» Essay » How to Become Rich, William Windsor [readera ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «How to Become Rich, William Windsor [readera ebook reader txt] 📗». Author William Windsor

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information as follows: PAGE I.

The Grand Table of Vitosophy, consisting of seven columns comprising the Conditions of Life, the Seven Senses, the Temperaments, the Vital Organs, the Functions, the Seven Virtues and the Elements of Happiness arranged in juxtaposition with notes and explanations. In two colors.


The Supplementary Tables of Vitosophy, comprising the Vital Organs and their Indicators, the table of Vices and Consequences. The table of Virtues, Results and Attributes, the table of Temperaments and Colors. The Vitosophical Symbols, their Significance and related colors with notes and explanations. Each Symbol on this page is painted by hand, giving its appropriate color.


Contains a large Phrenological Head with names and Symbols of the Phrenological Areas and Names and Definitions of the corresponding Faculties of Intelligence. In two colors.


The Vitosophist’s Creed. Beautifully printed in two colors in Old English Text and giving the seven articles of belief of the true vitosophist, expressing rationally his belief in and relation to the subjects of God, Life Eternal, Death, Immortality, Evil and Good, the forces of Nature, the practice of the Virtues and the attainment of Happiness. This is a work of Art and is worthy of a place of honor in the library, study or school room. Mailed flat, to any address, securely packed, postpaid. Price One Dollar.

Address Dr. Wm. Windsor, Box 66, St. Paul, Minn.


“Let good digestion wait on appetite, and Health on both.”


Dr. Wm. Windsor


Price per Pound 50 Cents
Prepared and Sold by


Box 66, St. Paul, Minn.
583 Riverside Drive, New York
1426 Fourth Ave. Seattle, Wash.

The Fairy Tale of your youth described the “Sand Man” as the good spirit who brought sleep to your eye-lids. Dr. Windsor has brought restful sleep to thousands by producing a good digestion, without which perfect sleep is impossible.


A Tablespoonful of Purified Sand taken after each meal promotes digestion, disinfects the Alimentary Canal, sweetens the Breath and positively cures Indigestion, Constipation, Chronic Diarrhoea, Summer Complaint and all disorders of the Stomach and Bowels.

This Sand is absolutely pure and
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Drink liberal quantities of pure water for best results.


A Course of Instruction By Mail, Extending Over a Year of Time, Which Makes You Happy, Healthy and Prosperous.

Hundreds of young men and women drag along in comparative poverty and uncongenial occupations and surroundings, because they have never learned how to get away from these conditions. Many others wonder why they never get ahead when they work so faithfully and try so hard. Often the reason of failure is found in some mild form of disease, so mild in fact that it escapes the notice of the sufferer himself. Sometimes it is a wrong personal habit, or some fault of dress or manner which continually destroys the possibility of success.

For a quarter of a century Dr. William Windsor has been the friend and advisor of young men and women in the art of self-improvement. In hundreds of instances of which testimonials are on file, he has in one short interview, set a man on the path of success and a woman in the possession of happiness. He writes a great many long letters to individuals who lay the story of their lives and their struggles before him and solves many of their heart-breaking problems. THE VITOSOPHY CLUB LESSONS are the result of this large experience and are now for the first time presented in the form of a concise course of study in elegantly printed lessons, which are issued in monthly installments of from four to six lessons at a time—a year’s issue covering fifty-two lessons—one for each week of the year. Members of the Vitosophy Club make a practice of taking each lesson as a subject of thought and action for one week, carefully conforming conduct and observation to it for self-improvement and experiment, with wonderfully satisfactory results.


The Elementary and Ethical Lessons Nos. 1 to 27, constitute an excellent elementary instruction in the science of Vitosophy, embracing the basic principles of Genetics, Phrenology and Ethics, and enable the member to acquire a very comprehensive knowledge of the greatest of all educational subjects—Human Character.

The Health Lessons Nos. 28 to 39, cover all the essential instructions necessary to applying the Vitosophical principles of healing, enabling the member to keep himself in perfect Health, and extend his Knowledge to others who ignorantly suffer.

THE LESSONS ON PERSONAL HABITS inculcate the highest form of personal agreeableness and the conditions essential to success. Read the titles of Nos. 40 to 50 which speak for themselves.

The two Financial Lessons at the close of the series contain information which has directly caused the financial success of many prosperous men and women who gratefully attest the value of Dr. Windsor’s advice and counsel.

These Lessons must not be confounded with The Delineation of Character which is furnished by Dr. Windsor in his private interviews with individuals, or by mail from photographs, which is an entirely distinct service. You need the Delineation of your Character to show you your personal weak and strong points, your faults and how to correct them, talents and how to use them; your adaptation in Business, Marriage, Climate and Place of Residence, etc., all of which is based on your personal conditions. Then you should take the Vitosophy Club Lessons to learn the principles of the Science and how to apply them to yourself and others in reading character, healing diseases, and making yourself socially and financially successful.

You can take the Delineation of Character without  the Lessons, or the Vitosophy Club Lessons without the Delineation, but you need both and both are essential to your health, your education, your financial success and your personal happiness.


This splendid course of instruction is sold at Ten Dollars. Delineations of Character are given at various prices, according to what you require.

I. Elementary and Ethical Vitosophy—The Wise Way of Living. The Vitosophy Club. Phrenology. The Elements of Character. Explanation of the Symbolical Head. The Study of Temperament. How to use the Grand Table of Vitosophy. How to use the Supplementary Tables. How to Cure the Poverty Disease. The Cure of Catarrh. The Seven Symbols of Vitosophy. The Seven Commandments. The Vitosophist’s Creed. The Forty-nine Vitosophical Resolutions. Phrenology as an Element in Business Success. Vitosophical Education. Crimes, Criminals and Punishments. The Study of Justice. How Children are Developed into Criminals. Analysis of Love and Friendship. The Value of Song. Dancing as a Means of Physical and Mental Culture. Matrimony or the Selection of Companions. How to Improve Memory.  The Conquest of the Vices. The Individual Flavor. Companionship—The Central Fact in Life. II. Health. How to be Healthy. The Current of Magnetism and How to Control It. Condensed Directions for the Practice of Vitosophy in all Forms of Disease. The Cure of Weak Nutrition. Letter to a Kentucky Editor Afflicted with Indigestion and Constipation. Letter to a Young Lady Supposed to be Afflicted with Tuberculosis. The Cure of Catarrhal Deafness. The Cure of Rheumatism. The Cure of Epilepsy, Fits or Convulsions. The Cure of Consumption. The Cure of Constipation in Infants. Why You Should Eat Sand. III. Personal Habits. Keeping the Body Clean. The Art of Eating. The Art of Bathing. The Art of Sleeping. The Art of Drinking. The Art of Personal Agreeableness. Improvement of Personal Appearance. Improvement of Personal Manners. The Promotion of Comfort. The Harmony of Colors and Persons. The Care of the Nostrils. IV. Financial. Vitosophical Rules for Business Success. The Secret of Salesmanship or Negative and Positive Dollars.

Address Dr. Wm. Windsor, Box 66, St. Paul, Minn.

  Just Published! Send in Your Order!

The New Vitosophical Text Book
“The Solution of the Problem
of Human Life”
According To
Vitosophy “The Wise Way of Living”

This new and attractive volume of about two hundred pages is a complete revision of the Elementary Text Book, formerly sold exclusively at Dr. Windsor’s Class Lectures, to which has been added the complete set of “Vitosophical Health Lessons” which have heretofore been sold at the regular price of ten dollars. The entire work has been reviewed and rearranged, and some parts of the Health Lessons entirely rewritten, bringing the subject matter fully abreast of the latest and best discoveries in the science. It is the design of this work to present a complete elementary instruction in the principles of Vitosophy, especially in its bearings on character study and health culture and the prevention and cure of all forms of disease that do not call for the services of a surgeon.


The Temperaments, Explanation of Electric, Magnetic, Alkali, Acid, Vital, Mental, Motive, Organic Quality. Chapter II.—Definitions of the FACULTIES OF INTELLIGENCE. Chapter III.—The Seven Conditions of Life. The EARTH and its Uses. Chapter IV.—WATER, Rules for Drinking and Bathing. Chapter V.—FOOD, The Vitosophical Law of Diet. Seven Rules for the Selection and Eating of Food. Chapter VI.—COMPANIONSHIP, its uses and abuses. Chapter VII.—MAGNETISM. Complete exposition of the Nature of Electricity and Magnetism according to the System of Genetics. Chapter VIII.—AIR. Correct Principles of Ventilation. Chapter IX.—LIBERTY. Seven Kinds of Liberty essential to Happiness. Chapter X.—THE GIFT OF HEALING. A Complete Exposition of the Functions and their Derangements Causing Disease, and the Vitosophical Remedies. Chapter XI.—NERVOUSNESS. Principal causes and the means of cure and inducement of Dreamless Sleep. Cure of Insomnia. Chapter XII.—THE CURRENT OF MAGNETISM AND HOW TO CONTROL IT. Simple Rules for the treatment of all Diseases not requiring Surgery.

Price $2.00 Postpaid

Address Dr. Wm. Windsor
Box 66 St. Paul, Minn.




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