» Erotic » Dirty Erotic Oneshots, Mistress_ Red [autobiographies to read txt] 📗

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Samantha knew she shouldn't have been messing around with that ouija board, not in an abandoned house of all places. But it was just so tempting, and her friends were the ones who tempted her in the first place, so really it was their fault, not hers.

Something had replied to her that first night, using the board. She was shocked at first, but quickly grew intrigued. She told it nothing about herself, and it revealed nothing about itself in return. But being alone in that house, only a candle illuminating the darkness as she talked to a complete stranger who sounded suspiciously interested in her was addictive. She kept returning every night she could, and their conversations began to turn borderline flirty, almost playfully sexual. 

Until it grew aggressive. It pushed her for answers, asking her her name and where she lived. Scared, she refused, and in response, the candle blew out. The house began to shudder and groan, and she ran out, terrified, vowing never to return again.

Samantha thought she'd never encounter the being again. And for a while, she didn't. 

She didn't realize it was taking its time to hunt her down.

After a few weeks, strange things began happening in her home. Doors opened and closed, lights flickered, and she swore she heard footsteps one night. It wasn't too frequent, so she forced herself to believe that it was just her imagination.

Until one night, she saw him. 

He manifested right in front of her, a demon clad in a suit. He looked mostly human, save for the horns atop his head, and his red eyes - but above all, he looked really, really fucking hungry. His forked tongue flicked out, licking his lips as they curled into a smirk, an expression of triumph upon his face as he looked at her, murmuring, "There you are."

That was the face of a predator having caught his prey. It was the face of someone who'd been waiting for so long to get his way, and who finally had what he wanted in the palm of his hands.

She couldn't find the words to say or her voice to speak with.

He took a slow, careful step towards her as if testing the waters, and she instinctively took a step back, fascination yet fear in her eyes. The demon easily towered above her - with those broad shoulders and muscular arms, he could do anything he wished with her. The thought of it scared her and somehow at the same time.

Her attempt at evading him only served to rile him up even further. As he approached her, she continued to step back, until finally she found herself close to the door and ran.

She knew she had no chance but she still ran. Adrenaline coursed through her veins as she sprinted through her house, panting, eyes wide. She heard his footsteps behind her, close but not too close. She was closing in on the front door and she thought maybe a miracle would happen, she'd reach it and escape in time-

In the blink of an eye, strong arms wrapped around her, and Samantha found herself pressed to his chest. "You didn't think I was gonna let you get away that easy, did you?" 

He'd let her think she had a chance, only to crush her hopes. The thought of it left a sour taste in her mouth and made her body tingle at the same time. She struggled, trying to squirm out of his grip somehow, only to his amusement. He chuckled, low and almost raspy, as if watching her helplessly try to escape would make taking her even better.

In the blink of an eye, she was no longer at the front door but in her bedroom. Taken aback at the sudden change of surroundings, she stopped struggling, and in a second he had her pinned against the wall. She cried out as her back roughly met the hard surface, and before she knew it, his lips were on hers and his hands were on her shoulders, holding her in place tightly.

In complete contrast to his soft lips, he kissed her roughly, bit her until she gasped and his tongue found way to her mouth. her hands instinctively latched onto his shoulders, and somehow, in the midst of his hand snaking up her shirt, she started kissing back. 

His hand felt almost like it burned her skin yet sent electricity throughout her entire body. She felt his sharp nails rake up her chest, and he tore the fabric off of her instantly. He was thoughtless and impatient, wanting only one thing from her - and the thought heightened her arousal even further. She whimpered as he ripped her bra off, and felt fear. Fear and arousal intermingling with each other, her head telling her she didn't want this while her body told her she needed it. 

As he fondled her breasts, almost pinching her firm nipples, she felt something hard against her leg. It was all too much for her - the feeling of his skin on hers, his lips and his warm breath on her face, the fact that she was still pinned against her will to a wall - and a soft murmur escaped her mouth, "Stop..."

His hot gaze shifted from her chest to her eyes, and a hint of a scoff played at his lips. "Say that again."

She hesitated, confused and unsure. In that moment of hesitation, he made quick work of her pants and slipped his hand into her panties. She gasped once more, her hands digging into his shoulders. His fingers played with her clit, flicking it and stroking it until she couldn't hold back her moans.

"Say it," he said, his tone mocking and cold. "Tell me to stop."

She didn't want it to stop. He was touching her in every sweet spot she had. She was like a puppet in his hands, to do with as he wished. And the only thing she hoped for was that he wouldn't stop.

And then he did.

He stopped. 

"No," she said, eyes wide, 

"No? You told me to stop."

She saw he was about to move away, and pulled herself closer to him out of desperation. "No, no, please, I don't-"

"Don't what?"

"I don't..." She swallowed her pride, looked away from him and said, "I don't want you to stop..."

"Really? Then what exactly do you want?" he asked, knowing exactly what she wanted, yet taking great pleasure in watching her beg for it. "Look at me and tell me what you want."

Her mind was a mess as she looked up and met his fiery eyes. A smug expression rested upon his face, and those red, red eyes of his looked at her like they saw right through her. She blushed, out of embarrassment or arousal, she couldn't tell which it was anymore. All she knew was that being in his presence was burning her up, and she needed more of him.

"I want... I want you to keep touching me, I want more of you, I just want you to.. To-"

"To fuck you?" he finished, thankfully making it easier for her. His face was so close to hers, she felt his breath on her skin. His hand reached downwards, finally touching her again, and she moaned, almost melting into him. He stroked her, giving her exactly what she needed as he continued, "An intruder appears in her house, treats you like you're nothing more than a possession of his, and all you want is for him to have his way with you."

"Yes, yes, I want it, please." the lust had clouded up her thoughts and she didn't even hesitate to admit it.

He stepped sideways, and pushed her to the floor in front of him. She cried out, looking up at him, scared yet desperate for more. 

"Get on the bed," he ordered, looking down at her as he unbuckled his belt, "So I can fuck you like the slut you are."

She wasted no time in moving onto the bed, getting on all fours, her pussy wet in anticipation. She felt his weight on the mattress behind her, a hand firmly gripping her waist as he positioned himself and thrusted into her.

She cried out at his size and his roughness, but he took no notice of it.

It was almost animalistic, how hard he fucked her and how carelessly. Even as she gripped the sheets, biting her lips so she wouldn't shout out, he continued ramming into her, pushing her body forward with each thrust. 

Soon, she adjusted to his pace and his size and began to moan. As she did, he grabbed her hair and pulled, eliciting another cry from her. Hearing her cry out in pain was what got him off more than anything else, and knowing that turned her on even more.

He kept thrusting into her, going even faster now as she shuddered and moaned, helpless against him. One of his hands had her hair in a tight fist, and the other on her waist, his nails digging into her skin. Each rough movement he made sent her further and further over the edge, until finally, she arched her back, closed her eyes, and cried out as she came. Her orgasm washed over her entire body in waves, and the sensation of his dick ramming into her as she came heightened it even more.

Soon after, he came too, his dick pulsing and his hot semen in her. She felt empty as he pulled out of her, staying there for a few seconds, before he got up. She stayed on the bed, a sweaty, hot mess, panting and exhausted while he simply buckled his belt up and let out a satisfied sigh.

Leaning over to her, he took her chin in his hand and pulled upwards until she met his eyes. "You know you're mine now, don't you?" he whispered, red eyes burning into her soul.

So a demon had tracked her down, broken into her house and used her, and now claimed she belonged to him. Was this how things were going to be from now on? Was there nothing she could do to stop him?

For now, she simply nodded, too weary to do anything but accept her fate. 

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