» Erotic » Bad to the Bone, lela richards [beach read book .txt] 📗

Book online «Bad to the Bone, lela richards [beach read book .txt] 📗». Author lela richards

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he decided to keep my secret.

"I'm so sorry Red." I heard those words and got up. I went into his room, into his closet, and got dressed with that I left his apartment and went down the hall.



I quickly left the hotel, not looking back. His words still rang in my head.

I'm sorry Red.

Damn him. His words were just the heat of the moment. He didn't mean them. You know many times I heard those words? No one who has ever said them meant it.


I stop and punch a pole, not feeling any pain but now the pole has a slight dint. I exhale, now realizing that I was holding my breath.

Went into the B, R & B building and went to the front desk. It was strange I know I’ve been gone for a long time but damn they got rid of Jessica. I hate to admit it but she was my only friend. She accepted me for the craved woman that I am.

I stop in front of the desk, the girl there was distracted by what was on the screen. I cleared my throat, “Excuse me…”

She cut me off, “Shhhh just a sec.”

I let 30 seconds pass.

“Excuse me…”

She put her hand up, “Just a minute damn it.”

I slam my hand on the counter.

“Fucking hell, I’m standing right here. You are going to acknowledge me damn it.”


The lady looks up with fear at first, then she looks me up and down, her look is replaced with a glare and a smirk.

“What do you want bitch?”

Anger started boiling deep in the pit of my stomach.

“Tell Bruce I’m here to see him.”

“What are you another one of his hoes?”

My patience was running very thin.

“Call. Bruce.” I say through gritted teeth.



“The fuck type of name is that?”

I clench my fist.

“Call. Him.”

She takes her time calling him, only adding fuel to the fire.

“Mr. Knight a lady by the name of Red is here to see you.”

She hung up the phone and glared at me.

“He said you can go on up slut.”

I laughed as I started to walk away. I turned back, straightening my face and looked at her.

“You’ll regret the day you were born for your behavior. I gave you multiple chances to straighten your fucking act. Just give me 10 minutes.”

“It’s funny bitch that you think you scared me, but you don’t. Sluts like you are only pretending to be brave, but in reality you’re just a scared little bitch.”

I nod my head and walked to the elevator. When to doors open I walked in and pushed the top floor. I look back the receptionist desk and the look on her face was as if she just won. I can’t wait to wipe it off her face.


When I got to the top floor and went straight down the hall. Bruce’s door was closed. I knocked.

“Come in.”

I walked in.

“Hey Bruce.”

Pure shock was spread across his face.

He stood up and walked over to me.


We hugged each other. Bruce was like an older brother to me.

After we stopped hugging we sat down and I told him everything that has happened in the past 3 years that he didn’t know about yet.


“Yeah I know.”

Bruce placed a hand on my shoulder.

“You still have your room at my house.”

“Yeah. I was just about to ask you.”

It was silent for a second. Not the awkward kind but the content kind.

Then the memory of the moment that happened just a few hours came to mind. I didn’t realize that I became tense or that I had an evil glint in my eyes or had a smirk covering my lips. It came to my knowledge when Bruce tapped my shoulder. I look over at him and furrowed my eyebrows.

“What? I asked

“I know that face. What happened?”

“Call that girl from the receptionist desk.”

Bruce hesitated.

“Hurry up.” I shouted

He jumped and fear slightly evident of his face. I stood up and went to his bookcase and removed 3 books. Typing in the pin but not pushing the enter button I put one book back but sideways covering the screen, the girl from the receptionist desk walk in. She paused when she saw the look on my face.

“Please sit down, Brittany.”

She sat down. And glare at me.

“Oh so I was called in here because that ugly ass slut right there?”

Bruce facepalmed and shook his head.

“So you just don’t learn huh?” I said in a growl.

“Do you really think that you scare me.”

“Brittany you are fired.” Bruce stepping away from the door. That’s when I realized that the door was locked.

I smiled. He nodded. Anger plastered on his face also.

“Come with me.” I say.

She looked at me, then scoffed. I smile then nod.

I grab her by the neck and carry her over to the bookshelf. She struggle while dangling. Quickly, I removed the book and pushed enter in to the pin. The bookshelf slide over revealing a soundproof room, filled with hidden torture toys and whatnots.

“Put me down bitch. Or I’ll… I’ll.”

“You’ll what beat me?” A deep wicked laugh came from the bottom of my throat.

I threw her into the room. As she landed on the floor Bruce walked in closing the door. Bruce placed his hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes.

“Are you sure you want to go back to this lifestyle? Prison was your way out.”

“I’m sure. Why leave my family behind?”

Bruce slowly nodded and sat in a chair in the corner to watch.

I walked over to Miss ‘Brittany’ and yanked her head back with her hair. It’s time to have fun.


Publication Date: 06-07-2018

All Rights Reserved

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