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down,"I think that too!" And then they all cried out, making a great noise, "Yes, yes. Let us give him the finest present a White Man ever had!" Now they began to wonder and ask one another what would be the best thing to give him. And one said, "Fifty bags of cocoanuts!" And another--"A hundred bunches of bananas!-- At least he shall not have to buy his fruit in the Land Where You Pay to Eat!" But Chee-Chee told them that all these things would be too

to play their very best to win against us. He also admitted that there was open betting going on, with heavy odds on Harmony."Jack sighed. "That all agrees with what came to me in a side way," he explained. "In other words, the way things stand, there will be a big lot of money change hands in case Harmony does win. And those sporting men who came up from the city wouldn't think it out of the way to pay a good fat bribe if they could make sure that some player on the Chester

He found his companions dining, and joining them, he made a good meal, and at its conclusion all hands repaired to the bar again, and indulged in several more drinks.Jesse then startled his companions by pulling out his big wad of bills, and paying the landlord for their fare. The moment the gang got him alone, Frank whispered: "Where did you get the roll, Jess?" "From Jack Wright," laughed the outlaw. "Tell us about it!" "Certainly. It was the easiest game I

napping sound from below, and David's foot was released. He unstuck the snag from his shirt, pushed his way out of the thicket, and sat down weakly on the grass. Whew! At least the bird was not going to harm him. It seemed to be quite a kindly creature, really. He had just frightened it and made it angry by bursting out of the bushes so suddenly.He heard a flailing in the thicket, followed by the bird's anxious voice: "Hello! Are you still there?" "Yes. What--?" There were

bring her up among her own people in the East. Hence I am writing to you."The little girl will be all ready to start by the time you get this letter; and if you can take her, we would appreciate it very much if you would write that she might come at once, as there is a man and his wife here who are going East very soon, and they would take her with them to Boston, and put her on the Beldingsville train. Of course you would be notified what day and train to expect Pollyanna on. Pollyanna

and both probablydied in infancy. After him was born three sons and a daughter.For ten or twelve years at least, after Shakespeare's birth hisfather continued to be in easy circumstances. In the year 1568he was the high bailiff or chief magistrate of Stratford, and formany years afterwards he held the position of alderman as he haddone for three years before. To the completion of his tenth year,therefore, it is natural to suppose that William Shakespeare wouldget the best education that

tained as many ships as they now saw. So it was not surprising that at first they were afraid and fled. But they did not lose courage for long. They soon returned and many battles were fought.The Romans seemed to think that they won all these battles, but the Britons were not at all sure of it. Certainly a great many people on both sides were killed. If the Britons had been less brave than they were, they would have been very badly beaten, for the Romans wore strong armor and carried shields

the heaven, the embodiment of light, heat, and the breath of life, produced offspring who were of a much less material nature than his son Oceanus. These other children of his were supposed to occupy the intermediate space which divided him from Gæa. Nearest to Uranus, and just beneath him, came Aether (Ether), a bright creation representing that highly rarified atmosphere which immortals alone could breathe. Then followed Aër (Air), which was in close proximity to Gæa, and represented, as its

hed. "I think my way of spelling is just as good as hers."Bartouki and the boys laughed sympathetically. The little merchant said, "Whatever the spelling, El Mouski will fascinate you. Many things are made there especially for tourists. Some of the workmanship is excellent, and the prices are very low." "We haven't had much luck with bazaars that cater to tourists," Scotty replied. "We prefer markets where local people buy, because the things are more