» Erotic » The Witness, Grace Livingston Hill Lutz [the little red hen ebook .TXT] 📗

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How Could Anybody Forgive All I've Done! You Don't

Know Anything About Such Things"--Half Contemptuously.--"You've Always

Been Goody-Good! I Can See It In Your Look. You Don't Know What It Is To

Have Men Making Fools Of Themselves Over You! You Don't Know All I've

Done! I've Been What They Call A Sinner! I Sent Away The Only Man I Ever

Loved Because I Was _Jealous Of God_! I Broke The Heart Of The Man Who

Loved Me Because I Got Tired Of Him And His Everlasting Perfection! I

Hated The Idea Of Being A Mother,  And When My Child Came I Deserted Her!

I Would Have Killed Her If I Had Dared! I Went Away With A Bad Man! And

When I Got Tired Of Him I Took The First Way That Opened To Get Away

From Him! God Doesn't Forgive Things Like That! I Didn't Expect He Would

When I Did Them. But It Wasn't Fair Not To Let Me Live Out My Life! I'm

Too Young To Die! And I'm Afraid! I'm Afraid!"


"Yes. God Forgives All Those Things! There Was A Woman Once Who Had Been

Like That,  And Jesus Forgave Her. He Will Forgive You If You Ask Him.

But He Can't Forgive You Unless You Are Sorry And Really Want Him To. He

Says,  'Though Your Sins Be As Scarlet They Shall Be As White As Snow;

And Though They Be Red Like Crimson,  They Shall Be As Wool,' But You

Have To Be Sorry First That You Sinned. He Can't Forgive You If You

Aren't Sorry."


"Sorry! _Sorry!_" Gila's Laugh Rang Out Mirthlessly And Echoed In The

High,  White Room. "Oh,  I'm _Sorry_,  All Right! What Do You Think I Am?

Do You Think I've Been _Happy_? Don't You Know That I've Suffered

Torments? Everything Has Turned To Ashes That I've Touched! I've Gone

Everywhere And Done Everything To Try To Forget Myself,  But Always There

Was That Awful Presence Chasing Me! Standing In My Way Everywhere I

Turned! Driving Me! Always Driving Me Toward Hell! I've Tried Drowning

My Thoughts With Cocktails And Dope,  But Always When It Wore Off There

Would Be The Presence Of God Pursuing Me! Do You Mean To Tell Me There

Is Forgiveness For Me With Him?"


Her Breath Was Coming In Painful Gasps As She Screamed Out The Words As

The Nurse Leaned Over And Gave Her A Quieting Draught.


Bonnie,  In A Low,  Clear Voice,  Began To Repeat Bible Verses:


     "The Blood Of Jesus Christ His Son Cleanseth Us From _All_



     "As Far As The East Is From The West,  So Far Hath He Removed

     Our Transgressions From Us.


     "I,  Even I,  Am He That Blotteth Out Thy Transgressions For

     Mine Own Sake,  And Will Not Remember Thy Sins.


     "If We Confess Our Sins He Is Faithful And Just To Forgive

     Us Our Sins And To Cleanse Us From All Unrighteousness."


Gila Listened With Wondering,  Incredulous Eyes,  Like The Eyes Of A

Frightened,  Naughty Child Who Scarcely Understood What Was Being Said

And Was In A Frenzy Of Fear.


"Oh,  If Paul Courtland Were Here He Would Tell Me If This Is True!" Gila

Cried At Last.


Instantly,  From Out The Shadow Of The Doorway,  Stepped Courtland,  And

Stood At The Foot Of The Bed Where She Could See Him,  Looking Steadily

At The Dying Girl For A Moment,  And Then Lifting His Eyes,  As If To One

Who Stood Just Beside Her:


"O Jesus Christ! Who Came To Save,  Come Close To This Poor Little

Wandering Child Of Thine And Show Her That She Is Forgiven! Take Her

Gently By The Hand And Help Her To See Thee,  How Loving Thou Art! Help

Her To Understand How Thou Didst Come To Earth And Die To Take Her Place

Of Punishment So That She Might Be Forgiven! Open Her Eyes To Comprehend

What Love Like That Can Be!"


Gila Turned Startled Eyes On Courtland As She Heard His Voice,  Strong,

Beseeching,  Tender,  Intimate With God! She Lay Listening,  Watching His

Illumined Face As He Prayed. Watched And Listened As One Who Suddenly

Sees A Ray Of Light Where All Was Darkness; Till Gradually The Tenseness

And Pain Faded From Her Face And A Surprised Calm Came To Take Its



The Strong Voice Went On,  Talking With The Saviour About What He Had

Done For This Poor Erring One,  Till With A Sigh,  Like A Tired Child,  The

Eyelids Dropped Over Her Frightened Eyes And A Look Of Peace Began To



While The Prayer Had Been Going On,  Tennelly,  With His Little Girl In

His Arms,  Had Slipped Silently Into The Room And Stood With Bowed Head

Looking With Anguished Eyes At The Wreck Of The Beautiful Girl Who Was

Once His Wife.


Suddenly,  As If Alive To Subtle Influences,  Gila Opened Her Great Eyes

Again And Looked Straight At Tennelly And The Baby! A Dart Of

Consciousness Came Into Her Gaze And Something Like A Wave Of Anguish

Passed Over Her Face. She Made A Piteous,  Helpless Movement With The

Little Jeweled Hands That Lay Limply On The Coverlet,  And Murmured One

Word,  With Pleading In Her Eyes:




Courtland Had Ceased Praying And The Room Was Very Still Till Bonnie,

Just Outside The Door,  Began To Sing,  Softly:


     "Rock Of Ages,  Cleft For Me,

      Let Me Hide Myself In Thee!

      Let The Water And The Blood

      From Thy Riven Side Which Flowed

      Be Of Sin The Double Cure,

      Save Me From Its Guilt And Power!"

Chapter 35 Pg 198

Suddenly Little Doris,  Who Had Been Looking Down,  With Wondering Baby

Solemnity On The Strange Scene,  Leaned Forward And Pointed To The Bed.


"Pitty Mamma Dawn As'eep!" She Said,  Softly; And With A Groan Tennelly

Sank With Her To His Knees Beside The Bed. Courtland,  Kneeling A Little

Way Off,  Spoke Out Once More:


"Lord Jesus,  The Saviour Of The World,  We Leave Her With Thy Tender



As If A Visible Sign Of Assent Had Been Asked,  The Setting Sun Suddenly

Dropped Lower,  Touching Into Blazing Glory The Golden Cross On The

Church,  And Threw Its Reflection Upon The Wall At The Head Of The Bed

Just Over The White Face Of The Dead.


The Baby Saw And Pointed Once Again. "Pitty! Pitty! Papa,  See!"


The Sorrowing Father Lifted His Eyes To The Golden Symbol Of Salvation,

And Courtland,  Standing At The Foot Of The Bed,  Said,  Softly:


"I Am The Resurrection And The Life: He That Believeth In Me,  Though He

Were Dead,  Yet Shall He Live."





The End







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