» Erotic » Forbidden, Shianne Ayers [icecream ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Forbidden, Shianne Ayers [icecream ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author Shianne Ayers

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my ass. When I turned around he pinned me against the car again kissing me but this time he pressed himself against me, so I pressed myself against him, our kiss became even deeper, more passiontate, I was losing control over myself. I really wanted to rip his clothes off oh so bad. He pulls away and helps me inside. I was right no one is home I told myself. 

"Is anyone here Calla?"

"No" I told him

He smiles, closes the door, I drop my bag into the living room.


I turn around to face him my mouth goes dry


"Come here"

I walk towards him, he gently grabs me and pins me against the wall and begans to kiss me. His body pressed against me. He moves my hand down to his pants where the bulge was, he starts to bite my next I feel my body responding back I moan he goes back to kissing me. He moves his hand down into my pants and begins to rub... I cry out, he takes my shirt off, thank goodness I got a tank on I thought, he pulls my tank down to were my bra is completely showing he takes his hand out of my pants

"Mmm, purple. Purple is my favorite color" he said in a husky voice

He pulls my bra down he kisses each breast softly, I moan softly. He wraps my legs around his waist. His phone goes off

"Hello this is Staff Sergeant Trodaí. How may I help you?" He answered

After a few minutes he look at me than sighed

"I have to go soon" 

He smiles evilly

"How soon?"

"Next hour or so"


He starts to to kiss me repeatedly. A car pulls into the driveway

"Its grandma" I said

He puts me down. I sit down in the living room

"Go get an ice pack please" I ordered nicely


so he goes get an Ice Pack. Grandma walks in.

"Calla what is Staff Sergent Trodaí doing here alone with you?" she ask

"He was helping me. I fell and hit my knee on the concrete pretty hard" 

He walks into the living room with an Ice Pack

"Thats so kind of you to do that Staff Sergeant Trodaí" said Grandma

he smiles

"So what type of panties would Calla have to take to MEPS?"

"Well I know they have to be white and cannot be thongs" 

I blush in embarrassement

"GRANDMA! Don't be talkin bout my underwear with my recruiter!" I yelled in a way

"Well she has bikini type panties" said Grandma

"It will work"

Chapter Seven

I watch as Jacob leaves my house, I felt a sadness as he left.

I would have kissed you good bye but yer sis was followin me around

I sigh

Ya. I chewed her out for tht

I wait

You are so beautiful Calla

I blush.

Hey when do ya want to go to M.E.P.S?

I stop to think

Monday and Tuesday

I stop and began to smile

Okay will you have a ride home

I stop to think about it


I waited for two seconds

Okay I'll give you a ride home then, just tell 'em yer "grandpa" is pickin you up

I begin to smile 


I realize that I smelled like him I breathe in his scent. 

Oh Calla btw Yer comin to the Recruitin center on Friday

I sigh

Hey Jacob do you wanna date?

It felt like eternity




At the end of school  I follow grandpa to the Armed Force Career Center. I park next to him, got out than head inside. I couldn't see my recruiter anywhere 

"Hello Calla" says Staff Sergeant Grassrope

"Hello Staff Sergeant Grassrope" I responded back

"Did you fill out this paper?" asked Grassrope

"I swore I did"

"Hm. Well we don't have it"

"I guess I'll just have to redo it"

I began to redo that paperwork

"Where is Calla's folder?" says Jacob to another recruiter

My heart begans to race at the sound of his voice. I turn around and I see Jacob holding his ASU and he is in ACU. My heart begans to race even faster. I turn around and continue to do my paperwork. When Jacob walked over to me he ruffled my hair and chuckled. I turn around and punch him in the chest. 

"Don't touch my hair" I said 

He walked over to his desk and sat down. After I was done we went to Jacob's desk and he stared at me the whole time. 

"Calla what do you want your MOS to be?" asked Jacob

"I want to do Cannon Crewmember"

"Well Calla you got 75th Ranger Regimen, and others"


"Calla you need to choose a safer job" says Grandpa

I get mad

"Grandpa this is my life! I get to make my own decisions! If I want to do Cannon Crewmember I will be in a Cannon Crewmember!"

"I know Calla but I don't want to get that phone call" says Grandpa

"At least I will be dying for my country" 

"Calla lets go outside and discuss this" says grandpa

"I already know what I want."

I look at Jacob gave him a irritated look

"Grandpa I'm not gonna go outside. Its cold."

I stay inside

"Calla" says Jacob


"If you choose 75th Ranger Regimen which is Army Ranger and that has a 13,000 dollar bonus"

The other recruiters start to form around us telling me to choose this MOS. I was beginning to get really pissed off. 

"I'll go with 75th Ranger Regimen" I said

I look at him and smiled


After all this Jacob shook my hand for a long time. I pull my hand away, I could still feel the heat of his body on my hand. I laugh

"Be safe Calla"

"Bein safe is overrated" 

"I'll pray for you" He said in a jokingly way


Chapter Eight

 I get a text from Jacob

While you were do the paperwork I wanted to put you on my lap while you did that

I mourn his touch

I was checkin you out while yer runnin around. 

I wait

 I was checkin you out the whole damn time

My heart begans to race.

I wanted to pull you into the supply closet and kiss you alot

I blush.

Be ready for Monday i'll be there at six am


I went to sleep




I wake up at five am. I get ready for the day my aunt takes me to Maverik I got a Kickstart. We headed home I waited for like ever for my recruiter to show up. A car pulls up in the driveway. I see Jacob get out of the car but I was out of the house before he reach the door I smile at him. In thirt minutes we were at the recruiting center. Jacob and I walked in, while we were alone he pulled me into his arms and kissed me. A few minutes later he pulled away both of us breathing heavily. He picks up my bag, takes it to his desk.

"You didn't have to do that" I told him

"But I wanted to" he replied back

I take my brush out of my bag, begin to brush my messy hair. I bend over and brush my hair I straighten up, I notice Jacob was staring at me 

"What?" I ask

"I never met some one who brushed their hair like that" He said

"Well I am different"

He chuckles 

"Yes you are Calla"

His phone goes off

"This is Staff Sergeant Trodaí" Jacob answers

After a little bit he hangs up

"Well shit" he says

"They lost y'all tickets for M.E.P.S. Goos thing I got backups" He smiles

I look at Brenda and Jacob

"Come on I'll take you guys to the place where the van will pick you guys up at."

I follow Jacob out to the car, go in the passenger seat and Brenda got in behind him. For a little while they talked and I would listen to music. He takes out one of my headphones.

"Calla?" he asked


"You feeling okay?" he asked his voice filled with consern

"I'm just worried that I won't make it. I really want to be in the military"

"Calla you will make it" he said with absolute certianty.

He takes one hand off the steering wheel than holds my hand. For a long while we were holding hands until we made it to the AM PM in Moapa. We go inside to get something.

I look for the Arizona Rasberry Ice Tea, I found it. I head to the cash register to pay for my ice tea

"Calla let me pay of it please", said Jacob



"No! I got this. I'm a grown woman with money I got this." I said giggly

I paid for my ice tea and headed out to the car. Jacob walked out with Brenda, he unlocks the car. I get in

"Trodaí, May I go see the horses" ask Brenda

"Sure go ahead" he said

She gets out of the car, walks over to the stables and pets the horses. He holds my hand again, he smiles.


"Nothing. Your just so beautiful" he said

I blush, I look him in the eyes I could tell he wanted to kiss me, I knew he could tell I wanted to kiss him too. I notice how alone we were but I kew we werent really alone. Brenda gets in the car and we stop holding hands.

The van arrives, the driver asked us how we are doing but I muttered good. Jacob shakes Brenda's hand and he gives me a side hug, I blush, I put my bag in the van I look at Jacob but to be honest I know I will see him on Tuesday but I was already missing him really, really bad. 

Chapter Nine

 When we arrived to M.E.P.S I text Jacob

Omc! This person drives freakin nuts

I was really pissed and tired

Aw poor baby. I totally understand

I begin to relax

I really wanted to kiss ya

I waited

I know I could tell by yer eyes

I blush

I already miss you alot

I talk to Brenda, than I check my phone

I miss ya already.

We go into MEPS  and they send us to the hotel.

We go into the hotel, the lady told us the rules, when it came to me 

"What is your name ma'am?" she asked

"Calla Nightshade, ma'am" I replied

"Hm, I don't see your name on here" she said

I wrote down my name, Jacob's rank, last name, and his

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