» Erotic » Slave-Girl of the Dragon Rider, Lisa Skydla [mobile ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Slave-Girl of the Dragon Rider, Lisa Skydla [mobile ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Lisa Skydla

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Sinja’s hand with an encouraging nod, but the nomad just looked around, as she was wearing nothing under her current clothes, and was embarrassed to so present herself, despite her master holding her naked in his arms last night. With the same realisation, a gleeful grin crossed Artyom’s face, but disappeared again so quickly she wasn’t sure she hadn’t imagined it, and with a resigned sigh she reached for the straps which held her blouse, but was gently restrained. “Go to the next room, Darina will help you” ordered her master, the grin now clearly apparent.
Sinja went into the adjoining room together with the older woman to change. The other slave looked her over, inspecting, nodding in satisfaction. “Fits like a glove darling, we don’t need to alter anything” declared Darina softly. “Thank you very much, but I really could have sewn it myself, please let me know beforehand next time” Sinja requested. The seamstress shook her head indignantly. “That’s completely out of the question as long as the master has assigned this task to me; and as far as I can see, he won’t be giving you any servant’s tasks” the seamstress replied, with a wink. The nomad had been afraid of something like that, but tried not to let it show, quickly putting her skirt and blouse over her arm and walking quickly with Darina back to their master. Artyom looked her over closely, and also nodded in equal satisfaction. “You have it just right Darina, for which you have my thanks. We are going to the market, is there anything you need?” he enquired kindly. The older woman pondered a moment before shaking her head. “No, we have everything, and besides, you’re so generous, if there is anything we can just go and get it ourselves” Darina replied with a smile. Sinja looked at the floor, so she was the only one who was not allowed to leave the palace. The realisation struck her hard; didn’t he believe she would keep her word? Did he think she would be so crazy to as to run away into the hands of a zjerta or, even a dugie?
Artyom brought her back to his bedroom and put a black, leather collar on her. It sidled delicately around her neck, but strengthened her gloomy suspicions; so far she had not seen anyone else wearing such a restraint. She struggled with her concerns as they made their way to the market, going barefoot with lowered gaze beside her master, who had taken her hand again. Tenderly he helped her into the waiting sedan, then climbed in after her and closed the door. As they began to move, he took her under her chin and forced her to look him in the eyes. “If I remember correctly, I ordered you to forget the behaviour that was beaten into you and look me in the face” he reminded her, gently. “Yes master, only it’s unfortunately not that easy” she admitted. Again he gazed at her so intently that Sinja wondered whether he really could read her mind. “I cannot allow lies. Do not think there is no punishment in my house” he warned her quietly. “But I’m not aware of any guilt, master” Sinja replied, but her cheeks turned treacherously red. “So you want to tell me you did not look at me because that is what you have been taught? There was no other reason?” Artyom delved deeper. Embarrassed, she tried to avoid his gaze, but he held her chin adamantly. “Tell me” he demanded, hard. “When Darina told you nothing was needed because she could buy anything herself, I realised I’m the only one who’s imprisoned here” she exclaimed sadly. Laughing softly Artyom closed his eyes and shook his head, looking back to her a second later. “You are not a prisoner, and you can also leave the palace, however, only when you know the rules. At the moment it is simply too dangerous for you to go out alone without an escort” her master explained quietly. He let go of her chin and instead carefully put a hand on her cheek. Seeking security she snuggled into his warm fingers; this innocent tenderness was immensely beneficial for her tortured soul. “Please master, may I ask something, even if it may sound ungrateful?” she asked as he took his hand away again. “You may ask me anything you like” he encouraged. “Why is the balcony door in my room locked?” she enquired. “I would be so happy to get a little fresh air now and then.” “That is also for your safety. Today we will buy some veils; on the balcony you can be seen by the citizens, and they will not accept a slave being there, even a concubine cannot show themselves in such a way, that is reserved, and only for a wife” he said, looking at her quite earnestly. Sinja nodded understandingly, but widened her eyes a moment later at the thought. He was granting her the rights of a wife, but she could never hold that position.
“Let us change the subject. You just lied to me and I cannot accept that” he informed her. She immediately went pale and swallowed hard, and had to take a deep breath. “You hold all rights over me, and it is also true that I didn’t tell the truth so as not to annoy you” she admitted bravely. A faint smirk crossed his face, revealing his appreciation. “I am going to have to punish you, but there will be plenty of time for that later. First you have to learn to trust me” he informed her, somehow contradictingly, and his tone brought out goose bumps all over her, but not however from fear.
The sedan was put down and her master carefully helped her from the chair, then took her to the cobbler’s market stall. “How may I serve you today my lord?” asked the shoemaker pleasantly, grinning at Artyom. “Greetings Yegor, all is well with you?” the dragon rider returned the trader’s greeting. “Thanks to your help, we’re fine. The healer has continued to help my wife, and she will return to complete health, for which I stand deeply in your debt” replied the trader with a beaming smile. Artyom dismissed any thanks with a slight shake of the head. “Please Yegor, it is not worth mentioning. I need shoes for Sinja here, a pair matching her current clothing, some elegant shoes she can wear to a ball, and some good solid boots” the dragon rider specified, quickly changing the subject.
The shoemaker nodded, beaming at his lord; this job would secure his income for several months. Even though the shoemaker was deeply indebted, Artyom insisted on paying him for the goods. Yegor would have even fought for Artyom; his wife would have died had it not been for him. When he had told Artyom his wife was seriously ill, but lacked the money to pay a healer, Artyom had responded immediately. Without thinking of his reputation or his own health, he had gone with Yegor to his house, called for a healer, and paid him in advance.
“If you sit my lady, then I can fit the desired shoes” the trader requested courteously. Her master nodded to her and she obeyed so the man could do his job. Within a short time the various shoes were fitted, Yegor even taking her preferences into account, Artyom only insisting on black leather for the pair matching the slave’s uniform. When the shoemaker was finished the dragon rider tenderly helped his slave stand up. Fortunately, the shoemaker had suitable goods in stock, and so put them in a bag, which one of the bearers immediately carried off to the sedan. She kept the simple slippers on however, watching the young man with surprise; she had not noticed him until that moment. “Shouldn’t I take the purchases to the sedan myself?” she asked of her master uncertainly, who immediately shook his head. “No, you are not a slave, even if you have to play one for a while. Forget everything those bastards taught you” Artyom whispered to her. Without waiting for an answer he took her hand again and brought them to a market stall displaying various fabrics. Testing, he put a hand over a bale of white silk, then lifted the cloth and laid some of it over her shoulder, doing the same with a bale of pale blue silk. Satisfied, he nodded and sent both bales to the sedan. He still needed a heavy red velvet, some white cotton, various veils, and silver and royal blue satins. The blue satin matched the colour of her eyes perfectly, and would suit her enchantingly. Completely overwhelmed, she looked at the fabrics from which Darina and some other women should sew clothes for her. “Thank you master” she whispered, her expression glowing. Artyom again took her chin, lifting her face until she was looking into his eyes. “I will take my reward later” he muttered huskily. She could see that he had to control himself not to kiss her, and with this realisation she suddenly felt rather hot, with a tingling in her midriff. For a moment she sank into his grey eyes, and the world around her faded away; there was so much tenderness in his eyes Sinja had to catch her breath. “Come, you still need a few other things” he interposed suddenly, destroying the moment of magic. Regretfully he let go of her chin and took her by the hand once more, taking her to a market stall selling underwear where he acquired some practical pieces, but also two delicate ensembles of white lace, which revealed far more than they concealed. Sinja was almost dizzy from the quantities he was buying for her, as well as the amounts he was spending, without even batting an eyelid. She gave him a grateful look and expected they would be going back now, but he was already heading in a different direction. “I know how women appreciate perfumes, creams and soaps” he told her with a wink. “Please master, you’ve already spent so much on me” she pleaded trying to stop him, but Artyom only shook his head.
The remaining purchases included two more bars of valuable soap, a flask of heady scent, and a cream which made her skin silky smooth. Sinja stared at the collection, stunned, as she sat back in the sedan. She had not possessed so many things at once in her entire life, and at the moment it felt as if she was in a dream. Artyom sat next to her putting an arm around her shoulders. “It is only a fraction of what I would like to give you, but I think it is enough for one day” he said quietly. She looked at him incredulously; he was behaving more and more like a lover, like a husband. She timidly kissed him on the cheek, whispering “thank you master.”
Before she could lean back again his arms snaked around her and pulled her closer to him. “I claim the first instalment right here and now” he whispered, then sank his lips onto hers, his right hand supporting the back of her neck, ensuring she could not evade him as his mouth took possession of hers, the tip of his tongue stroking tenderly over her lips, which parted with a quiet gasp, and he penetrated immediately. A firework of feelings again exploded in her head; her thoughts were swirling, and an involuntary moan of arousal escaped her. His lips pressed down, with his hand still behind her neck, his tongue sliding over hers, teasing, leading, filling her mouth with his taste. She finally gave herself over entirely into his passionate kiss, closing her eyes, immediately feeling him so much more intensely, moaning softly, and
“We’re here, master.”
The voice of one of the bearers suddenly came through into her consciousness, and reluctantly Artyom moved away from her.
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