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>If the cold-hearted does not cry now, he will die.












Chapter 10


A Hymn for the Daughter of Eve


“Earth’s noblest thing, a woman perfected.”





A woman, throughout her life, passes through legions of stages and carries out a myriad of roles. Each role invites a set of trials and codes of conduct that are expected of her. Firstly, she opts for the role of a daughter and a sibling; she has to remain vigilant in her actions, for she knows that even a shadow of her misdeed can cause the name of her family to fall in disrepute. Then, after being tied in wedlock she takes on the role of a spouse; she becomes an engine, without which the household remains in a state of inertia. Eventually, she mothers children and endeavors with all her might to pander to their every whim. A woman’s life is synonymous to a perpetual struggle.

Owing to her biological makeup and fragile build, a woman is labeled as ‘fragile sex’, but it is a bare truth that the amount of physical ordeals and emotional storms a woman goes through, is far beyond the endurance of men. Though women are more sentimental than men, men are emotionally feeble than women; men fragment more easily under emotional exertions than women do.

In many patriarchal societies, men enjoy a regal station and treat women as commoners. It is women who invariably fall prey to honor killings, domestic abuse and forced marriages. It is women who are divested of education and the right to earn. Realization of dreams and aspirations of women to secure a lofty and note-worthy status in society has become far-fetched in wake of male dominance. Women are the primary quarries of sexism; it is evident from the paltry number of women in power positions. Some religions allow more freedom than other, offering women positions of power and scriptural equality with men. The world absurdly misinterprets Islam as rather conservative and patriarchal religion; Islam royally acknowledges the esteemed stature of women in the society and stands as a bulwark against injustices aimed at them. Two chapters of the glorious Quran are particularly dedicated to rights of the women. As per the canons of Islam, women merit the right to attain education and to earn the bread for themselves. As an acknowledgement of women’s role in the governance of household, Islam awards them the title of ‘Rabait-ul-Bait’, ‘The Queen of the House’. Constitution of every democratic state enshrines the rights of women, and holds every citizen equal regardless of sex. Neither religion nor law withholds the rights of women; most of the patriarchal norms in some social settings spring from the men’s fear of losing dominance over women. Just like men, women have the right to choose the husbands they desire; no religion, law or custom deprives women of this inalienable right. In line with the Article 16 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. But it is easier said than done; in some social domains women do not enjoy the choice of husband, and if they divulge their desire for someone, they are branded as unchaste.

Those nations that have shied away from giving women their deserving worth are yet dreaming of prosperity and development. While those where women enjoy a spot under the sun are embarked on a path paved with prosperity and unparalleled development. The underlying reason is that the great measure of almost every state’s population comprises of women. How can a nation proceed forward, if half of its population is deserted behind?

Equality in every aspect is an inalienable right of both men and women. By thrusting women to the margins, a nation digs its own grave. Women, in no way, are less proficient than men. They are creatures of immense eminence and splendor; how can women be of less strength and inferior stature than men, when it is they who give birth to men in the first place.











Chapter 11


Hail the Son of Adam


“We (men) are the miracle of miracles, the great inscrutable mystery of God.”




Since the inception of mankind, male sex has relished in an esteemed status. It is owing to their emotional strength and physical hardiness that has kept them dominant over women, or at times women have pivoted on men for their survival and well-being. In almost every corner of the globe, in every religion, and in every social environ men have been granted the role of sustainer and bread-winner. It is because of such roles that a male child is nurtured with assiduous attention and care, whereas, a female one falls into the shade. However, this should be depreciated, for this serves as a breeding ground for inequality.

A man, whether he is a son, a husband or a father, is encumbered with innumerous obligations. As a son, all eyes anchor upon him to bring honor and fame to the name of his family by securing an elated place in the society. As a spouse and a father, he has to engage in toils to earn bread and butter for his household and to keep the wolf away from the door.

Overabundance of even the good things sometimes yields unwanted results; when a society partials exaggeratedly towards one gender, it automatically looks down upon the other. Awareness of gender equality has proved to be a breath of fresh air, but misuse of feminism in some social climates has devolved men to a forgotten gender. Those female individuals who use “woman card” to get their way done are those who are ruining the essence of women empowerment. Feminism and women empowerment are vitally important elements in every social climate, but sadly, the modern definition of feminism has narrowed down to male bashing in the name of women empowerment. Presently, in some social settings, men when demand their legitimate rights or exercise their rightful authorities, it is irrationally held proportional to misogyny.

Our society paints men as invincible and invulnerable beings and does not expound their problems, for it might amount to disparaging male sex’s mighty image. But in truth, men do tacitly shoulder many problems. Men are also susceptible to domestic violence akin to women, but it mostly manifests as psychological abuse. Many cases that have unfolded recently are enough to corroborate this claim. Though some vile men are often culpable, but in many instances, when faultless men come at the crosshairs of false incriminations of sexual harassment, they have to bear the brunt of humiliation, since in such scenarios, men are not paid much heed and not provided with a ground to vocalize their innocence, on account of which they either fall prey to mental disorders or resort to suicide out of desperation. Men, in many cases, are objects of legal and illegal discrimination. It is men, who make up of most war-deaths; men are more subjected to combat fatalities; men lose custody in almost majority of the divorce cases; men often fall prey to work fatalities; most of the homicide victims are men. Men suffer harsh penalties for the same crimes than women.

Media, in many ways has put forward a vicious image of male sex. There is always a hue and cry about the rights of women, while discussions on male rights are often condoned. Media, whether social media or broadcast media, commends men less for their services and zeroes in more on the stereotypes that project them as sex-obsessed womanizers, misogynistic, incompetent, and savage beings.

Men are crucial cogs in the machinery of a nation. From managing the affairs of the household to the governance of the state, from an employee working in his cubicle to a soldier manuring the ground with his blood, all men merit accolade for the nonpareil services they dispense. I may sound like a broken record, but the omnipresence of equality is the sole remedy to checkmate gender-related problems. Rather than being party to the battle of the sexes, both men and women ought to acknowledge each other on equal footings; men and women are complimentary to each other’s existence; with each other they are rendered whole, and without, they are nothing more than a body without soul.









Chapter 12


A Movement for ‘Movement’


“It is exercise alone that supports the spirits and keeps the mind in vigor.”




As the world is advancing with leaps and bounds with every passing day, simultaneously, the life of an individual of today’s age has become colossally laborious. Given a burgeoning competition in every context, the survival of the fittest has become the order of the day. This lifestyle doubtlessly brought advancement and progress in one’s life, but on the other hand, it also took a heavy toll on the health of individuals. The chief portion of today’s population spends the entire day engrossed in computers, smartphones and other gadgets of the same ilk. As one’s day, from dusk till dawn, is spent perching behind desks, no room for physical activity is left.

Contemporarily, every other person is facing the chill winds of mental health problems. Anxiety, stress, and depression have mushroomed into ubiquitous epidemics. Many people among us silently suffer psychological issues that are not even diagnosable. Almost all stripes of mental health issues emanate from stress and unending cycles of overthinking. We spend too much time in our heads and less in our bodies.

Physical activities, like a magic wand, can do wonders for those braving the excruciating torments of depression. In scientific lingo, when we engage in physical movements, our nervous system promptly releases a protein, namely ‘Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor’ or ‘BDNF’, which protects the brain and forms new neurons in the hippocampus area. In addition to BDNF, torrents of Endorphins are also let loose by the brain which extricates one from the feelings of discomfort and catapults them to a zone of ease. If one cannot afford to indulge in exercise or protracted physical activity, short and brisk walks can contribute to palliating the stress levels to some scale.

Being abreast of the advancing world is dire need of the hour, but doing so at the expense of one’s health is sheer imbecility. Health, especially mental health, is of great preciousness that cannot be bartered with the treasures of the world. Wisdom is in being cautious of one’s health and timely catering to health-related needs, for the joys of life can only be truly savored, if one is hale and hearty.









Chapter 13


Why Am I Here?



“Inaction will cause a man to sink into the slough of despond and vanish without a trace.”

–Farley Mowat




Man, like other inhabitants of the planet, is an animal; but a superior one nonetheless. It is not his upright and evolved posture that grants him superiority but his intellect. It is a man’s faculty of thinking and distinguishing rights from wrongs that lets him eclipse other beasts. In line with many religions, man overshadows heavenly entities/angels by standing on the shoulders of his unmitigated powers and faculties endowed upon him by the author of all existence: God. God singled out man as His vicegerent on the earth. Man, being the flagship of God’s all creation enjoys uncountable entitlements. As man has a freedom of choice, he is inclined to go astray; to preserve him, God has employed many methods to guide him. A series of apostles were sent as exemplars; scriptures were revealed to instruct him to wade through life.

God did not create man in jest without any purpose; if man is bestowed with such unprecedented powers, it is palpable that he certainly has some obligations

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