» Fairy Tale » Wings of War, Vera Gibson [parable of the sower read online TXT] 📗

Book online «Wings of War, Vera Gibson [parable of the sower read online TXT] 📗». Author Vera Gibson

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plunged into the open wound. He continued to struggle as she put in each herb, but now it was merely because of the sting.  After she had placed all the herbs in she released him and allowed him to sit up “why did my father pick you to accompany me?” she asked after a few moments of silence.

He chuckled to himself “Have you tried to escape me yet even though you know I can’t fly?”


“Then that’s why” he said as if it all made perfect sense. “I’m Zane by the way” he smiled and stretched out a paw two her.

She accepted his offer and stretched out her own paw and shook his “I'm Zevra, sorry for not asking your name sooner” she replied

"Yeah i know who you are, princess" He laughed. Chapter Two

 The journey Zevra took to make it to the neighboring kingdom of her land was a long one and she was not prepared to leave her guard of whom she found may need her more then she needs him. At times she could tell he would hide the pain he felt, but the stretch of a muscle that hadn't been used in years and the sting of the herbs, was far more pain than anyone could handle so the fact that he could remain silent impressed her. Yet she had to reopen the wound every day and crush herbs into it so that it would heal properly. And soon Zevra began to fly bits at a time with her guard to strengthen his wing and stretch hers.

“How did you know how to fix a wound that was considered by all unfix-able?”He asked flexing his now healed wing.

“Simple enough, my brother Venn, knew that I would be grounded, if he scared me there, when he had done this deed he left me for dead. The thought of being grounded I despised, so I worked as hard as possible to fix my wound, it was only by chance that I actually found a combination that helped my wound let alone heal it. The scar will leave me within this year I have had it most my life” Zevra said stretching out her wing to reveal the “great warriors wound” that the brawl with her brother had left behind.

“There’s a Hippogriff up ahead!” he screeched suddenly. Zevra pulled her wings into a position that was fastest for flight, and extended her talons.

“What are we to do? Flee or fight?” She asked sniffing the air to get a sense of direction and the scent of the beast.

“Were going to have to fight, the winds aren't in our favor for flying today.” Zane said looking up into the black windy sky. He continued “If you must fly princess, fly below the tree line any amount above the trees and the high wind will rip your wings apart!” She nodded in response. Under the trees of the tall wood forest it was silent the high winds couldn't puncture so far deep on the ground. The queerness of the place was unbearable while Zevra waited to meet her enemy. Every muscle on both of the griffins was tense and strained in waiting for the Hippogriff to either walk past them or find them and kill them. What little wind there was in the forest at least blew their scent away from the Hippogriff beast’s but it also blew the Hippogriffs scent towards them and one thing was for sure, the Hippogriffs were too close to miss the two griffins. There is going to be a fight.

“Zane, How many do you think there are, they always travel in packs?!” She yelled to him.

“I don’t know just prepare for the fight.” He replied going to her side.  It wasn't long before the horse like beasts came into view “Prepare yourself” he whispered. The first Hippogriff was strong it had hawk in its birds futures and a very strong stallion in its horse. It was surprised and shocked to see Zevra and Zane in his path and let out a surprised whiny like caw at the sight of them. Quickly the rest of the beast’s herd came into view. Each one seemed to echo in the same ferocious bird qualities but the horse varied, Zevra assumed it was a patrol, and that’s why they all had the strong hawk bird in them. It wasn't long before one of the horse beasts was trying to stomp down on her head. She rolled out of the way using her wings to gain speed, and dug into the creature’s side with her talons. The creature let out another half whiny half caw screech, and turned to bite at her side. Zevra was surprised at the size of the beast, it was actually a bit bigger then her! Zevra jumped of the panicky beast, and looked over at Zane who had his paws full with two of the beast attempting to grab at his weaker wing. He was swift on the ground dodging each blow professionally then returning the favor by swatting his paw with extended talons at one of the beasts face. Zevra could tell he had been practicing combat fighting on the ground to make up for the fact that he wasn't able to fly for who knows how many years. It wasn't long before he began to remember his healed wing, he knew he had to take it easy but desperate times called for desperate measures. He leaped up into the air, and landed just over the too Hippogriffs he was fighting, and went into a tree. Hippogriffs were great fliers but they had no climbing abilities being in the tree made it difficult for the beasts to get him. He took a quick glance at Zevra and dove towards her with extended talons. She quickly saw his attack and ducked for cover and Zane hit the Hippogriff behind her. “What was that for?!?” she yelled turning around to see the dead Hippogriff behind her.

“Pay more attention to your own battle, then to me and maybe I won’t have to do that!” he replied in a light hearted mocking tone as if they weren't in a battle.

“Maybe you should warn me when you do, you almost took my head off!” she shoot back then she lowered her body to the ground and got ready to pounce. She gave Zane a wicked grin and jumped with extended claws. Zane saw this as it was intended and rolled out of her way and she went strait into the side of another Hippogriff that was charging at Zane when she pounced. She jumped of the beast that was knocked over by her blow it quickly got up looked at its new wound and decided to change course for her. Zevra looked at Zane quickly before switching her focus to the beast. “Pay more attention to your own battle, then to me and maybe I won’t have to do that!” She mocked using his own words against him. Then she extended her wings lunged forward and grabbed one of the Hippogriffs by the neck which in turn bowed itself down and used its own weight to crush her. So she released its neck and switched to taking her paw and raking it down the beast’s stomach. It bolted off of her from the shock and pain it felt and collapsed under its own wait to the side of Zevra. Zevra was left breathing hard now her ribs were nearly Broken and wouldn't last another blow to them. Zevra knelled down extended her wings and bolted up into a far away tree. She nuzzled as close as she could to the trunk of the massive tree. Breathing was still difficult but her breath was returning, she was only worried of the loss of blood she was having she didn't realize until now that a Hippogriff had ripped open her side with its hoof at the time the pain was numbed by the greatness of it. She took one glance at Zane and the battle there were two left of the six Hippogriffs that had attacked, she only hoped Zane could take them, because she was starting to fall asleep. Her last view was Zane over her trying to shake her awake vigorously he said something that Zevra couldn't quite hear. Then black, darkness consumed her and she was asleep.  

Her eye’s shoot open and she got to her feat only to be greeted by a pounding in her head, and a sting in her side that brought her to her knees instantly. Her vision was still blurry but she thought she could make out the shape of Zane over her pushing her down. Her vision slowly returned as did her feeling and she could tell just how much pain she was in. “you opened your wound why did you do that!” he declared, raping her in even more bandages. The bandages were made from a moss and tied to her with vines, she thought it funny she didn't think of trying that earlier in her years as a warrior, it would have helped with a great many of her wounds. She looked up at Zane who had a scar on his left cheek and a great many bruises. His only serious injury was down his back, It appeared as if a Hippogriff had raked its beak down his back, but it was healed and the scar wasn't going to stay with him more than a couple of days, his fur and feathers was likely to grow over it making it invisible. “You will heal fast, if you weren't griffin id be worried but us griffins are fast healers.” He said hardily looking at her this time.

“Thank you” was her only words.

“Hey, no problem princess it’s my job.” He replied. The two griffins had prepared a burial service. He took a feather from Zevra and a feather from himself, and plunged it into the ground he lowered the beast’s into the ground and said “We all have one thing in common. Eternal wars and long lasting enemies separate us from this knowledge until it is over and we are dead. You fought valiantly and it would have been an honor to meet you as a friend, and not a foe. With every death we cause, a piece of us dies as well, so we bury our largest feather to represent our deepest regrets’. Our bird is what we had the most in common and I would have liked to learn more. Rest well warrior” He said ending with a bow which Zevra quickly fallowed. Then he buried the creatures, and the service was over. Many creatures thought it odd eternal enemies would bring to notice the honor the other shown. They thought the fact griffins were willing to bury them was enough. A being they must respect despite what its nature was. Griffins saw this though in times of Great War it was something easily overlooked.

“Peace is something longed for but at least the true war hasn't started” Zevra sighed.

“This is true.” Zane replied looking down at Zevra, she caused agonizing sadness just to look at

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