» Erotic » Dirty Erotic Oneshots, Mistress_ Red [autobiographies to read txt] 📗

Book online «Dirty Erotic Oneshots, Mistress_ Red [autobiographies to read txt] 📗». Author Mistress_ Red

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Dan cried out as his orgasm hit with a force unlike anything he'd ever experienced before. He thrust forward as his cock exploded deep inside the genie's pussy, immediately flooding her with an ocean of cum. His cock was shooting in long, intense spurts, and he could feel the cum racing out of his big balls and up his shaft to spew out of the end of his cock.


The genie could feel his cock throbbing and pumping inside her pussy as it filled her up with cum. After the third long spurt Dan pulled out of the genie's pussy to finish shooting his load all over her stomach and breasts. She quickly grabbed his spurting, shooting cock with both hands and pumped it, squeezing the cum out of him.


He came over and over again, shooting stream after stream of hot, thick cum all over the genie. By the time he finally finished cumming, the genie's breasts and stomach were covered with long, thick streams of white cum. She continued pumping and squeezing his cock with her hands until the last drop slipped out of the tip and dropped down onto her stomach.


Then, finally, she felt Dan's mammoth cock begin to soften. She let it slip out of her hands to plop down onto her mound as Dan sat back to catch his breath. She was covered with cum, and he was covered with sweat.

"So," Dan panted, "how was that? Did we do it?" he asked, and the genie's smile answered his questions before she spoke.

"We sure did! I came five times back-to-back, and came a total of twenty-two times!" The pleasure was evident on her face as she spoke. "But how about you? How long did you stay hard? I kind of lost track, the way you were fucking me!"

"I glanced at the clock right before you sat down on me. According to the clock, we went at it for an hour and ten minutes!" 

The genie smiled in response. "Like I said, Master, I can guarantee my results!"

"You certainly can!" Dan replied. "Now I guess we ought to get cleaned up, huh? I've made quite a mess all over you!"

"My God, I've never seen so much cum! But please, allow me!" the genie said, and snapped her fingers. Instantly they were both clean, dry, and fully clothed; Dan was sitting on the couch in the living room and the genie was standing in front of him, hands on her hips, a big grin on her face.

"Master, I must will your three wishes grant you fame and fortune? I can see how it would draw women to you, but I don't understand how the fame and fortune will happen."

"Simple, genie. I'm going to become a porn star. With equipment like this, I can't go wrong!"

"No, you certainly can't!" she said, moving over to sit next to him on the couch. "You sure gave me the fucking of my life, and I've been around for a very long time!"

"Speaking of being around for a long time, what will you do now? Do you have to leave right away, or can you stay for a while?" Dan asked.

"Why, Master, if I didn't know better, I'd say you were asking me to stay here with you!"

"Well, would that be so bad?" Dan asked, blushing a bit.

She smiled at him as she said, "No, Master, I don't think it would be bad at all. Actually, I think it would be rather fun! On one condition, of course," she said, putting a finger to her bottom lip in mock thought.

"And what condition would that be?" Dan asked. The genie looked at him out of the corner of her eye as she replied.

"On the condition that you use that big cock of yours on me like you just did any time you want!"

"That's gonna be a lot," Dan said, smiling at her.

"Would that be so bad?" she asked, smiling.

"No, I don't think it would!" Dan replied.

"Say, Master, would you like to see the inside of my lamp?" she asked, her eyes lighting up at the thought of getting him onto her very own round bed and not letting him up until they'd set another new record or two.

"Can we get out when we want to?" Dan asked.

"Sure we can! Only a curse can keep me in there, and I don't think you're going to put a curse on me, are you?"

"Certainly not!"

"Good! Then let's go!" she said, and snapped her fingers.

With a flash and a puff of smoke they were gone, the scent of jasmine hanging in the air of the now-empty room, soft laughter coming from the lamp on the floor.

n o n c o n s e n s u a l



It wasn't auspicious for a relationship; he wasn't quite...right.

Not that there was anything wrong with him per se, because there wasn't. We had met online through one of those dating apps; he was sweet and funny and intelligent.


Normally he would have been perfect, but I needed something...more. I enjoyed the relationship, but it was nearing six months and I knew he was getting impatient to take things to the next level. He never said it, but I could tell, and I just wasn't feeling it.


It was supposed to be a break-up dinner actually. The plan was to have a light meal and let him down gently, but I had a meeting to run late and had to cancel. When he suggested we meet at my place—he'd cook and we would have a quiet evening in—I didn't have the heart to say no. 


He was enthusiastic about it, and the promise of not having to cook or order out was too much of a temptation. So while I finished up some paper work he stopped by for my key and, with a quick peck in the cheek, was off to get started.

I sighed. I would just have to do it tomorrow instead.

The drive to my house seemed longer than usual that evening. My house sits just outside of city limits, in a more rural part of the county. Normally I enjoyed the drive, just me and my thoughts while I decompressed, but I felt a twinge of guilt as I pulled into the drive and saw his truck sitting there. Tomorrow, I told myself. I would tell him tomorrow, but tonight I was going to enjoy a meal I didn't cook and an evening of good company.

The house smelled heavenly when I opened the door, roasted meat and spices with a tang of citrus, causing my stomach to rumble.

"Smells delicious!" I called, kicking off my heels at the door and dropping my keys in the bowl on the stand. "I'm going to shower if I have time."

"Be done in about twenty." I heard his voice from the kitchen before he leaned around the doorframe, a strange expression on his face. His typically relaxed, open features seemed a little strained, his smile a little tight.

He knows, I thought with an inward grimace. He knows I was going to break things off with him today, and he's upset. Ughh. I hated making people upset.

"Are you alright?" I had to ask, to see how he was taking this. I didn't want to hurt him, but if things weren't working... well, it was better this way. He didn't answer, just arched his eyebrow at me and pointed a sauce-coated spoon down the hallway as a silent gesture to get going.

The shower was lovely, the heat soothing. It took a little longer to get my hair dry than usual, but eventually I emerged, wrapped in my fluffy bathrobe since I had left my evening clothes in my bedroom.

He startled me as I left the bathroom. For some reason I hadn't expected him to be there, I thought he'd still be in the kitchen and his sudden appearance caused me to jump slightly. He seemed a little tense, imposing. His expression made me uneasy. He looked almost predatory.

"Oh! Just give me a minute and I will be dressed. Is dinner ready then?"

He didn't respond, just watched me with a slight smirk. My pulse picked up as I tried to reason through his strange behavior. Perhaps it was the bathrobe—I needed to get dressed ASAP—so I edged forward toward my bedroom. The door I saw was slightly open. I frowned at it as I padded forward. I was sure I closed it when I left that morning. I always did.

A few more steps and I pushed the door completely open, stepping inside. Everything looked fine, except...The bottom drawer of the nightstand was open.

I felt a stab of panic. Oh no. That's where I kept...things. Personal things. Personal things I didn't want people to see... especially the boyfriend I was on the verge of dumping.

My intent was to turn around and ask if he had been in my bedroom—what kind of person snoops through someone's home while they're gone?—but just as I registered the thought to do so, I felt him behind me. So close I could smell the faint lingering scent of aftershave.

I stiffened, wary. Waiting. He was making me nervous, even more so since his discovery of my secret. I wasn't sure what he was going to do—confront me? Call me a freak or threaten to expose me to my family, friends, colleagues?

But he just leaned down until his breath was in my ear and whispered, "You have three minutes for find a way out of this house. Find it and I will walk away without a word. If I catch're mine."

I shivered involuntarily, feeling the color drain from my face. Not only had he found out, he'd set a trap. For a second I stayed frozen, a whir of emotions and thoughts as his words settled.

One exit. Three minutes. His if I failed. Tingling flush spreading through my body, turning my face pink and causing a faint dampness in my nether regions.

Oh god. I was not getting aroused by this.

I was sure he wouldn't actually hurt me if I refused. I could deny his terms, tell him I didn't want to play along. I wasn't sure what the options would be from there—would he leave? Would we sit down to dinner and pretend nothing happened?

Would I want that?

These thoughts collided in the space of seconds. He continued to watch me, waiting on me to reach my decision. I could refuse or I could accept his terms...knowing what the outcome would be if I were caught.

My decision must have shown on my face, because he smiled wickedly at me.

I did the only thing I could do at that point.

He was taller than me

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