» Essay » Smile To Win, otteri selvakumar [7 ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Smile To Win, otteri selvakumar [7 ebook reader txt] 📗». Author otteri selvakumar

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care with you more and improvement in self but life is in your hand your life your way it's open to everyone but more people is not understand about this thing the life decide to with others more helps wanted for others and search the way offline what can we do now I was right on the moment your life is target about the improvement is possible bikes hey don't worry about hands is closed at what can we do about think that's people very worst about the day the life is open with hand source in your hand open with source in your hand you like you don't like source is your hand with your hard work your lazy or anyway life is attacking with you about your source is in your hand whatever want you only decide but the people wanted with escort for the Life there life in others hand it is joke?

not a joke a true....

Help help

 The universe is making good anybody want to hands will be come to help each time is your day ready to help her others with you what you want you also others away to help it is for naturally in doing for the universe


 The rain was help the tree and there same time the same and will be you and me the universe also help it so nicely about the problems of the economy is the Founder making of something is break for the live the life is also going on nothing feel free about the universe

Understand the universe of the law the principle of nature to help you with the enjoy your life and take care about with you and emergency cli with principally it's good for you and me but because of play will be in economy in other status you and me at some time in this unnatural about the law of the role play of the money is the content of the help crying for the Suman of people in the hot so hot and hard



And what can we do it is about something we hope everything about in the universe it is a block making for anytime about it take care about with you and me that's all you can understand about with you so this progress of life you'll about don't worry about it with the and money then any anything is it going to progress the others and wanted you it's all a simplified about an universe

You are ready you got its help LPS handing will be haters will be uses for 24 hours for you then you also used for the 24 hours for each others it is making your life in for fun..


But how you are ready to get it and open your branded open was set up of life and open open your life free help you become really so help with you but you are enclosed your life and closed your thoughts and closed your moment the help it did not reach about with you this boy having so much fun...


So detected your word in 24 hours about with life in neural Age 2 moment go away for anything helps will become little bit little bit and big bit so mucj of handnds here ready to help with you if you are wanted that help otherwise you don't want that help you did not got it....

On road on the street

 On the road on the street on the way any said you're working about Abacus anything happened to you so your work about the road at State either way be careful in your life in your inner and Outer with open beautiful big a** go to street also maybe top surrounding dog  is there


Sometime speedly so fast process some vehicles cross with you some cricket boral so come to hit your head inner wear chappals inside some glass pieces also Vikram come to pick and bite your foot


Anything happened at the moment or anything about it so you are walking on the road on street on the way be careful at home also you work become be carefully anytime anything happen at cooking time and you go to bathing time to do anything at the same time on the work also you come became be careful to do your work finish as soon as well be happy and enjoy

Use about

 At work about to home broken with costly items is not a nature naturally sometime will be then understand without carol's despair nurse so done for the broken costly items all about the broken with film over many people but it is not a correct you will be more about the costly items you handled it became a care


About Rich acostly items you will feel free to enjoyable without you carefully and so broken the items so you are costly items also I will tell the small items also using with your carefully and safely safe it but you are busy and careless about items DP broken with missing to you so long so this to do to the castle of the and it's costly and and costly items and your things 



 use always very carefully with anything?

Thanks for



Thanks is not a format you say thanks so much time it is a good for one thing but and understanding the principal at the thanks is not on wanted so thanks relationship build up a respectable communication.



About the life you much so for thanks so many people anything when you see the doctor share your smile about healing with your body just smile to say thanks.



Thanks is not only word it is our honorable of respect the respective taken truly love your communication also move in another step I am just feel real thanks for reading about your self thanks understand.



my thanks about yourself not a fun proofer inner mind communicated with love and mind

About just thanks give so much happy so much queaty

Smile with win


About life in every day everything you will meet him smile. Thesmile is a making to another person too communicate to free about smile meeting about with out wording Castrol about with love what is going on telling just smile is making with a lot of lot people are not understanding about smile you can smile.



I can become the smile your face is nice about it smile without a makeup about the smile was speaking so much about with you and me you smile again starting about nice love understanding to the smile communicate your smile.



I'm feeling about that also you try to smile with others you are sad is don't want for only wanted for your smile your smile is making to you winner of life.



where is your smile where is missing you try to catch try to smile when the life... win the life win...about you with your smile about your worries and sad and angry to with win your self about your smile.



Just smile again my smiles waiting for you...


Publication Date: 11-12-2017

All Rights Reserved

just for you and you

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