Keeping Her safe from the Dragons, Tara K [funny books to read .TXT] 📗

- Author: Tara K
Book online «Keeping Her safe from the Dragons, Tara K [funny books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Tara K
“Well the past few days my stomach has been feeling a little uneasy and I was wondering if you could help with that” she asked putting a hand on her stomach and rubbed it.
“I can see what I can do. Is there a chance you might be pregnant?” the Dr. asked jotting some notes down
“No, at least not that I’m aware of” she said looking at Chris then back at Dr. Cunningham
“Okay. Would you mind if we did an ultrasound?” he asked looking up at her
“No, not at all” she said nodding in agreement with him
“Okay, just follow me and I’ll get you all set up” he said as they followed him out of the room and to a different room and got her all set up for an ultrasound. “A nurse will be in shortly” he said as he left.
“Luna? Are you scared?” Chris asked looking down at her
“Yes” she said quietly
“I’m sure your fine and not pregnant” he said then there was a knock on the door “come in” he said as a nurse came in
“Okay, Luna we are going to do an ultrasound today is that correct?” the nurse asked looking at her
“Yes” she said grabbing on to Chris’ hand
“Okay, I’m going to need you to lift up your shirt, I’m going to put this gel on your stomach it’s going to be a little cold” the nurse said as she did what she was told and the nurse turned the machine and looked at her stomach. Luna couldn’t look, but what the nurse told her next shocked her and she had to look “Okay, Luna it looks like you’re about 2 to 3 weeks pregnant. Congratulations” the nurse said.
“What?” she said as she looked at the screen and right there in her stomach was a little zygote which was going to be a baby in nine months “how is this possible?” she whispered to herself
“All right guys, here you go and you’re done here today again congratulations” the nurse said as she wiped off her stomach and helped her sit up
“Thank you” Chris said because Luna was too stunned to talk
“Okay you need to come back in a couple of months for another checkup. You guys are free to go” the nurse said as the left the whole way back home Luna was quiet and didn’t say a word. When they got back to her house she went up to her room and just had a break down and started throwing things everywhere.
“Luna, stop! Hey, Hey” Chris said running to her and grabbed her by the shoulders “Stop” he said more softly this time and she finally stopped and the both sank to the floor
“How could he do this to me?” she said with tears streaming down her face
“How could who do what, Luna?” he asked looking at her
“Dallas” she said with more tears running down her face
“Whose Dallas” he asked and that’s when she finally looked up at him and she sat against her bed
“Dallas was my best friend in the whole world. He was my first friend, kiss, boyfriend, everything. We took each other’s virginity because we thought we’d be together forever, it happened about two months ago we went to a party together and our other friends had left us alone so we left we got in his truck and drove down a back road and he pulled off to the side and right there in the back of his truck we took each other’s virginity. Then a month later he was in a really bad car crash a drunk driver hit him and he died on impact.” She said with her legs pulled up to her chest with more tears running down her face.
“Is this why you didn’t want to take it farther with me?” he asked looking at her
“After Dallas died I didn’t go to school for a whole month, I didn’t answer my friends I just shut myself out of the world I couldn’t face it not without him. He was my first love, Chris he was going to buy me a promise ring he was on his way to see me that night he got into that wreck it’s my fault he’s dead!” she screamed burying her head in her arms.
“No it’s not. Don’t think like that” he said scooting closer to her to comfort her
“Yes, it is. If he wasn’t coming to see me that night he might still be alive” she said looking at him “don’t you get it, Chris? Everybody I’m around leaves me. My dad, Dallas I can’t keep anyone I love close to me” she said rubbing her face, but fresh tears kept coming
“I’m going to prove you wrong” he said looking at her
“How?” she said looking at him
“I’m going to stay and help you raise the baby” he said as she put her legs out in front of her and put a hand on her stomach
“You say that now, but you’ll end up gone just like everyone else” she said looking away from him all he did was get up and shut her door and curtains “what are you doing?” she asked as he walked over to her and pulled her up.
“Showing you I’m not going to leave” he said placing his hands on either side of her face
“What are you…” she started to say, but before she could finish his lips met hers and she wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him closer to her, his hands traveled down to her waist. His hands gripped her waist and her hands went up to his neck and she tangled her fingers in his hair, his hands went under her shirt and pulled it off and she did the same to him he picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist and carried her to her bed and laid her down she looked up at him and went back to kissing him.
When she woke up the next morning she had her sheets wrapped around her and an arm wrapped around her waist she looked over and found Chris laying next to her and she smiled and got up, she grabbed some clothes that where on the floor and went to her bathroom and looked in her mirror and remembered yesterday’s events and smiled to herself.
“I did it. I finally moved on from Dallas, but what about my baby?” she asked herself as she put her hands on her stomach
“Don’t you mean our baby?” Chris asked standing in the doorway of the bathroom in his boxers
“How long have you been standing there?” she asked facing him head on
“Long enough” he said standing up “That might not be my baby and just because we just had sex doesn’t mean it is now, but I promise you I will never leave you” he told her he took off the ring he wore on his right middle finger and put it on her left ring finger “let this ring be my promise to you” he said kissing it then her lips.
“I’m scared, Chris” she confessed to him and buried her head in his chest
“I know. I’m scared too, but we’re going to get through this together. Okay?” he asked rubbing her shoulders
“Okay” she said looking up at him then kissed him “I’ve got to go get ready” she said in between kisses
“I know you do” he said kissing her one last time so she grabbed her clothes and his hoodie that he gave her after the first time they hung out together and kicked him out of the bathroom, she took a shower and blow dried her hair and straightened it and did one simple French braid down the side of her face and did a little bit of make-up and got dressed and put on her boots. When she was done Chris had to run home to get ready himself.
“You could get ready here” she said as she walked with him out to his truck
“I know, but I also need to grab something” he said as they stood in front of the driver’s side door and he took both of her hands “I’ll be right back I promise” he said looking into her eyes
“Okay. Hurry back” she said smiling at him
“I will” he said as he gave her a quick kiss she watched him pull out then she went to the horse barn and went right to Midnight’s stall
“Hey, girl. How you doing?” she asked her as she pet her forehead and grabbed her grooming brush and went into her stall and started brushing her “Wanna go for a run?” she said to her and pat her belly “lets do it” she said as she left and got a bridal and put it on, led her out of the stall and got on her bareback kicked her side and off she went. She ran through the woods and down to the creek when Luna finally slowed her down to a walk “That’s my girl” she said patting her neck and led her down the creek’s edge and got off and took off her boots and socks and led Midnight into the water and splashed water over legs to cool her down. That’s when she got a burning sensation in her shoulder blade so she led Midnight out of the water and went back home.
After Midnight was back in her stall, Luna went up to her bathroom and looked at her shoulder blade and what she saw she couldn’t believe, right there on her shoulder blade was a dragon tattoo, done in a tribal style she reached around and touched it and winced when she did she grabbed her phone and called Chris. He arrived a few minutes later wearing a pair of faded jeans and t-shirt.
“What’s up?” he said the second she opened the door and walked in
“You need to see this” she said as she moved her hair and showed him her shoulder blade he was quiet for a moment
“How did that get there? That wasn’t there when we you know” he said reaching out to touch it
“Yeah, I know and please don’t touch it, it still hurts” she said turning to face him
“Well what does it mean?” he asked looking at her
“I honestly don’t know, Chris” she said looking at him
“Well what are you going to tell your parents?” he asked rubbing her back
“The truth. I’ll tell them that I had sex with Dallas and that I’m pregnant and he’s the father. Then I’m going to ask them about this tattoo” she said looking at him
“Are you sure about this?” he asked looking at her concerned
“Not really, but I need to tell them before I start showing” she said looking at him
“Okay” he said giving her a kiss, they walked downstairs and waited for her parents to get home. A few hours later her parents came home and she was nervous to tell them about the baby and her weird tattoo that had appeared earlier that day.
“Hey, honey. Did you go to the doctors?” her mom asked as her and Kyle walked into the kitchen and they followed them
“I did and they told me some surprising news” she said looking at them
“Well what is it?” her step dad asked looking at her and Chris
“Well them told me that I’m about a couple weeks pregnant and Dallas is the father” she said looking at her parents
“How can you be pregnant by Dallas?” her mom asked looking at her daughter shocked
“Mom you know I can be pregnant” she said looking at her mother
“When did this happen?” her step dad asked
“It happened a couple months ago. We had gone to a party with friends and they ditched us so we left and took some of the back roads home and well it happened” she said looking at her parents then at Chris
“Well what are your plans? Are you
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