» Fairy Tale » The Sea Fairies, Lyman Frank Baum [i can read with my eyes shut txt] 📗

Book online «The Sea Fairies, Lyman Frank Baum [i can read with my eyes shut txt] 📗». Author Lyman Frank Baum

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wooden leg. “Keep away! Get out, there!” yelled Cap’n Bill. “You’re a ghost, the ghost o’ me that once was, an’ I can’t bear the sight o’ you. Git out!”

“Did you ring jes’ to tell me to git out?” asked the other in a mild voice.

“I—I didn’t ring,” declared Cap’n Bill.

“You did. You pulled that bell cord,” said the one-legged (one or more lines missing here in this edition)

“Oh, did pullin’ that thing ring a bell?” inquired the Cap’n, a little ashamed of his ignorance and reassured by hearing the “ghost” talk.

“It surely did,” was the reply, “and Sacho told me to answer your bell and look after you. So I’m a-lookin’ after you.”

“I wish you wouldn’t,” protested Cap’n Bill. “I’ve no use fer—fer ghostses, anyhow.”

The strange sailor began to chuckle at hearing this, and his chuckle was just like Cap’n Bill’s chuckle, so full of merry humor that it usually made everyone laugh with him.

“Who are you?” asked Trot, who was very curious and much surprised.

“I’m Cap’n Joe,” was the reply. “Cap’n Joe Weedles, formerly o’ the brig ‘Gladsome’ an’ now a slave o’ Zog at the bottom o’ the sea.”

“J—J—Joe Wee-Weedles!” gasped Cap’n Bill, amazed. “Joe Weedles o’ the ‘Gladsome’! Why, dash my eyes, mate, you must be my brother!”

“Are YOU Bill Weedles?” asked the other. And then he added, “But no, you can’t be. Bill wasn’t no mermaid. He were a human critter like myself.”

“That’s what I am,” said Cap’n Bill hastily. “I’m a human critter, too. I’ve jes’ borrered this fish tail to swim with while I’m visitin’ the mermaids.”

“Well, well,” said Cap’n Joe in astonishment. “Who’d o’ thought it! An’ who’d ever o’ thought as I’d find my long-lost brother in Zog’s enchanted castle full fifty fathoms deep down in the wet, wet water!”

“Why, as fer that,” replied Cap’n Bill, “it’s YOU as is the long-lost brother, not me. You an’ your ship disappeared many a year ago, an’ ain’t never been heard of since, while, as you see, I’m livin’ on earth yet.”

“You don’t look it to all appearances,” remarked Cap’n Joe in a reflective tone of voice. “But I’ll agree it’s many a year since I saw the top o’ the water, an’ I’m not expectin’ to ever tramp on dry land again.”

“Are you dead, or drownded, or what?” asked Cap’n Bill.

“Neither one nor t’other,” was the answer. “But Zog gave me gills so’s I could live in the water like fishes do, an’ if I got on land I couldn’t breathe air any more’n a fish out o’ water can. So I guess as long as I live, I’ll hev to stay down here.”

“Do you like it?” asked Trot.

“Oh, I don’t objec’ much,” said Cap’n Joe. “There ain’t much excitement here, fer we don’t catch a flock o’ mermaids ev’ry day, but the work is easy an’ the rations fair. I might o’ been worse off, you know, for when my brig was wrecked, I’d ‘a’ gone to Davy Jones’s Locker if Zog hadn’t happened to find me an’ made me a fish.”

“You don’t look as much like a fish as Cap’n Bill does,” observed Trot.

“P’raps not,” said Cap’n Joe, “but I notice Bill ain’t got any gills an’ breathes like you an’ the mermaids does. When he gets back to land, he’ll have his two legs again an’ live in comfort breathin’ air.”

“I won’t have two legs,” asserted Cap’n Bill, “for when I’m on earth I’m fitted with one wooden leg, jes’ the same as you are, Joe.”

“Oh, I hadn’t heard o’ that, Bill, but I’m not surprised,” replied Brother Joe. “Many a sailor gets to wear a wooden leg in time. Mine’s hick’ry.”

“So’s mine,” said Cap’n Bill with a air of pride. “I’m glad I’ve run across you, Joe, for I often wondered what had become of you. Seems too bad, though, to have to spend all your life under water.”

“What’s the odds?” asked Cap’n Joe. “I never could keep away from the water since I was a boy, an’ there’s more dangers to be met floatin’ on it than there is soakin’ in it. An’ one other thing pleases me when I think on it: I’m parted from my wife, a mighty good woman with a tongue like a two-edge sword, an’ my pore widder’ll get the insurance money an’ live happy. As fer me, Bill, I’m a good deal happier than I was when she kep’ scoldin’ me from mornin’ to night every minute I was home.”

“Is Zog a kind master?” asked Trot.

“I can’t say he’s kind,” replied Cap’n Joe, “for he’s as near a devil as any livin’ critter CAN be. He grumbles an’ growls in his soft voice all day, an’ hates himself an’ everybody else. But I don’t see much of him. There’s so many of us slaves here that Zog don’t pay much attention to us, an’ we have a pretty good time when the ol’ magician is shut up in his den, as he mostly is.”

“Could you help us to escape?” asked the child.

“Why, I don’t know how,” admitted Cap’n Joe. “There’s magic all around us, and we slaves are never allowed to leave this great cave. I’ll do what I can, o’ course, but Sacho is the boy to help you if anyone can. That little chap knows a heap, I can tell you. So now, if nothin’ more’s wanted, I must get back to work.”

“What work do you do?” Cap’n Bill asked.

“I sew buttons on Zog’s clothes. Every time he gets mad, he busts his buttons off, an’ I have to sew ‘em on again. As he’s mad most o’ the time, it keeps me busy.”

“I’ll see you again, won’t I, Joe?” said Cap’n Bill.

“No reason why you shouldn’t, if you manage to keep alive,” said Cap’n Joe. “But you mustn’t forget, Bill, this Zog has his grip on you, an’ I’ve never known anything to escape him yet.”

Saying this, the old sailor began to stump toward the door, but tripped his foot against his wooden leg and gave a swift dive forward. He would have fallen flat had he not grabbed the drapery at the doorway and saved himself by holding fast to it with both hands. Even then he rolled and twisted so awkwardly before he could get upon his legs that Trot had to laugh outright at his antics. “This hick’ry leg,” said Cap’n Joe, “is so blamed light that it always wants to float. Agga-Groo, the goldworker, has promised me a gold leg that will stay down, but he never has time to make it. You’re mighty lucky, Bill, to have a merman’s tail instead o’ legs.”

“I guess I am, Joe,” replied Cap’n Bill, “for in such a wet country the fishes have the best of it. But I ain’t sure I’d like this sort o’ thing always.”

“Think o’ the money you’d make in a side show,” said Cap’n Joe with his funny chuckling laugh. Then he pounded his wooden leg against the hard floor and managed to hobble from the room without more accidents.

When he had gone, Trot said, “Aren’t you glad to find your brother again, Cap’n Bill?”

“Why, so-so,” replied the sailor. “I don’t know much about Joe, seein’ as we haven’t met before for many a long year, an’ all I remember about our boyhood days is that we fit an’ pulled hair most o’ the time. But what worries me most is Joe’s lookin’ so much like me myself, wooden leg an’ all. Don’t you think it’s rather cheeky an’ unbrotherly, Trot?”

“Perhaps he can’t help it,” suggested the child. “And anyhow, he’ll never be able to live on land again.”

“No,” said Cap’n Bill with a sigh. “Joe’s a fish, now, an’ so he ain’t likely to be took for me by one of our friends on the earth.”




When Trot and Cap’n Bill entered the Rose Chamber they found the two mermaids reclining before an air fountain that was sending thousands of tiny bubbles up through the water.

“These fountains of air are excellent things,” remarked Queen Aquareine, “for they keep the water fresh and sweet, and that is the more necessary when it is confined by walls, as it is in this castle. But now, let us counsel together and decide what to do in the emergency that confronts us.”

“How can we tell what to do without knowing what’s going to happen?” asked Trot.

“Somethin’s sure to happen,” said Cap’n Bill.

As if to prove his words, a gong suddenly sounded at their door and in walked a fat little man clothed all in white, including a white apron and white cap. His face was round and jolly, and he had a big mustache that curled up at the ends.

“Well, well!” said the little man, spreading out his legs and putting his hands on his hips as he stood looking at them. “Of all the queer things in the sea, you’re the queerest! Mermaids, eh?”

“Don’t bunch us that way!” protested Cap’n Bill.

“You are quite wrong,” said Trot. “I’m a—a girl.”

“With a fish’s tail?” he asked, laughing at her.

“That’s only just for a while,” she said, “while I’m in the water, you know. When I’m at home on the land I walk just as you do, an’ so does Cap’n Bill.”

“But we haven’t any gills,” remarked the Cap’n, looking closely at the little man’s throat, “so I take it we’re not as fishy as some others.”

“If you mean me, I must admit you are right,” said the little man, twisting his mustache. “I’m as near a fish as a man can be. But you see, Cap’n, without the gills that make me a fish, I could not live under water.”

“When it comes to that, you’ve no business to live under water,” asserted the sailor. “But I s’pose you’re a slave and can’t help it.”

“I’m chief cook for that old horror Zog. And that reminds me, good mermaids, or good people, or good girls and sailors, or whatever you are, that I’m sent here to ask what you’d like to eat.”

“Good to see you, sir,” said Cap’n Bill. “I’m nearly starved, myself.”

“I had it in mind,” said the little man, “to prepare a regular mermaid dinner, but since you’re not mermaids—”

“Oh, two of us are,” said the Queen, smiling. “I, my good cook, am Aquareine, the ruler of the mermaids, and this is the Princess Clia.”

“I’ve often heard of you, your Majesty,” returned the chief cook, bowing respectfully, “and I must say I’ve heard only good of you. Now that you have unfortunately become my master’s prisoners, it will give me pleasure to serve you as well as I am able.”

“We thank you, good sir,” said Aquareine.

“What have you got to eat?” inquired Trot. “Seems to me I’m hollow way down to my toes—my tail, I mean—and it’ll take a lot to fill me up. We haven’t eaten a morsel since breakfast, you know.”

“I think I shall be able to give you almost anything you would like,” said the cook. “Zog is a wonderful magician and can procure anything that exists with no more effort than a wiggle of his thumb. But some eatables, you know, are hard to serve under water, because they get so damp that they are soon ruined.”

“Ah, it is different with the mermaids,” said Princess Clia.

“Yes, all your things are kept dry because they are surrounded by air. I’ve heard how the mermaids live. But here it is different.”

“Take this ring,” said the Queen, handing the chief cook a circlet which she drew from her finger. “While it

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