» Fairy Tale » PURPLE WORLD, E.S. [spicy books to read .TXT] 📗

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te begrijpen”, ok, that was bad dutch, but god, I was about to smack Atalanta, and I did, Legend was smirking,
“Of course she can understand us you twit!”, I said, Atalanta was laughing now
“twit? How old are you eighty?”,
“Shut up”, I said, Legend was full out smiling now, she doesn’t do that a lot.
“My girls, your home, I knew you would return”, I guess that showed Legend we were the actual twins from our pack. Atalanta made a furious face and said in a tone she should not say to Legend “oh really? Because we didn’t know you’d be back, we thought you we dead like the rest of them, we had to find out by a little girl that you were alive, and actually making another pack to replace us! so thanks and yeah Legend your not that hard to find”, she mutter some thing else under her breath that I hope Legend did not hear.
“I apologize, I know I should of tried to contact you, but I thought you were dead too”,
“I don’t even frigging care any more, we have been perfectly fine until you stepped in! I wish you never even found us, we would have happy with a normal family, right now we would be going to the mall with a group of giggle-y humans, not snooping around in Africa talking to a 500 year old Wolf!”, Legend let Atalanta get it all out. I ran up and hugged Legend, after Atalanta was done her rampage she ran over and hugged Legend too. “missed you two so much”, Legend squeezed us tight. “I missed you to mother”, I whispered. I never thought I would hear, I never thought I would have too, hear the words “I missed you”, but there they were, so new, so unusual. The day went on, Atalanta, Ceto and I hanged around the children, Jaka did Atalanta and Cetos hair, and I helped out with the kids, Legend came out too, we were talking, “why do you have that Locket? you don’t use it”, I asked, Legend smiled “I like to hear your voices. Listen”, she pressed a button on it, it started of with me singing “waka waka aha aha, I’m in africa”,
Ouranos started singing now “battling Vampires, playing soccer with people I don’t know, aha aha waka waka aha”, I groaned “Ouranos you ruined it”, Ouranos snorted “there was nothing to ruin in the first place”,
“Shut up”. Legend let go of the button and I laughed, “I remember that!”, I said, “yes, it was your first time here, that was some thing”. I missed them “do you ever miss them? Do you miss going out, do you miss hunting? I do, I want them back”, I said,
“Of course I miss them, but you can not dwell on the past”, she said.

It was night, Legend had the house, but built a basement under it, it went down four floors, of cousrse legend would need more than a little shack. The 2nd floor was where the beds were, Legend had a room, then there was a guest room, I didn’t think Legend was going to any guest but us, may be Jaka. Ceto was sharing a bed with Atalanta tonight. It was weird. Ceto never really talked to Legend, well either did Atalanta, I thought it was weird. I liked it here I really did. It felt like the place I should be, there’s Legend, things for me to do, to help with, it wasn’t complicated, no one would know I’m here. I just liked it. May be I should stay....

It had been three days, it morning, and Atalanta was already out doing some thing I have no idea, Ceto was playing with some friends she made. I decided to catch up on my training. There was an ipod in the training room and I put on some music, the wolf by fever ray. I looked around and grabbed and knife belt, stuck a bunch of knives and such in there. There were moving targets around the room, I took a knife out of my belt, focused then threw, it was a bulls-eye. I did this again and again, I was getting into it and having fun. I took a spear, a sword, a malice and a couple more knifes. Legend walked down and watched me, for a couple minutes. “Come on. Fight me”, she said, and walked up, “what! that’s impossible! I can’t win that”, I said, Legend didn’t listen, I’ve never fought legend before, she says if your gonna fight you have to try, hard. If she tried hard I would be dead, “come on”, she insisted, “but you said”,I mumble,
“I know what i said and I’m going to do what I said, fight!”, she shouted, I don’t know what to do, so I went completely on instinct.

The music was blasting “Bulletproof”. We had started fighting when Atalanta had called down “some on needs to see you Athena come up here”, I wasn’t thinking about what she was saying,
“Can’t talk fighting Legend!”, I yelled up
“what!”, she screamed back, Legend leg swept out and tripped me, I got back up, and punched her in her jaw, she was over powering me, I had to get a weapon. I ran over and got aa spear, she had a sword in her hand. I heard foot steps come down. I looked from the corner of my eyes, it was the wolf pack, Rowan Bruce, every one. I couldn’t stop fighting though, nothing could get me off my game. I slashed a hole in Legends shirt. Soon she had flipped over and had my by the neck, I elbowed her and she let go, I spun around. She was going for my face and I had to block, my arms swept up, she had a plan, but I did too, I began to lead her to the wall, I still had my spear. Soon she was against the wall, I aimed for her face but missed. I finally got her, she fell to the ground “how could you do that to me!”, she cried. I didn’t fall for it. I went in for another attacked, she jumped up and came back at me. I got the malice, yes. I swung it around, I had to jump over some crap. “Athena what are you doing?”, I heard some one say, I wasn’t listening I ran towards Legend. She grabbed a end of the malice and pulled it away, her hands were bleeding but she didn’t notice. Some how I got pinned by a sword. I rolled away, it ripped a giant whole in my shirt. Legend smiled, I was pretty much flashing the whole room, “I didn’t like that shirt any ways”, I said and ran towards her. I got her to the ground and some how found the sword, it was now against her neck, “your dead”, I whispered. I got up and slowly backed away. “I won”, I said, I couldn’t believe it, “I won”, I said, just to get the taste of the words, “I won!”, I was full on smiling now. Legend came running after me, I got her in a head lock, “I won”, I said to her. I let her go, Legend was smiling to “finally some one I can be proud of”, she said to me, then she faced Atalanta “who are these low life wolves”, I was holding back a laugh. Atalanta answered, she knew I wouldn’t “they are our friends..”, I interrupted, “yes, our friends, remember mother, the ones I talked to you about, the ones that I saved and was rewarded with a surrounding”, Legend did a little growl, “you should teach your pack to take care of your selves, you got in the way of a very important meeting”, she said.
“You boys should be leaving, we do have things to do”, I said, standing beside Legend, they looked at me weirdly, Atalanta snorted, “like what?”,
“Well, since you’ve been out getting your hair braided and running around, I got a feeling”, I said, the boys didn’t get it, but Atalanta did, but she pushed it away for a moment “yes, you have been doing so much in here, fighting, playing with knives, doing things I did when I was 12", that got me mad,
“When you were 12, oh ok, well when you were 12 I was out looking for freaking vampires to kill, and fighting my way through the world, when you were playing with knives I was saving lives!”, I yelled, Atalantas eye widened, I never threw out burst, I was the one who took care of them, I was the glue to the pack, her stare said do you really want to do this “oh, really, well leave you one day you turn into a mess! you have to leave then go cry home to your mommy!”, she yelled, that was not acceptable, I couldn’t stop it, I walked up to her a slapped her right in the face. I was now the strongest wolf, or even being in the world not her, she can’t talk to me that way. “Athena!”, Atalanta screamed, she followed me up the stairs, but I ran out side, and into the jungle. I didn’t cry, I didn’t really do any thing. I was a wreck right now, I knew some thing bad was coming. I knew it was coming soon.

Sooner or later Legend found me in a tree, the rest followed her, I was writing on a piece of bark with a pencil I found. “Athena, come done here right now, they will be looking for you”, when she said they i knew who she meant, the Leaders, the now strongest wolf in the world is the one who should be dead, they will find out, and come for me. “I know they will be looking for me and the will be looking for you, Atalanta and the rest should go back, they shouldn’t get hurt”, I said to her. “Oh come on, just come down”, Atalanta said, I stared at her, “I need a but of time, I working out a plan”, I said. Atalanta groaned, “what!”, i yelled at her. “Your always making a plan! every thing has to work out, can’t you just come down and eat dinner with out freaking out about some thing”, she said. I jumped down, “oh of course I could, yes, because if i just sat around my whole life, we’d still be back a the cabin, with out Ceto, with out any one! no, wait we’d probably be dead! you wouldn’t do any thing! you always think every thing is going to work out but it is not!”, I said, Atalanta looked mad “well, if you didn’t want to be the strongest wolf in the world, if you didn’t fight Legend, this would still be a happy little family meeting”. Ii was

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