» Fairy Tale » Falling For You, Angel [top books of all time txt] 📗

Book online «Falling For You, Angel [top books of all time txt] 📗». Author Angel

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Xavier you Ass

I waited for Jake to go to sleep till I got up. I put a t-shirt and basketball shorts on. I go outside and it's a little, so I decided to get a jacket but I had to do it swiftly I didn’t know how close my father was.
It's so dark out tonight and quiet. Why does the silent scare me so much? The pain in my stomach comes back, and my eyes start tearing black. I got out the letter Xavier gave me. Ps Ps Your father knows where you live, so hurry! Xavier you're such an idiot, but I should've of read further. I run past Oak to Maple Street. I stop to catch my breath, standing in front of the building Xavier told me to go to. Two men in black guard the door, they're pretty well armed with all of their swords and knives sticking out of their belt buckle. They stared at me waiting for me to come up. Their blades they were holding raise up to let me through.
When I get inside I think the building looked almost like my house, but one room. I looked at the table with turkey, mash potatoes, deviled eggs, bread, and wine. At the end of the table two handsome men are seated staring at me. One with curious and wanting eyes let me guess Xavier, and the other with scared and hopeful. "You're late," Xavier looked at his watch, tsking, "you were supposed to arrive a hour before." He shook his head.
I put my hands on my hips. "When did I have a schedule to be here huh? And if it wasn't for my father I wouldn't be here, ya know!" I pulled out a chair, and sat by him. he offered a bread roll and I eagerly accepted, stuffing the whole roll in my face, and stared at the boy across from me. He looked hurt and seemed like he was about to cry.
"Now, now if you didn't come your brother would be so upset. He has been looking for this moment for a long time now." He cupped his face and pointed at the boy. I was so shocked, that was my brother he looks so different.
'I know I do.' What the shit, who said that..I mean thought that uh whatever. I looked at my brother and he nodded his head. 'Sorry if I startled you, but did you really not want to come?' I just stared at him. How the fuck do I think back to him, ugh this is so difficult. 'Ha you're doing it stupid, it's simple really.' Hey I never done this before so don't call me stupid, and I thought you wouldn't be here that's why. I looked down at the floor. 'Oh I understand, anyway why were you late?' You don’t want to know. "Ew you're right I didn't want to know.' Wait how do you know what I did I didn't think it? 'I searched through your memory. I'm just glad you didn't you know, fuck with him.
That moment I started laughing. Xavier looked creeped out. "What are you laughing at?" He put his knife down and stared with his beautiful green eyes.
"Oh nothing important." I say moving my hand up and down. He gave me a cold stare. "Ok, ok I'll tell you, just don’t stare anymore it's scary." He smiled triumphantly, "my brother was mind reading me, and he was just thankful that I didn't have sex with my boyfriend." I answered quickly so he wouldn't understand, but it seemed that he got every word. He laughed and took a mouthful of mash potatoes.
Xavier stared at me and continued laughing, "Now break up with him." He commanded and stopped laughing, it was kind of funny the way he said it. I shook my head, "Yes because he will not like it when I am there, and I don't want to see you lovey dobby on him."
"Aw don't get jealous Xavier, there is no way I'll go to 4th base with him, and we'll go to the other room. Plus I'll just say you," I point at Xavier then my brother, "and you are my brothers, older and youngest.
He shook his head no. "Sorry, but I'll still just get to jealous seeing you with another man." he said dramically putting he’s hand over his eyes like when a woman does when she faints cause she got dumped. Then he rolled his eyes and smiled.
"But, but I just couldn't break his heart, it would be to cruel." I mocked him and he laughed. Took my face and kissed me, geez I have enough guys kissing me for a day. In that instant my brother got up and punched him in the face.
"Fuck man, she owed me that kiss for bringing you, and now she owes me another one because you punched me in the face, nice going." He wiped himself off. My brother began to protest but Xavier cut him off, "Nope it's too late, you don’t want me giving her more kisses, do you?" He took my face again and kissed me, and to my surprise I actually kind of liked it, oops. My brother sighed when I put my arms around Xavier's neck. He put his arms around my waist, rocking me. "Ok that's been long enough." My brother crossed his arms and frowned.
"Ya I think I kissed too many guys today." Then they both stared at me with curious eyes. God I really need to keep my mouth shut. "Yah this dude Zak, yah I don't wanna talk about it." I looked down to the ground. Man I'm starting to believe I'm a slut. 'Hey don't say that about yourself it's not good.' It was my brother, when we were littler he always acted like the bigger brother trying to protect me and stuff.
"Man, you're going to break too many hearts, Kit. You know you can't date hu-" I cut him off getting him angry, he's cute like that.
"Wait so you can read my mind, right bro?" He nodded his head. "That little fibber, I didn't have a booger in my nose!" I shouted exciting with my huge goofy grin on my face, and then it turned slowly into a embarrassment face. I just realized I said that aloud; I look at the two boys, and they are on the floor rolling. I can feel my face heating up. "It's not funny; I actually thought I had a booger!" I started to use my pout face, but they laughed even harder. Well this isn't going to work think of something you don't want to be a laughing stock; what will get them to forget ah, this calls for extreme measures! I pulled off my shirt and Xavier was the first to, his mouth hit the floor. My brother noticed his mouth so he turned his head to see me, and then quickly looked away blushing. "Thank you." I sighed trying to find my shirt.
"Looking for something." Xavier waved my shirt in front of my face, and I tried to grab it but he is too tall. I kept jumping up trying to reach it, but every time I got close to it he'd move it. He started to laugh, then I realized why he was doing that. He was observing my breasts that little pervert. I tried to kick him, but he was faster and grabbed my leg pulling me toward him. My short made a big gap and I could tell he was looking through it. "Mhm strawberry panties that's nice." He used his creepy but cute smile while I screeched. He went to grab it but one of his soldiers came up.
"Sir there's a message from Jack." He saluted him then he noticed what we were doing, he blushed and tried to keep his gaze on Xavier.
"Ok, now take the boy to his room." He was stilling holding on to my leg inches away from my panties. My brother shook his head angrily as he was dragged down the hall.
"Don't you do anything bad, I'll kill you!" He promised.
He looked back at me and grinned again. "Now where were we, oh yah panties" He said cheerfully pulling me closer and closer. His green eyes drawing me in. He was as handsome as Zak their eyes were the same closer. Ugh think hateful thoughts, he took your brother and hurt him.
"No we're at the part where I kick your ass!" I kicked him in the nuts with my other leg, and we both dropped like a sack of potatoes. He rolled back and forth moaning, and I fell and hurt my butt. "Ow, see what you did, you bruised my ass, thinks a lot jerk." I cried and rubbed it. He stopped rolling, but still holding his sack.
"Really! How do you think I feel, you bitch!" He whined and rolled over to me, put his arms behind me and popped my bra. He tore it off and ripped it in half, I screamed.
"What the fuck!" My brother stood at the door way looking over and seen my bra. "You bastard, get the fuck away from her!" He went over and started beating the shit out of Xavier. "What did I fucking say huh, what did I say," he punched him in the face oh that's a bad idea don't punch guys in the face. "Im gunna kill you!"
"Brother." I went over there and tried to pull him off, but he wouldn't budge. He was so pissed, why he was my little brother I'm supposed to protect him, not him me.
"No, go get your shirt on, and I might consider not killing him." He still yelled. I hurried and got my shirt I showed him and he got up. He shook his head in satisfaction, but Xavier got up and put me in headlock.
"If your brother does another stunt like that, you'll both get yourself killed, got that." He whispered softly but angrily in my ear. I turned around and looked at all his cuts and bruises. I touched him softly and got really close and kissed him. "Now what are you doing, are you trying to get your brother pissed again?" I ignored him and continued kissing me, then he noticed all his cuts and bruises were healing. "So your kisses heal people, how pleasant." he sighed and played with his hair. "But thank you."
"Now tell me why you tore her bra off, she now has to get a new one." Kyle picked up the pieces of what is left of my bra. He looked back over at me sighing and pointing. "Great and now she's cold." He shook his head, but Xavier laughed. I screeched and put my arms over my chest, and huffed.
"Dicks." I whispered softly.
"Hey don't be that way." Xavier came up and gave me a hug rocking me from side to side. He gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek, and my brother growled. "Hey," Xavier putting his hands up, like he's been caught by the police, then went over trying to calm him down, "It was only a peck on the cheek no reason to get excited." He joked putting his hand on Kyle's shoulder, but he shoved them off.
I stood there looking at my bra, ignoring those two idiots. I looked over and seen Xavier's shirt. Eh it's blue my favorite color a least it won’t show my nips, a little big

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