the two hybrid brothers were now pack. The pack couldn't have two alphas.

"What the hell is going on?" Dietrich broke the stunned silence as he took his place in front of the two lovers still on the ground. 


Seth was a little surprised Enaera was still sleeping through this entire ruckus but then she had been screwed by two hybrids the night before. He had to guess that was a bit tiring.

Seth held up hand to Andrew and stepped forward towards the taller hybrid. 

"We can ask you the same thing. This morning, we found our omega missing. Thinking the worst-I mean, I thought she'd been abducted by some satyrs, but turns out its even worst. She's mated not one, but two hybrids." 

Finally tuning into all the tension, Enaera pushed to the sitting position and tried to cover herself with her long hair. 


Being shifters, the word modesty was a foreign concept to them but Seth could well understand how a lone omega would feel being surrounded by a bunch of shifters that were clothed. He shrugged out of t-shirt and carefully toed around Dietrich, who growled the closer he came to the little omega. 



s u p e r n a t u r a l ( ii )


"Hey, hey, calm down," Seth mentally rolled his eyes as he tried to placate the hybrid. Here he was a seasoned beta playing at being an omega. 


But he knew he had to tread carefully around the newly mated omega, knowing how wolf shifters could get around their mates if they thought they were being threatened. Who knew how a half dragon or a half incubus would react? 

"Look, Talon, I'm just going give her my shirt so she's not naked- although I can't say I'm not enjoying the sight," Seth smiled at Enaera and winked, trying to put her at ease. Before he knew it, Dietrich's hand grabbed at his throat and pulled him close. 

"Look at her again and I'll replace eyeballs with your balls," Dietrich growled, but that wasn't what had Seth paling. Seth gulped as he heard the Alpha voice again. 


It was almost unheard of for two Alphas to be born in the same family. He made a show of placing his hand over his eyes and held the shirt out to Nolan, who had come to stand by his brother. They'd also effectively formed a blockade in front of Enaera. 

Seth opened his eyes just in time to see Nolan rubbing the shirt over his nude body and rubbing his scent over his shirt before passing it behind him to Enaera without even looking at her. 


Smirking, Seth stepped back and waited for Enaera to join their little tete-te-tete . She shyly stepped between the two brothers, one hand pulling twigs and leaves from the mess of her hair while the other was tugging the shirt down her thighs. 

"Enaera, come here," Andrew commanded, holding his hand out to the wolf. 

Amused, Seth watched as Dietrich snapped at Andrew's hand while Nolan wrapped his arm around Enaera's waist to hold her back. This was going nowhere quickly. 

"Okay, everybody just calm down. Enaera?" Enaera's beautiful violet eyes glanced up at Seth and he smiled to reassure her. 

"Yes, Seth?" Her soft voice instantly dispelled some of the tension in the group, her powers of an omega at work. Seth was grateful for that. 

"I need you explain to everybody what happened last night. Your two testosterone filled mates can only growl and snap at me so I need you to clear thing up, okay?"

But before Enaera could answer, Nolan spoke up. "What do you mean mated?"

This was going to be a long day. Seth rolled his eyes and nodded at Enaera's neck, which was partially exposed to show two distinct bite scars on either side of her neck. 

"Smell her. She smells like the both of you now."

In tandem, both brothers turned their heads to Enaera and sniffed. She seemed to shrink under so much scrutiny. Dietrich was the first to turn back to them, a scowl on his face. 

"How the fuck is that possible? I thought werewolves mated when they have sex and bite at the same time. We weren't both fucking her at the same time," Dietrich snarled. 


A small gasp at his side made him look down into hurt purple eyes, making his feel like an ass. But if the little omega had gotten herself mated to him, she should know how crass he was. 

"Never the less, I'm guessing you both, uh, had her right?" Seth moderated his words so he wouldn't embarrass Enaera like Dietrich had. If the man hadn't been an Alpha, Seth would have already pulled a punch on him for his callous words. 

"Yes, we did," Nolan answered his voice monotone. 

"Well I'm guessing that by the time you guys bit her both of your semen was in her, making the dual mating possible." By the time he was finished, Seth was blushing. 


It was mostly because he'd always seen Enaera like a sister and had protected her as such. He'd never really given a thought to her even having sex, so having to blatantly talk about it was disconcerting. 

"We're hybrids. We incubuses don't mate for life so this mating shouldn't be too hard to break," Nolan was talking to Dietrich, but it sounded like the man was trying to convince himself. 

Feeling affronted for Enaera, Seth growled and felt his skin bristle with the need to attack. But it was Andrew who spoke for him. 

"You break the mating bond, you kill Enaera. I suspect as hybrids you'll survive the break but Enaera's already imprinted on you, you sick bastards," Andrew cursed, shaking his head. 


While he's had his own plans for the omega, he'd treated her with respect and knew how fragile she was. She wouldn't survive being mated to these two and he was already being proved right. Not even a whole day passed and they already wanted to undo the mating. 

The sound of small whimpers caught Andrew's attention and he saw Enaera step back from her mates, crying softly. 


His heart caught on the pitiful sight she made. Abandoned at young age by parents who hadn't wanted an omega child, Andrew had found her as a small pup. He and his brothers had helped raise her, had coddled and protected her from all the evils of the world. 


But that had all amounted to nothing and now they were in this mess. Andrew knew he shouldn't have let the two hybrids run with them. Seeing as how their father was an ambassador, he couldn't exactly refuse and he liked their grandmother too much to risk insulting her. 

"Enaera, it'll be okay, sweet." Andrew ignored the growl coming from Dietrich. The man could growl all he wanted but he didn't give a shit. 


"You have no right to be possessive of her when you just planned to discard her," he snapped at them. "Nara, why don't you come with me and we'll go back to the compound and sort all this out?" 

Maybe this whole mess could be sorted. They'd get the mating undone and then he'd be there to pick up the pieces. 


While he and Enaera weren't true mates, he still cared for her. And with her at his side, he'd benefit directly from her omega powers. 

Sniffling, Enaera quickly ran away from her unwanted mates and jumped into Andrew's outstretched arms. Andrew wrapped his arms around her and turned his back on the brothers at his betas and the enforcer attacked the now changed hybrids. 

When Enaera had run away from them, they'd instantly changed forms. What awed them was that they were at least twice the size of a normal were, another sign of their Alpha status. 


Dietrich had already been of a monstrous size, but now he towered over them, only slightly larger than his younger brother. They snapped and snarled at the group in warning, stalking them in circles. 

With Enaera shivering in his arms, Andrew yelled for his men to shift but they were no match for the two Alphas. Seth yelped as Nolan's claw caught him across his chest and felt his muscles being cut though like butter under the force of his claws. 


The other werewolves were quickly cut down

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