» Erotic » The Witness, Grace Livingston Hill Lutz [the little red hen ebook .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Witness, Grace Livingston Hill Lutz [the little red hen ebook .TXT] 📗». Author Grace Livingston Hill Lutz

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Him Up And Have Him Go Away

So Far,  Where She Couldn't Hope To See Him Soon,  Where She Couldn't

Listen For His Whistle Coming Home At Night,  Where He Couldn't Even Come

Back For Sunday And Sit In The Old Pew In Church With Them. But Those

Things Had To Come. It Was The Only Way He Could Grow And Fulfil His

Part Of God's Plan. And So She Put Away Her Tears Till He Was Gone,  And

Kept Them For The Old Felt Hat When Father Was Out About The Farm. And

Then When The News Came That Stephen Had Graduated So Soon,  Gone Up

Higher To God's Eternal University To Live And Work Among The Great,

Even Then Her Soul Had Been Big Enough To See The Glory Of It Behind The

Sorrow,  And Say With Trembling,  Conquering Lips: "I Shall Go To Him,  But

He Shall Not Return To Me. The Lord Gave,  And The Lord Hath Taken Away.

Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord!"


That Was The Kind Of Nerve That Blessed Little Mother Marshall Was Built

With,  And It Was Only In Such Times As These,  When Father Had Gone To

Town And Stayed A Little Later Than Usual,  That The Tears In Her Heart

Got The Better Of Her And She Laid Her Face Against The Old Felt Hat.


Down The Road In The Gloom Moved A Dark Speck. It Couldn't Be Father,

For He Had Gone In The Machine--The Nice,  Comfortable Little Car That

Stephen Had Made Them Get Before He Went Away To College,  Because He

Said That Father Needed To Have Things Easier Now. Father Would Be In

The Machine,  And By This Time The Lights Would Be Lit. Father Was Very

Careful Always About Lighting Up When It Grew Dusk. He Had A Great

Horror Of Accidents To Other People. Not That He Was Afraid For Himself,

No Indeed. Father Was A _Man_! The Kind Of A Man To Be The Father Of A



Chapter 9 Pg 55

The Speck Grew Larger. It Made A Chugging Noise. It Was One Of Those

Horrible Motor-Cycles. Mother Marshall Hated Them,  Though She Had Never

Revealedential Oils And Artificial

Perfumes," 1918 Edition. "Chemistry And Odoriferous Bodies Since 1914"

By G. Satie In _Chemie Et Industrie_,  Vol. Ii,  P. 271,  393. "Odor And

Chemical Constitution," _Chemical Abstracts_,  1917,  P. 3171 And _Journal

Of Society For Chemical Industry_,  V. 36,  P. 942.





Chapter Vi


The Bulletin On "By-Products Of The Lumber Industry" By H.K. Benson

(Published By Department Of Commerce,  Washington,  10 Cents) Contains A

Description Of Paper-Making And Wood Distillation. There Is A Good

Article On Cellulose Products By H.S. Mork In _Journal Of The Franklin

Institute_,  September,  1917,  And In _Paper_,  September 26,  1917. The

Government Forest Products Laboratory At Madison,  Wisconsin,  Publishes

Technical Papers On Distillation Of Wood,  Etc. The Forest Service Of The

U.S. Department Of Agriculture Is The Chief Source Of Information On

Forestry. The Standard Authority Is Cross And Bevans' "Cellulose." For

The Acetates See The Eighth Volume Of Worden's "Technology Of The

Cellulose Esters."





Chapter Vii


The Speeches Made When Hyatt Was Awarded The Perkin Medal By The

American Chemical Society For The Discovery Of Celluloid May Be Found In

The _Journal Of The Society Of Chemical Industry_ For 1914,  P. 225. In

1916 Baekeland Received The Same Medal,  And The Proceedings Are Reported

In The Same _Journal_,  V. 35,  P. 285.


A Comprehensive Technical Paper With Bibliography On "Synthetic Resins"

By L.V. Redman Appeared In The _Journal Of Industrial And Engineering

Chemistry_,  January,  1914. The Controversy Over Patent Rights May Be

Followed In The Same _Journal_,  V. 8 (1915),  P. 1171,  And V. 9 (1916),

P. 207. The "Effects Of Heat On Celluloid" Have Been Examined By The

Bureau Of Standards,  Washington (Technological Paper No. 98),  Abstract

In _Scientific American Supplement_,  June 29,  1918.


For Casein See Tague's Article In Rogers' "Industrial Chemistry" (Van

Nostrand). See Also Worden's "Nitrocellulose Industry" And "Technology

Of The Cellulose Esters" (Van Nostrand); Hodgson's "Celluloid" And Cross

And Bevan's "Cellulose."


For References To Recent Research And New Patent Specifications On

Artificial Plastics,  Resins,  Rubber,  Leather,  Wood,  Etc.,  See The

Current Numbers Of _Chemical Abstracts_ (Easton,  Pa.) And Such Journals

As The _India Rubber Journal,  Paper,  Textile World,  Leather World_ And

_Journal Of American Leather Chemical Association._

Chapter 9 Pg 56


The General Bakelite Company,  New York,  The Redmanol Products Company,

Chicago,  The Condensite Company,  Bloomfield,  N.J.,  The Arlington

Company,  New York (Handling Pyralin),  Give Out Advertising Literature

Regarding Their Respective Products.



Chapter 10 Pg 57

Sir William Tilden's "Chemical Discovery And Invention In The Twentieth

Century" (E.P. Dutton & Co.) Contains A Readable Chapter On Rubber With

References To His Own Discovery. The "Wonder Book Of Rubber," Issued By

The B.F. Goodrich Rubber Company,  Akron,  Ohio,  Gives An Interesting

Account Of Their Industry. Iles: "Leading American Inventors" (Henry

Holt & Co.) Contains A Life Of Goodyear,  The Discoverer Of

Vulcanization. Potts: "Chemistry Of The Rubber Industry,  1912." The

Rubber Industry: Report Of The International Rubber Congress,  1914.

Pond: "Review Of Pioneer Work In Rubber Synthesis" In _Journal Of The

American Chemical Society_,  1914. Bang: "Synthetic Rubber" In

_Metallurgical And Chemical Engineering_,  May 1,  1917. Castellan:

"L'industrie Caoutchouciere," Doctor's Thesis,  University Of Paris,

1915. The _India Rubber World_,  New York,  All Numbers,  Especially "What

I Saw In The Philippines," By The Editor,  1917. Pearson: "Production Of

Guayule Rubber," _Commerce Reports_,  1918,  And _India Rubber World_,

1919. "Historical Sketch Of Chemistry Of Rubber" By S.C. Bradford In

Chapter 11 Pg 58

"The Cane Sugar Industry" (Bulletin No. 53,  Miscellaneous Series,

Department Of Commerce,  50 Cents) Gives Agricultural And Manufacturing

Costs In Hawaii,  Porto Rico,  Louisiana And Cuba.


"Sugar And Its Value As FN,  The Same Principles To Go By. So When,

After She Had Passed The Hot Johnny-Cake,  Seen To It That Father Had The

Biggest Pork Chop And The Mealiest Potato,  And Given Him His Cup Of

Coffee Creamed And Sugared Just Right,  Mother Got Out The Letter With

The University Crest And Began To Read. She Had No Fears That Father

Would Not Agree With Her About It. She Read Eagerly,  Sure Of His

Sympathy In Her Pleasure; Sure He Would Think It Was Nice Of Stephen's

Friend To Write To Her And Pick Her Out As A Real Mother,  Saying All

Those Pleasant Things About Her; Sure He Would Be Proud That She,  With

All The Women They Had In The East,  Should Have So Brought Up A Boy That

Chapter 11 Pg 59

A Stranger Knew She Was A Real Mother. She Had No Fear That Father Would

Frown And Declare They Couldn't Be Bothered With A Stranger Around,  That

It Would Cost A Lot And Mother Needed To Rest. She Knew He Would Be

Touched At Once With The Poor,  Lonely Girl's Position,  And Want To Do

Anything In His Power To Help Her. She Knew He Would Be Ready To Fall

Right In With Anything She Should Suggest. And,  True To Her Conviction,

Father's Eyes Lighted With Tenderness As She Read,  Watched Her Proudly

And Nodded In Strong Affirmation At The Phrases Touching Her Ability As



"That's Right,  Mother,  You'll Qualify For A Job As Mother Better 'N Any

Woman I Ever Saw!" Said Father,  Heartily,  As He Reached For Another

Helping Of Butter.


His Face Kindled With Interest As The Letter Went On With Its

Proposition,  But He Shook His Head When It Came To The Money Part,

Interrupting Her:


"I Don't Like That Idea,  Mother; We Don't Keep Boarders,  And We're

Plenty Able To Invite Company For As Long As We Like. Besides,  It Don't

Seem Just The Right Thing For That Young Feller To Be Paying Her Board.

She Wouldn't Like It If She Knew It. If She Was Our Daughter We Wouldn't

Want Her To Be Put In That Position,  Though It's Very Kind Of Him Of



"Of Course!" Said Mother,  Breathlessly. "He Couldn't Very Well Ask Us,

You Know,  Without Saying Something Like That,  Especially As He Doesn't

Know Us,  Except By Hearsay,  At All."


"Of Course," Agreed Father; "But Then,  Equally Of Course We Won't Let It

Stand That Way. You Can Send That Young Feller Back His Check,  And Tell

Him To Get His New Ottymobeel. He Won't Be Young But Once,  And I Reckon

A Young Feller Of That Kind Won't Get Any Harm From His Ottymobeels,  No

Matter How Many He Has Of 'Em. You Can See By His Letter He Ain't

Spoiled Yet,  And If He's Got Hold Of Steve's Idea Of Things He'll Find

Plenty Of Use For His Money,  Doing Good Where There Ain't A Young Woman

About That Is Bound To Object To Being Took Care Of By A Young Man She

Don't Know And Don't Belong To. However,  I Guess You Can Say That,

Mother,  Without Offending Him. Tell Him We'll Take Care Of The Money

Part. Tell Him We're Real Glad To Get A Daughter. You're Sure,  Mother,

It Won't Be Hard For

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