» Fairy Tale » The Red Riding Hood (on going series), Yagami Azusa [best romantic novels to read TXT] 📗

Book online «The Red Riding Hood (on going series), Yagami Azusa [best romantic novels to read TXT] 📗». Author Yagami Azusa

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excuse me if i looked like a crazy person not feeling scared about wolves since my grandmother need me to deliver some ingredient from my mom farm to her so here i am not harm by anything delivering it to her!"Luna's voice raised by every words.When she was done Grace was looking at her with awe.Suddenly Grace laughed.


"You're funny.I never met anyone as entertaining as you.Well then i won't disturb your journey.I got a hunch we might meet again.See you later then.Bye."As she end her talked she disappear.Jumping from tree to trees.


"A sorceress.That girl was actually a sorceress."Luna said.She shook her head and continue her journey which was just a few walks away.







A wolf came out from his hiding as he watched the girl disappear down the way.The wolf morph back to its human form and smiled."Interesting."He murmured."She really was someone."



Red 3 : The Pain Of The Past


The Red Riding Hood



The Pain Of The Past


Gracie was meditating in her room as she sense her father presence.She know her father was waiting for her downstairs at the dining room but somehow she need to recover from her old wounds.She know her father can waited.He would understand eventually anyway.When she was done    meditating ,her father had made himself a coffee and was reading while waiting patiently for his daughter.Gracie walked to the kitchen and made herself a cup of tea.


Gracie heard her father said something from the dining room. "I know you met a girl just now."Gracie stopped stirring the tea. "What's the girl name?"Gracie sighed.She know she can't hide anything from his father.He would know eventually sooner or later.He always do.


Gracie took her time cleaning the spoon and putting it back on place.She took the cup of tea with her and sit at the dining room opposite her father .Her father waited patiently for her and continue reading.He know her daughter would only talked when she's ready after all.


Finally Gracie said "Her name's Luna Lluvia.I saw her in the woods and talked with her a while.Quite fragile about 161 cm "She took a deep breath then continue "i saw her aura,an innoncent soul full with regret and sadness.It was slowly eating her."She stopped again when he heard her father frown."You know her didn't you,father?"


"Hm . . . Lluvia,yes,yes i had heard of his dead."He nodded his head "Alright.But be careful when you are in the wood."His voice was fulled of concern and it worried her.


"Father i can handle myself"Gracie muttered.


"You know . . . since you - well,recovered from the tragic accident."Gracie felt herself stiffen.'He said it tragic accident.It's more than tragic.I almost die there' Gracie thought.


Her father regarded her with worried eyes.Since his wife died,he only have his daughter left.Quite strong and well trained since small.And fierce like her mother.They never felt afraid of anything.But somehow the tragic accident was the only thing that grabbed had poison her to a trauma.A trauma that might hunted her if she wasn't strong.


"That's enough father."Gracie stood and took her sword."Stop that.I don't want to remember that tragic anymore"She went to the door but pause to said "And i will always be careful"


He sighed as he heard the door slammed shut.


She really was just like you,Emma.




Luna muttered angrily as she strode through the tall tree.She's still quiet angry with what had just happen a while ago.People seriously didn't seem to realize how grow up she was as a 15 years old but instead judging right away that she was still too young.In conclusion,a child.Her anger somehow started to evaporate as she arrived at a wide opening which lead to a wooden cottage which still stood strong despite how long the cottage had been built years ago.There's a stone sit outside the cottage which was now cover each side with different species of flowers like lavender ,carnation ,delphinium, crocus,lily ,snapdragon and many more with colorful color.Luna can't help smiling broadly as she watched how beautiful the flowers blooms.


Just before she could forget the real reason why she were here she quickly when to the doorstep and knocked on the door three times.The door flew open and her grandmother stood smiling with open arms.Luna hug her grandmother.She felt quite safe in her grandmother arms.As usual she was smelt of fresh bakes bread,herbs and flowers.Her grandmother,Stella Moon laughed.Her laughter was like the wind chimes.It's so beautiful and calming somehow.Like magic.Her grandmother was a retired witch.She also had make a red cloak for her like she know it was her favorite color before she was even born.Somehow the cloak suit her body now.Stella eyes twinkle as she smile.She looked old but healthy and still be able to handle a herb farm.


"How are your mother Luna?"She asked as she closed the door and took the basket as Luna handed it to her.


"She's fine and getting better now."Tabby,Stella's cat came out from the kitchen and purred as Stella stroke her head.Luna took a sit at a country style sofa and sigh comfortably.Enjoying the calm sensation that hang in the cottage.It's magic certainly,maybe.She thought.Tabby jump into Luna's lap and walked in a circle to search for a suitable spot before settling down on Luna's lap.It close its eyes and purred as Luna stroke her head softly.


"So tell me Luna.Did you met anyone a while ago in the way here?"Luna was not shocked if her grandma know.So she told her about it.




Gracie walked out of the house and went to west side of the forest where she sense the presence of Luna a while ago.Somehow this kid was going to be involved in lot's of trouble then.She thought as she disappeared in thin air.


She appeared again at the spot where she met Luna and was not shocked to saw a few wolves with red scar on their body  sniffing at the spot where Luna sat at a while ago.One of them raise their head and sniff the air.Then it realize Gracie and growled.The other too looked at Gracie and growled.Showing their sharp teeth gleaming at the sun.Gracie could see some fresh red blood smell from them.


Must be animal bloods maybe Gracie thought.


One of the wolves,the alpha of the wolves pack maybe morphed to human form and barked "What do you want sorceress!Stay out of our way and we will maybe leave you unharm."Gracie snickered.


"Yeah right.You are searching for the magic girl right?"The wolves shift uncomfortably but not the Alpha.He chuckled.


"What if we said 'yes' ?"Gracie jump from the branch and unsheated her sword in mid-airs and swung it to them as she landed gracefully and silently.Her sword barely an inch from his neck  main nerve.One cut and he will die instantly.They Alpha guy eye the sword on his neck.The other wolves growl in protested.One of them tried to attacked her from the back.


Gracie didn't left her eyes from his and said "One move and this guy die."That stop the other wolf from attacking her."Lets each leave peacefully without any blood spills here.Agree?"The guy nodded his head a bit and Gracie slowly pull her sword away from his neck.


Before the Alpha morphed back to wolf he manage to said "You will surely pay for this."And he morphed back to wolf running to the other side of the magic girl trail followed by his wolves pack.


Gracie waited until the wolves disappeared from her sight before she fell to her knee.her power hadn't heal fully yet.She let out a heavy sigh and lean on a tree branch.A tree root cover her whole as she focus herself  into meditating to heal her power.





Red 4 : Lovely Fragile


The Red Riding Hood



Lovely Fragile


Not far away from the cottage,a few wolves stay alert upon waiting for the girl.Their fangs gleaming as they imagine their claws and tooth gnawing on the fragile girl body.Pieces to pieces,limbs by limbs,flesh by flesh and bones by bones.They howl in glee as they can't wait for the girl to appear.When they will dragged her deep into the forest without being border by the sorceress.Oh such joyful moment.


Just as they thought their plan will work,thunderstorm rumble from the distant indicating a heavy rain arrival in a few more minutes.They grumble in protest but leave the place they are hiding anyway to avoid getting wet or struck by lightning by the rain.They howl loudly to warn the other wolves that are patrolling not far from their hiding and the howl back as the thunder roar louder as it approach nearer and nearer carrying a heavy cloud ready to pour down any seconds.


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The thunderstorm roar louder as it get nearer to the cottage and manage to scare the poor cat as Tabby screech when he heard the thunderstorm roar and leap off from Luna's lap.Luna regard the cat who had gone to hide in his tiny basket.Snuggling into the orange wool handmade blanket.Somehow Luna's worried appear as she heard the roaring thunderstorm and decide to call out to her grandma that she will be going home.She waked toward the kitchen which has a door that lead to her grandma herb garden.Luna easily spot her among the herb and called out to her informing that she will be leaving.


"Yes,yes,you better be off by now.I am sorry that you have to come this far.Here's some coins for you and your mom.Use it wisely for the house."As she said that she trust a few gold coins into Luna's hand and wave her off."Now off you go before the thunder catch you.Tell your mom i say Hello."

"I will.Thanks for the coins and we will surely use the coins wisely.Bye grandma.I will come and visit you when i can."She waved to her grandma for the last time before running down the stone paths back to the forests,never looking back.


The wolf who had been watching Luna since her encounter with the sorceress smile when she saw Luna dash down the stone path back to the forests.He lift his head and eyed the sky.Wincing as the thunderstorm roar as if it was laughing.Shrugging he morphed himself back into his wolf form

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