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a girl falls deeply in love with a guy named Devon but he eds up being imaginary

This was an answer to a question by someone looking in on a discussion I was having on Facebook:

The heaviness of dealing with day to day activity especially being a caretaker can overwhelm at times, yet knowing that through writing and letting go of feelings of anger or sadness with something meaningful as exercising or using creativity can bring about freedoms.

So I was listening to the song beautiful and It got me thinking. So many people are out there struggling with insecurities and self hatred! I just want to take the time to let people know how beautiful they are, because beauty is skin deep and I think everyone deserves to smile :) Don't you?

Tarot Card reader uses the cards to give help to those who heed the cards warnings... Eventually though they all met their own fate regardless of the cards shown.

We get so caught up in the day-to-day business of survival that we strip ourselves of the miraculous happenings all around us. This poem is dedicated to those moments waiting to be noticed.

Allegorical drabbles (short prose of 100 words or less) on the evils that plague Man, told through the senses. Cover photo also by Rue Wayles.

A personal fictional view of what Autumn really means. The revelations of the colors and smells that abound. the intimate knowlege that is there to see and feel.