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moved to move with them. These have value to them that money can’t ever buy.

When you, as a witch, wizard or mage, dedicate yourself to a particular deity, as your will and word should be unbreakable, they would be well applied to your master of choice. Give as you would get. A few prayers or chants are only lip service, give them something of the substance of life, if you ever expect to see them get so inclined to you and yours. Give them a fair reason. In this is the wisdom of deity. One can NEVER learn to embrace the spiritual, by clinging to the material.  The universe simply does not operate that way.

The Soulless...

    We've spoken at some length about spirituality here, and now we should address what is seen on the other end of that spectrum.  Most will question the need for such things.  It is not that they are trivial things.  It is only a reflection of how blind they have become to everything around them.


Excerpt from Don Henley's "The Garden of Allah"...

"It was a pretty good year for platitudes.

The market place was on a roll.

The Land of Opportunity,

spawned a whole new breed of men without souls."

      I remember as a boy, my grandma warning me about the "sleepwalkers".  To us that meant most "muggles" or non-witches.  These were people who were dressed up, and walking around shopping, and holding down jobs, and going to church regularly, and so on.  You could approach them and even talk to them:  but they only saw or heard what they were dreaming of and not who or what was directly in front of their faces.  Essentially, I was warned that if I did too much to awaken them in the middle of their american dreams that it could be very traumatic for them.  I've actually seen muggles go into fetal positions when confronted with things we already understood for centuries.

      Over the years and decades, more and more of you have been waking up, and this has given me no end of hope and jubilation.  I can talk about nearly anything to most of you now and get some thoughtful and intelligent conversation.  I'm no longer so alone as I once was in this world.  Even I'm learning things everyday that I wasn't aware of previously.  That's been a real blessing even though a certain amount of sorrow comes with it.

      With all the talk of this "zombie apocalypse" and new terms like "sheeple" I'm noticing more and more that *some* people are not simply "asleep" anymore:  they are truly soul-less.  Having gone through an MK Ultra program sponsored by the Rockefeller Eugenics Group and being a tall, nordic blond with a genius IQ, I've gotten way too much of their filthy doctrine labeling other races as "sub-humans" and for all the fine african american friends and family I've accumulated over the years:  I've learned to despise the very thought of someone as being "not human enough" because of their races or ethnicities. 

     The "sub-humans" to my thinking, have become the elitist, inbred monsters that spent millions engineering my life for me.  I *know* what it means to break the shackles and become FREE, so I have more in common with my friends of color than my former masters I share blood with.  I can relate to and respect that quality in them.  They have endured and overcame so much, like a "superior" type of race can and should do.  Credit where credit is due!

      But these soul-less types aren't fully as "human" as we find ourselves to be and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with anyone's race or ethnicity!  It has been bred and conditioned into their gene pools regardless of what bloodlines they come from and for generations.  Please don't take this as me promoting some "supermen" propoganda for anyone.  I've been "on the outside, looking in" with society my whole life.  I've *wanted* inside for many years and eventually found I was much safer and saner without.  But I watch people and listen and study them all of the time.  I'm sharing my observations, that you may or may not agree with, and as awake and intelligent fellow human beings.  I invite your own observations and thoughtful critique.

      Here is my case for "soul-less people":  Where ever you happen to live, shop or work; I invite you to watch, listen and take note of what you see and hear from people of every sort.  Some, you will find are awake and aware, at least to some extent.  They'll learn more and more as time goes on.  Some are pre-programmed by school, TV, propogandized news and such, but have some inkling of awareness and as you try to point out the discrepancies in their knowledge, you can see the little "light coming on" and they gradually begin to adapt to the new knowledge and eventually awaken too. 

     But there's another type out there, that I find *very* frightening and abhorent:  No souls of their own that I can find no matter how long and hard I look at them.  They have no awareness of anything that does not come off their versions of corrupt news or TV.  When they initiate ANY kind of conversations they are filled with 'catch phrases' from TV and advertisements.  Their speech is ONLY about what they saw on TV recently, sports (fanatically so), celebrities and they also show no consciousness what-so-ever of what their elected officials have actually DONE as what they SAID they would do.


     Even when it's been a blatant and evil lie and obvious to anyone "awake".  They never see the reality in front of them as they see it through the lens of the programming they have received and are totally resistant to it no matter how blatantly the real facts stand out.  Ever!  They buy precisely what they are told they cannot live without on TV or advertisements and will be among the first to be in line to get some when it comes out.  It doesn't matter even if a team of "honest" doctors prove it to be full out POISON...they will suck down their diet sodas like it was drugs to a junkie and in LARGE quantities.  They never actually LOSE any weight, but they are told they will so they believe they are as long as they injest the poison along with their treats.  Not to suggest they are all obese people either.  Some will be skinny as skeletons and still follow their programming to their own sad deaths. 

     I have always been a scholar of very old books.  A hundred years ago an ad would describe the merchandise and what it would do.  NOW, an ad only tells you how much happier, healthier and etc. you will be if you buy one now.  I've watched ads promoting drugs that I had no idea of what they did, except to ask my doctor if it was right for me.  See the devil in the details yet?  I can go on and on with the symptoms of this soullessness, but whatever tiny fraction of a soul they may or may not have: they are RULED and controlled by an "oversoul" of a sort and it can be easily traced to it's source:  Follow their money to where they faithfully spend it. 

It is not "nice" or "kind" to refer to these as "sub-human" and maybe a term like "extremely gullible" would work except for the fact that unless you are the "master" they've been obeying their whole lives: all the sense you can make will not matter one iota.  They are like corn fed cattle, bred for the slaughter house and their ONLY choices is to enter through the right hand or left hand doors to their own demise.  But I thoroughly recognise the "oversoul" (ubermensch is also a term used) from all the eugenic, nazi doctrines I've heard from childhood from my former nazi pediatricians courtesy of Project Paperclip and MK Ultra.  It isn't just "race" anymore, it's "class warfare". 

     On the corner from my grandmother's house, where  I lived in as a boy, was a house used by Harriet Tubman's Underground Railroad for freeing slaves.  She once said she had helped free a lot of slaves, and that she would have freed even more of them, except they didn't know they were slaves.  I see the monster masters have developed a better whip and chains.


Demonology 101

Originally, this treatise on Demonology got published on (no longer available) when a certain problem came up among our numbers.  This was written to give some of the novices some kind of idea of what was happening at that time:

Yikes! This thing going on with Laura (among all too many others) is precisely what I mean when I warn beginning witches or wannabe’s against invocations of odd spirit types.In Laura’s case, it’s a little different as she’s only a novice witch at this point. She’s a blood relation to these things and doesn’t have a whole world of choice as to who decides to drop in for a visit. I’ve had similar through out my childhood.

For some children, they are their “imaginary friends”, for others they are “mentors”. They teach us the things we need to know about ourselves and what rules we can break and what we must keep (sort of). The degree of deception and manipulation a demon is capable staggers the imagination. It’s not always a painful, guilt ridden experience, but always seems to eventually end up that way, depending upon the situation. I thought I might turn this into a “learning experience” since the cat was out of the proverbial bag.

Take Shabriri, for instance. As a child, both I and my Grandma believed he was my Sidhe mentor. It had never occurred to us to look him up in a book on demonology, as this was never anything we dabbled in. Ever. Perhaps he *was* genuinely Sidhe and chose that other side of things. It gets very confusing because, as I have said before, the only real differences between angelic, demonic and fae is their personal politics. Everybody serves somebody in some way. We may believe ourselves to be entirely independent, but that doesn’t mean that one side or the other isn’t manipulating us to their own ends. If that’s not enough to confuse you, there’s the shape shifting abilities that many of these possess.

Some are predominantly male, some female and some androgynous or neither… but that doesn’t mean they can’t be very convincing as the other genders. Then there’s the problems with names. There’s the secret name that they are known by God, which no one must ever know or they will

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