» Esotericism » Proccesses, John Love [ebook reader screen txt] 📗

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who is 10,000 years old at least, since she is the One who Tilted the Earth on it’s polar axis and Shifted the Hyperborean Continent to the now Antarctica which was frozen in ice by Boreas the north wind.


For the past 9,000 years since the Hot Gates, the 2 million Gods of the Hyperborean Continent fled to safety, using taking up prominent social roles in favor humanity, and the Hunting traditions continued from Atlantis to Sparta, to Germany, to Britain, and America.

At Ironclad, Death was defeated and forced too Reincarnate, too take Mystic Possession while In the Void which Moves through the air and takes Possession of human bodies In the victims Unconscious Mind, Adolf Hitler.

The Hunting tradition Hunting at 4 was also Coincided as a new race.


For 9,000 years, humanity in every religion apart of the monomyth, was told about my Arrival, the Arrival from Sorcery of ‘the boy that had been born’.

Christianity, India, Tibet, Sorcery, all were told of the Arrival ‘the boy that had been born’.


Before I was born a Newborn Sorcerer In the Unconscious Mind, a White Form, similar too Consciousness, the warcriminals had already done what Adolf Hitler and his henchmen did, the warcriminals had to wait because of what my Father did Causing a Newborn Magickal Child with a Lord Kalki Construct In the Mode Pages.

My grandfather was Coincided, so was my dad named Jon Edwin Love (he was a sergeant during the Vietnam war), all from civilization was merged into a complete overlapping mythological whole.


In my early years, after my grandparents were Manipulated away with moveing back to Arkansas nearby where my grandfather was born, I asked if there is a book, too my grandmother, which explained the creation of the universe, she said yes, but I never found the book.

Thankfully my grandmother read too me when I was a young boy.

I also watched TV episodes.


Since the Sinking of Atlantis, and the Tilting of the world, whose Hyperborean changed position, I was expected before birth, and relatives mine who were there studying geneology were there for my birth.


Thousands of years, and centuries went by.

Eventually time caught up, and the Indian Nagas (Reptilians) were Caused from Father Sorcerer’s Sorcery, that Death Stole and Gained Powers from.


The Oversoul Krishna made a deal with the Father Sorcerer too Amplify Lord Kalki Avatar Construct.

Lord Kalki is also known as Jesus the Christ, Combined, Krishna as an Oversoul, would Merge the two too a brand new Oversoul.


Death went to prison deliberately and smuggled my grandfather in, now known for decades as pop rudely as he is nicknamed.


The same war criminals, Controlling our lives, showed up while I was a child, after my grandfather had been in prison for decades on false imprisonment charges, because he was manipulated to pour water down upon a higher military rank so my grandfather was smuggled into prison and surprised the same Terrorist was deliberately in my grandfathers’ prison cell.


My grandfather had his Hunting tradition and race passed down from him, since that is the truth James Oscar Love, Arnold’s dad, also went Hunting at 4.

Hunting at 4 is either a newer race, or older race and hunting tradition.

All my grandfather’s ancestors, and his dad, back to England and Britain practiced Hunting at 4 tradition passed down through the Love surname for centuries, also since William the conqueror who knew that I would be born 1,000 years ago.


My grandfather Arnold was stationed in the Army for 40 years, there in service somewhere he met the Deployer Special Forces U.S. Green Berets.

The African Deployer knew that I would be born 40 years ahead of time and so he also told my grandfather who waited and watched.

And eventually the time for my birth came.

I was born to Doris and Jon Edwin Love 1982 during the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius.

Eventually my grandfather Arnold and our family was Manipulated back to Arkansas which is claimed to Terrorism as one of the least intelligent states, the opposite is also one the least intelligent states is Missouri, they are like Missouri Persia, Arkansas Greece Sparta.


During those ordinal series time periods the Emperor of America was captured, raised, and Coincided with me John Love, Supernaturally, from Sorcery, his parents were told he would never know their name.

Eventually the human bodies were murdered and Reincarnated Coinciding with Death’s Goals to end all life on Earth, the body damage claimed irreparable, one corpse buried with dogs in the vicinity, one corpse eaten, and one corpse broken apart by tapeworms and hookworm shredders in the septic tank which was placed inside beneath the building so nobody saw anything so the Terrorists could get away with their crimes and war crimes.

Usually nobody knows, nobody can solve it, and nobody cares, and those are all the war criminals rely upon too get away with their war crimes.


Shambala the Purple Mystic Light Form was also Manipulated too Rise Up In my Unconscious Mind, he later disappeared.

The whole of what Adolf Hitler searched for in the favor of Death was Coincided with what is today termed the Destruction of an It.


More than 465 comic books were read by me, a hundred Manpulated too be read only by Dom a child of Death.

Books, acting careers, and movies, are usually Coincided and studied also, as also through people Designated too study the new pathologies war criminals.

Since Conway Arkansas at 219 Caney Creek Road which since then burned down, the war criminals first from the caves came to torture my grandfather and grandmother, after the black African war criminals snuck in through their back bed room window.

Michael Myers Halloween Portland Oregon made a deal with Druidry and Native America that he would kill, Guided by me the Real One for Jason X Cyborg named Uber Jason, is just Controlling Jason Voorhees with Mysticism and a Higher Predestiny which Places Jason Under Control too be Used too keep him defending his mommy who he had to defend to young he committed murder which left his estranged and enraged a psychopath driven by a White Horse.

White Horse the Sorcerer was Coincided by my Father decades ago Coinciding when I was age 13 after my Thoughts Requested Those, including Rob Zombie’s Halloween, Halloween 2, Pitch Black, Dark Fury, The Chronicles of Riddick, 300 character Leonidas, Alexander movie with Brad Pit, 305 allowed by my Father after he Reincarnated named Mark Twight, Spawn the Dark Ages Comic book, and Hellraiser:Bloodlines, and more.


At age 5 I was reading about UFOs, and the Bermuda Triangle.

At age 5 the Mind is Born for that lifetime.

I Remember the Transmigration of the Soul (Away from a white skinned man on a hospital bed) which seemed empty minded, but always fill your Soul up with thoughts and then the Mind was born reading too myself the newspaper.


When I was in Middle School I Experienced the Eye and the Triangle, and the Entity’s Mind with Watching Sun Rays which around and spiraled towards the Sight of the Entity between the ground and the clouds.


Some high school students thought I was smart, and I had that reputation with some of the teachers.

I was expelled in the 10th grade, attempted to be home schooled after that, but instead continued from age 13 Civil Air Patrol (CAP).


It is difficult in my older years now to write this stuff down, but 36 should be young enough, and intelligent enough.


At age 19 I Experienced a Red Presence.

Years later I could See the Red Intent what people mean too themselves.


At age 13 I also studied High Magick and Druidry.

At age 15 I remember recieveing letters from Donald Michael Kraign, after reading his Modern Magick, also further correspondences happened with the Ordo Templi Orientis and Argentium Astrum.

In my late teens I was going to college at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, the early more comprehensive studies, also of interests at home such as the occult, quantum, etc, rounded out and allowed me to write in notepads keeping a record of every theory and concept, I still have less than half that greater life’s work after KDP terminated 2 amazon paperback accounts and one kindle account, however I have a lot remaining after the natural disaster also, so do everything you can, even if your told is wrong and be right and preserve your life’s work as far as you can like I did that way you something to show for it.

My young childhood hobbies, interests, and learnings in study led me too study the occult and High Sorcery, appropriate since I’m a Sorcerer Heritaged from my grandfather Arnold may Thoth God bless Arnold’s Soul with Immortality and Indestructibility.

So that is how I became a book author, writer, and freelance writer.












This introduction shall be a study in comparison, as traditionally introductions are, too help you the reader follow along in my book for your clearer understanding.

Since time began, the history of the occult, and early academic studies such as those in Greece were the studies and Initiations only of the chosen who have trained minds worthy too communicate Savant intel through the ages with established Secret Societies and their numerous Orders.

Allegory, a understanding of signs with nature, their meanings, and symbolism, are with which is required too understand ancient books, but even then, the reader is many times left too question the Experiences, having never Experienced the same, once Experienced however the allegory’s symbolism and ideogram symbol with a meaning opens up the flood gates much needed to allow a flood for deeper insights and understanding, reflection is genius, and then next more Experiences are allowed and forth coming from those essential Processes.

Through the ages, Magicians and Magickians have attempted to hide their Art, or Craft, in combined symbolical meanings, then came along Agrippa, Francis Barrett’s The Magus, Eliphas Levi Zaheed, and Aliester Crowley, all of whom wanted too make learning the occult and having Experiences more broadly obtainable.

Upgrade movements as they came too be named.

What better than Experiences described by Experiencers?

Only more and more increasingly accurately conveyed esoteric Effects and Experiences.

Allegory and metaphors are logics, with formulae too work the mind with and too use keys too unlock secret formulae’s for deeper insights into the occult traditions each as appropriate.

The only answer the predicament of allegory in the modern world is, as I have done in 166 titles, not without difficulties of every kind, the Experiences as they are Experienced conveyed in books where the subjects are as appropriate the titles of the books.

Where I grew up most people keep this stuff a secret, I’m a member in more than 20 esoteric living traditions which are schools, I’ve always wanted to find books like what I write, I hope you the reader enjoy these studies as much as I have.
























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First I wrote a book, is titled The Gnostic Necronomicon, with the Hollywood skin masked book on the cover, but originally I wanted the Greek word not the English word, but Necronomicon still conveys meaning and is clearer and marketable for now.

In The Gnostic Necronomicon, which originally suffered more than 3,000 grammatical errors, corrected in the 2nd edition, now would require 17 editions, the reason is because over the past 9,000 years the versions have changed for their own unique cultural survival in those countries

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