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shoulders. Its fellow on the other side of the legs is prepared in exactly the same manner; and the second trestle is a duplicate of the first, with the exception that the directions of the struts are reversed relatively to the C piece, to preserve the symmetry--which, however, is not an important point.[Illustration: FIG. 5.--End elevation of joiner's bench.] Back and Front.--The only operation to be performed on the front piece B and the back G is the notching of them both on the inside faces

stro, turning red with embarrassment, "we're going to Venus.""What's so unusual about going to Venus?" asked Strong. "We're going hunting," replied Astro. "Hunting?" "Yes, sir," gulped the big Venusian. "For tyrannosaurus." Strong's jaw dropped and he sat down suddenly on the nearest acceleration cushion. "I expected something a little strange from you three whiz kids." He laughed. "It would be impossible for you to go

da,would know what he was doing and that he desiredto communicate with Dorothy. For Glinda has a bigbook in which is recorded every event that takesplace anywhere in the world, just the moment thatit happens, and so of course the book would tellher about the wireless message.And that was the way Dorothy heard that theHistorian wanted to speak with her, and there wasa Shaggy Man in the Land of Oz who knew how totelegraph a wireless reply. The result was thatthe Historian begged so hard to be

the axe slipped and cut off my head, which was the only meat part of me then remaining. Moreover, the old woman grabbed up my severed head and carried it away with her and hid it. But Nimmie Amee came into the forest and found me wandering around helplessly, because I could not see where to go, and she led me to my friend the tinsmith. The faithful fellow at once set to work to make me a tin head, and he had just completed it when Nimmie Amee came running up with my old head, which she had

Governor in his Ramillies wig, his glasses, and his powdering-gown still seated sedately at the lonely table with his reeking pipe and six black bottles by his side."I have drunk with the Governor of St. Kitt's when he was sick," said he, "and God forbid that I should ever try to keep pace with him when he is well." The voyage of the Morning Star was a successful one, and in about three weeks she was at the mouth of the British Channel. From the first day the infirm Governor

paper clip out of his pocket and opens it out, and I think maybe he has a penknife, too, and next thing I know the padlock is open."Gee, how'd you do that?" "Sh-h-h. A guy showed me how. You better get your cat and scram." Golly, I wonder, maybe the guy is a burglar, and that gives me another creepy feeling. But would a burglar be taking time out to get a kid's cat free? "Well, thanks for the cat. See you around," I say. "Sh-h-h. I don't live around here.

"Hush up!" said a deep, growling voice. "You're making yourself ridiculous."Everyone looked to see where this voice came from; but none could guess who had uttered the words of rebuke. The rowers of the boat were all solemn and silent and certainly no one on the shore had spoken. But the little man did not seem astonished in the least, or even annoyed. King Kitticut now addressed the stranger, saying courteously: "You are welcome to the Kingdom of Pingaree. Perhaps you

"But I didn't " wailed Hashem, falling on his knees. "Only eggs, your Highness--very best eggs--sugar, flour, spice and -""Bombshells!" cried the King angrily. "The cake disappeared before the party, your Majesty!" cried Eejabo. Everyone jumped at the sudden interruption, and Eejabo, who had crept in unnoticed, stepped before the throne. "Disappeared," continued Eejabo hoarsely, dripping blue water all over the royal rugs. "One minute there