» Essay » The Elements of Agriculture A Book for Young Farmers, with Questions Prepared for the Use of Schools, George E. Waring [read aloud books TXT] 📗

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Super-phosphate of lime is made by treating phosphate of lime, or the ashes of bones, with sulphuric acid.



Phosphate of lime, as it exists in bones, consists of one atom of phosphoric acid and three atoms of lime. It may be represented as

{ Lime Phosphoric acid { Lime { Lime

By adding a proper quantity of sulphuric acid with this, it becomes super-phosphate of lime; that is, the same amount of phosphoric acid, with a smaller proportion of lime (or a super-abundance of phosphoric acid), the sulphuric acid, taking two atoms of lime away from the compound, combined with it making sulphate of lime (plaster). The changes may be thus represented.

{Phosphoric acid} Super-phosphate Phosphate of lime {Lime } of lime. {Lime} {Lime} Sulphate of lime. Sulphuric acid}

Super-phosphate of lime may be made from whole bones, bone dust, bone-black, or from the pure ashes of bones.

[How should sulphuric acid be applied to whole bones?

What is the necessity for so large an amount of water?]

The process of making it from whole bones is slow and troublesome, as it requires a long time for the effect to diffuse itself through the whole mass of a large bone. When it is made in this way, the bones should be dry, and the acid should be diluted in many times its bulk of water, and should be applied to the bones (which may be placed in a suitable cask, with a spiggot at the bottom), in quantities sufficient to cover them, about once in ten days; and at the end of that time, one half of the liquid should be drawn off by the spiggot. This liquid is a solution of super-phosphate of lime, containing sulphate of lime, and may be applied to the soil in a liquid form, or through the medium of a compost heap. The object of using so much water is to prevent an incrustation of sulphate of lime on the surfaces of the bones, this must be removed by stirring the mass, which allows the next application of acid to act directly on the phosphate remaining.



The amount of acid required is about 50 or 60 lbs. to each 100 lbs. of bones. The gelatine will remain after the phosphate is all dissolved, and may be composted with muck, or plowed under the soil, where it will form ammonia.

[May less water be employed in making super-phosphate from bone dust or crushed bones?]

Bone dust, or crushed bones, may be much more easily changed to the desired condition, as the surface exposed is much greater, and the acid can act more generally throughout the whole mass. The amount of acid required is the same as in the other case, but it may be used stronger, two or three times its bulk of water being sufficient, if the bones are finely ground or crushed--more or less water should be used according to the fineness of the bones. The time occupied will also be much less, and the result of the operation will be in better condition for manure.

Bones may be made fine enough for this operation, either by grinding, etc., or by boiling under pressure, as previously described; indeed, by whatever method bones are pulverized, they should always be treated with sulphuric acid before being applied to the soil, as this will more than double their value for immediate use.

Bone-black is chiefly used by manufacturers of super-phosphate of lime, who treat it with acid the same as has been directed above, only that they grind the black very finely before applying the acid.



[What other forms of bones may be used in making super-phosphate of lime?

Why is super-phosphate of lime a better fertilizer than phosphate of lime?

What can you say of the lasting manures?]

Bone ashes, or bones burned to whiteness, may be similarly treated. Indeed, in all of the forms of bones here described, the phosphate of lime remains unaltered, as it is indestructible by heat; the differences of composition are only in the admixture of organic constituents.

The reason why super-phosphate of lime is so much better than phosphate, may be easily explained. The phosphate is very slowly soluble in water, and consequently furnishes food to plants slowly. A piece of bone as large as a pea may lie in the soil for years without being all consumed; consequently, it will be years before its value is returned, and it pays no interest on its cost while lying there. The super-phosphate dissolves very rapidly and furnishes food for plants with equal facility; hence its much greater value as a manure.

It is true that the phosphate is the most lasting manure; but, once for all, let us caution farmers against considering this a virtue in mineral manures, or in organic manures either, when used on soils containing the proper absorbents of ammonia. 



They are lasting, only in proportion as they are lazy. Manures are worthless unless they are in condition to be immediately used. The farmer who wishes his manures to last in the soil, and to lose their use, may be justly compared with the miser, who buries his gold and silver in the ground for the satisfaction of knowing that he owns it. It is an old and a true saying that "a nimble sixpence is better than a slow shilling."


[What are the ingredients of the improved super-phosphate of lime?]

To show the manner in which super-phosphate of lime is perfected, and rendered the best manure for general uses, which has yet been made, containing large quantities of phosphoric acid and a good supply of ammonia,--hereby covering the two leading deficiencies in a majority of soils, it may be well to explain the composition of the improved super-phosphate of lime invented by Prof. Mapes.

This manure consists of the following ingredients in the proportions named:--

100 lbs. bone-black (phosphate of lime and carbon). 56 " sulphuric acid. 36 " guano. 20 " sulphate of ammonia.

[Explain the uses of these different constituents.

What is nitrogenized phosphate?]

The sulphuric acid has the before-mentioned effect on the bone-black, and fixes the ammonia of the guano by changing it to a sulphate.



The twenty pounds of sulphate of ammonia added increase the amount, so as to furnish nitrogen to plants in sufficient quantities to give them energy, and induce them to take up the super-phosphate of lime in the manure more readily than would be done, were there not a sufficient supply of ammonia in the soil.

The addition of the guano, which contains all of the elements of fertility, and many of them in considerable quantities, renders the manure of a more general character, and enables it to produce very large crops of almost any kind, while it assists in fortifying the soil in what is usually its weakest point--phosphoric acid.

Prof. Mapes has more recently invented a new fertilizer called nitrogenized super-phosphate of lime, composed of the improved super-phosphate of lime and blood, dried and ground before mixture, in equal proportions. This manure, from its highly nitrogenous character, theoretically surpasses all others, and probably will be found in practice to have great value; its cost will be rather greater than guano.

We understand its manufacture will shortly be commenced by a company now forming for that purpose.

[What should be learned before purchasing amendments for the soil?

What do you know of silica?]

Many farmers will find it expedient to purchase bones, or bone dust, and manufacture their own super-phosphate of lime; others will prefer to purchase the prepared manure.

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