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He is best known for the groundbreaking science fiction short story, "A Martian Odyssey", which presented a sympathetic but decidedly non-human alien, Tweel. Even more remarkably, this was his first science fiction story (in 1933 he had sold a romantic novel, The Lady Dances, to King Features Syndicate, which serialized the story in its newspapers in early 1934).

These tales are from my school life in Perth,Western Australia, in two schools, since a 9 year old going on for 10 attending Grade 5 in Primary School, all the way through to 3rd Year High School as a 15 year old. The first school was a Catholic convent girls' school. The second school was a senior high school which was a State high school, during my 4th and 5th Years of high schooll. Tales written in this e-book are on some interesting girls I met in the important years of Grade 5 and 7, as