» Family & Relationships » I Don't Want To Love 2 : Don't Give up On Me, Nyree [best books to read ever .TXT] 📗

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father.I have to worry about things.I just thought it could me the witches sending another wolf to come after me.The smile that was on his face disapeared.I ran my fingers through his hair.Calm down,i'm prepared for anything.He gave me a fake smile then stood up.He walked towards the kitchen and cam back with two cups of animal blood.

I always wondered when did he get the chance to kill an animal and pore it's blood into a milk container.I sometimes worried about someone who wasn't human coming to our home,going in the fridge and see nothing but blood in two gallon milk jugs.Yeah there was some food in the fridge but not much.I was kinda happy that i didn't know or are friends with that many humans.

I loved it when he brought the blood to use.No hunting required.We took the twins out some of the times so they could get there vampire food on there own.Their wasn't anything on t.v.More teen pregany shows and reality shows.I hated reality shows.I think if i had a reality show it would be nunber one on the charts.To me some of the howls sounded like it was howling my name.If it was the witches prepared to atack i was ready for anything.Well i think i was.I was kinda missing Mathew.Well we had to go food shopping anyway so i'll use that as my excuse.Hey you tricked me with the car last time i drove.I really wanted you to drive you old B-day present.

Plus i was kinda funny seeing your face like that.Okay were are the keys to the honda.I don't know?Darren you know where almost everything is in this house.Your right i do.So then tell me where they are.No,i'll tell you after you drive it a hundred more times.Ha ha no.If i have to jack every key in this house to check i will.No you won't.Wanna bet on that.Sure,another honeymoon if i win.What about when i win?What do you want if you win?I want one favore with no bad atitude,no arguing,nothing.Okay you got it.

I'll give you two minutes to find out what key goes to the Honda.good luck.On your mark,get set,GO!!!.I whirled around the living room.The kids came in as soon as he said go.Whats mommy doing Siad one of the small voices,I think it was Sapphire's voice.Well your mom is going to go shoppping for some more food for the both of you.Okay why does that call for her to move like a tifune.Well she bet me that she could find the keys to the Honda Civic in two minutes.I said she couldn't do it.Yeah i can,stop with the negative aura.I'm not being negative honey,there are about two hundred keys in the house.Do the math.I can' do the math because i passed math with a D-,remember.Yeah i remember.I offered my help but you said no remember.Yeah don't reminde me.

I think thats all of the keys.As soon as i had them all i ran to the car.I just started cicking the buttons.The ones that didn't have a buttons atached to them i left in the house.Ha i got the key to the honda in a minute an a half.I ran back into the house and did a little dance.Sapphire joined me in my crazy weird dance.Sophia was almost a sleep in he fathers arms.It was nice seeing him holding her like she was a little baby again.He picked her up and took her to her room.I did the same with Sapphire.She didn't want to go to bed and she said she wasn't sleepy but i know the sighns of being tired.She yawned and rubbed her eyes.She was.When we got dine putting the twins to bed we went back into the living room.Tomorrow i'm going to go to the store.Do you want anything?Yeah i want you right now for about an hour.Ha ha,i don't think i can shop for me right now for an hour.

We only went to the store once every two months or when the kids really wanted something.Morning came and i left with a huge shopping list of things.Should i go and see Mathew now or later.It was a little early so i decided to go see him later.I know Darren probubly didn't want me to see or talk to him again.But the dude was my first love kinda.Should i tell Darren or not.I had a lot to think about when it came to my old friend and the feelings with him.I saw a few of Darrens old friend at the mall.I didn't know any of them that well.Plus most of them were Jenny's friends so they hated me because i was with Darren.

A few of them said hi to me.Others looked up and down at me like i was scum.I also saw alex tting to hit on this random chick with his weak pick up lines.He stuck out hard with the girl.After the girl left i talked to alex.Hey Alex.Whats up Fara,how have you been?I'm doing good,but i see you doing bad like normal.I chckeled a little bit.Ha ha ha very funny.I didn't want her anyway so..Yeah yuou did i sw you begging her.No i wasn't!!Um yeah you kinda were.I over heard everything.

I had a lot to think about when it came to my old friend and the feelings with him.I saw a few of Darrens old friend at the mall.I didn't know any of them that well.Plus most of them were Jenny's friends so they hated me because i was with Darren.A few of them said hi to me.Others looked up and down at me like i was scum.I also saw alex tting to hit on this random chick with his weak pick up lines.He stuck out hard with the girl.After the girl left i talked to alex.Hey Alex.Whats up Fara,how have you been?I'm doing good,but i see you doing bad like normal.I chckeled a little bit.Ha ha ha very funny.I didn't want her anyway so..Yeah yuou did i sw you begging her.No i wasn't!!Um yeah you kinda were.I over heard everything.

Please don't tell anyone Fara,It might ruin my street cred.What street cred?,you don't have a street cred.But come on alex i gota tell someone because this is way to funny.Please Fara i would do it for you.Alex no afence but i highly dought that.Okay i'll try not to tell anyone.Thank you,so what are you doing hear?Well i'm food shopping for the twins.So why are you hear,looking for a new girlfriend?No,well yes kinda.Alex it's sad to say but your getting kinda desprite.Well okay,i'll see you later then.Okay see ya late Fara.

It was nice to seeing alex.He was a pretty cool dude once you know him for a while and when he wants to be.The smell of the human blood didn't make me thirst at all and that was a great sighn to me.Maybe it was because i had a big breackfast,Yeah that was probubly it.

I saw Mat at Lowes.Should i go say hi or ignore him.I'll ignore him because the words "Why did he kiss me" kept running through my mind.He new i was married.I couldn't stress the word married enough.Well to get my answer i might have to talk to him then huh.Should i use a direct approach or a suddle approach.I felt a warm touch on my sholder.I turned around and it was him.Hey,how are you?I stared at him.He was more buff than the last time ai sw him.He was wearing a white v-neck tee.It showed everry muscle and peck on his body.I had to admit he was a little bit hot.I'm fine it think,how are you?I'm good,kids are startng to sleep a lot less now.Fara are you going to pretend like nothing happened.I just wanna know why you did what you did Mathew?

I told you,i like you.Actually i think i love you Fara.I told you Mathew I'm happily married with two beautiful kids in the car.Plus how you saw Darren and me at the house.It's i.What?You said Darren and me,Its supose to be Darren and I.Shut up,you know i never was good at phrases.Plus you know i hate people who correct me.Yeah i remember when the teacher corrected you,You yelled at her and then cried.What,i was five.We lauguhed for a few minutes at the old memorie.Stop that,you got me off the subject.What was i going to say.Oh yeah,well that should have signinfied something to you.Well it did but i can't let you go for some reason Fara.

When you left i started to get over you.But when i found an old picture 0f us.It bought back old memories that i didn't want to forget.When i saw that picture of the both of us it seemed like you were the only thing in my mind.I have a quetion for you know.What is it?Did you tell whats his name about what happened that night?Of course i did and all i can say is that your very very lucky.Why?Because he was going to rip your head off.So your welcome.Thank you.The smiled at me.You wanna go get some coffe or something.Sorry the kids are probubly home wanting there oreo's by now.My phone started to ring.I got that Nicki Minaj ringtone,what it called Blazin.I love that song.Darren got me alot of expensive things that i didn't need for my birthday.Well a Blackberry storm was one of them.

Excuse me Mathew i have to take this.Ii was Darren calling me.He probubly was wondering where i was.Heu honey whats up.Nothing are you on your way home yet?No not yet almost finishing up,why?Weire out of huney nut cheerios can you pick up some more please.Sure no prob.Love you by.I didn't tell him that i already had the cheerios but i just wanted to spend alittle bit more time with Mathew.Mathew you still wanna get that coffee?Sure lets go.We went to the coffe shop down the street from the mall.Some times it was easy for me to forget that i was no longer human.The coffee smelt burnt.The cream smelt like spoiled milk,vomit and a dead fish.I could have pucked but the replacement of the sick feeling was the smell of human blood.My throat started to burn little by little.My thirst started to come back to me.I forced the burning pain down.We sat outside and talked for a few minutes.I saw the sun tring to come out from behind the clouds.

I new i had to leave soon.Darren always
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