» Family & Relationships » Loving Humane-ity, Adrienne Gresham, LaCont'e [superbooks4u .TXT] 📗

Book online «Loving Humane-ity, Adrienne Gresham, LaCont'e [superbooks4u .TXT] 📗». Author Adrienne Gresham, LaCont'e

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a humane baby; but now they had a


human one. They were smart enough to buy plenty of books on the subject.


Things were done slightly different with this one.


Dixon and Daisy started to act out because they had been the babies for so long.


They had all of every body’s attention and did not want to share it with another


baby. “This is certainly something new, I wonder what breed he is?” asked


Dixon. “I don’t know, but he is not a dog at all, he is a human, like Daniel” she


responded. “We are still the babies, now it is just three instead of two” Dixon




“Just be happy for our new addition, and don’t make any trouble. Do you two


understand?” Dad said. They gave him a nod of ‘yes and that ended that




Daniel was out there filling in holes underneath the fence and Erwin was in his


stroller watching the dogs play. Hank, Daisy and Dixon decided to put a rope on


his stroller and pull him around the yard for fun. He was laughing and they were


having a great time until he started to cough. Daniel heard him and ran over to


him. He was choking on one of his toddler snacks. Once he got it out, the baby


was o.k.


Hank had lain down on the grass to watch Daniel so that he would know what to



do for the next time that incident happened. “Well, at least we know now that


humans cannot laugh and eat at the same time” said Dixon. “Oh that just


happened because he is a baby and does not have any teeth yet, he’s alright now”


Hank replied. “So on that note, do you guys want to eat these treats that he


dropped or not?” asked Daisy. They all pounced on those treats.


“Lets all play beauty pageant” said Daisy. “We all have to walk on our back legs”


said Daniel. “I want to strike a pose for my pictures” said Joseph. “Do you see a


camera present?” asked Jay. None of them were aware that Daniel was


videotaping them as they were performing. So they were hard at play and having


a great time doing so.


Daniel decided to send the video in to America’s funniest home videos and they


actually won the grand prize. He decided to write a book about them.


Coletta came home one evening and after dinner she told Daniel “I think that we


need a bigger house and yard. They just need more space to expand their legs”.


He just looked at her for a while, and then said “I think that they are fine, at least


for now. It won’t hurt to start looking around though”.


“The reason that I brought it up because my uncle has willed me a ranch house on


the outskirts of town, and I think that it will be great for them and us” she said.


“Get out of here, are you serious?” She looked at him and laughed at the


expression on his face. “I am very serious, my love. Are you interested?” He


stood up and hugged her tightly, as he kissed her. “How early do you want to ride


out in the morning?” he asked.


They drove out early to look it over, and boy, was it great. There were at least


fifteen acres of green grass. All kinds of trees and a small lake, not too far from


the main house. There were stables for horses and even some chicken coops. They


had to laugh at that because they were not farmers, just dog lovers.


His only complaint was the fact that there was no fencing around the yard and he


had to have that. “We can move in as soon as I can get the fencing put up”. “How


long do you think that will take?” she asked. “Not too long, maybe about two


weeks, tops”. She was happy and could not wait to start packing.


Erwin was now one year and walking around. He was curious about everything


and every body.


Jay, Joseph and Hank had to get used to this, because they had never lived outside


of the city. “Where is the noise from the traffic?” Jay asked. “It’s too quiet out


here” replied Hank. “Oh don’t you guys just love it, stop complaining, and be


thankful” said Joseph.


The next morning, Daniel was awakened by plenty of barking and howling going


on. It startled him and he ran out of the house as quick as he could. When he


reached them, he saw Brett and Berta had arrived flown in and they were happily


playing. After witnessing this reunion he was relieved and went back inside.


Even though Erwin was only one, he was very independent and met his dad


coming in as he was going out. Daniel stopped him and picked him up. “No, let


go daddy” he said. “Hey wait a minute, your pants are on backwards, slow down”.


After dad straightened his pants, he raced outside to get with the group.


They were comfortable leaving him alone with the animals because they knew


that he would be well taken care of by them. Whenever they finished playing, or


whenever he got tired Hank would bring him home.


The doorbell was motion censored, and the animals caught on quick. Whenever


Hank brought the baby home; the butterflies would fly in front of the doorbell


until someone would come out to get him. Erwin loved the attention that the


animals gave to him.


Coletta thought that the dogs had been cooped up in the yard for too long, so she


decided to open the gate and let them out for a while to play. At around six thirty


or so, she heard much barking and growling going on, so she ran out to see what


all the commotion was about.


Every body was accounted for except for Dominique. “Where is he, she asked?”


she finally felt tugging at her pant legs and looked down. Daisy and Dixon were


pulling her, while Hank was on the ground crying and moaning. She picked the


baby up and followed the dogs. Krem and Doreen were jumping up and down and


growling at a spot in the lake that was close to the edge.


She tried calling Daniel on his cell phone for the second time and still there was


no answer. There was so much noise going on that she did not hear him come up.


Erwin was crying and scream! She just could not think clearly. There was a big


Splash! And Daniel came up out of the water with Dominique.


The puppies were all screaming in unison “Get up Nique, Get up, please!” Daniel


revived him and he started coughing. Daniel picked him up and held him while


Coletta put a warm blanket around him. “How in the hell did they get out of that


yard? I know for a fact that I filled in all of those holes” he said. “I am so sorry


honey; I let them out to play for a while. Please forgive me, it will never happen


again” she responded.


Over the next two weeks he noticed that all of the dogs would just stay huddled


together in one spot whenever they were not eating. They weren’t playful


anymore and they seemed depressed.


He called his uncle and explained what happened to him. He came out and


brought a psychologist with him. The therapist told them that” due to the incident


with Dominique, the dogs did not feel safe and secure on the grounds anymore,


and this was their way of protecting each other”.


Daniel knew that he had to do something to shake them out of that funk, so he


played the video of them when they played beauty pageant in the yard. They


slowly started to play with each other, and eventually seemed to be back to




He purposely took all of them back down to the lake and played fetch and other


games with them for hours. As far as he was concerned, the fear was gone.


Daisy told Hank and Dixon “I am bored, let’s go and explore”. “Do you think that


is a good idea? How will we get out of the yard, anyway?” Dixon asked. Hank


looked at them and said “I don’t know about that idea”. “Oh come on, don’t be a


dud” said Jay and Joseph in unison.


They found some loose dirt and dug a hole big enough for all of them to get out of


the yard. They took off on their exploration.


By the time that Daniel went out to feed them, they had been gone for about five


hours and it was now getting dark. “Where are they?” Doreen asked her husband.


“Don’t panic, they will be here shortly” he said. “If they are not back by morning,


then I will go out looking” Daniel told Coletta.


He could not sleep, no matter how hard he tried. It was now five o’clock in the


morning and he was off to find his puppies. He had no idea where to go and look,


but he was determined to find them. It was now four p.m. and still no sign of


them. Agitation and worry had set in on him and he was tired. He decided that the


next step was to inform the authorities.


He arrived home after six o’clock p.m. and she did not see her children. Doreen


went outside and got into their doghouse and howled for the rest of the night.


There was no calming her down. “Our other children need us too, we have to stay


strong” said Krem. “I know that, but I want my babies here with me. Why can’t


you understand that?” she exploded.


After one whole week they still had not surfaced, and they knew nothing more.


Daniel decided to put an ad in the local paper in hopes of hearing something about


his dogs.


Daniel and Coletta were awakened by the phone ringing at four o’clock a.m. it


was the authorities calling. “This is officer Huff with the local authorities, and we


have located your dogs. They are in a shelter over in the next county. Call me in


the morning at seven a.m. we will go and get them”.


The three of them set out in the morning to go and get the dogs. When they


arrived, they found out that Dixon had been adopted. “Oh please don’t say that”


Daniel cried. “They all had on collars and tags, how in the world did that happen?


Was he sold or something? Tell me now, I want to know”. “Calm down, lets just


breathe for a minute” said officer Huff.


They got back home with the four, but without Dixon who could celebrate their


return? “I won’t rest until I have him home where he belongs” said Daniel.


Brett and Berta remembered the tag number of the car that they put him into.


They went and gathered a lot of their butterfly friends and brought them over.


They formed the tag number in the air. “How do we relay the message to Daniel?”


Joseph asked. Coletta quickly grabbed her camera and took pictures of the


numbers and letters that the butterflies formed for them.


She had never seen anything like this before in her life and it was amazing. She


and Daniel sat down and starred at these pictures for two hours, before realizing


that it was a tag number. “This cannot be for real” she said. He was speechless


and could only laugh in astonishment at these animals.


They took the pictures over to officer Huff in hopes of him using them. He


assured them that he would get back on the case after Christmas. There was


nothing else that they could do, so they left.


Christmas day was soon approaching and the puppies were looking forward to


their new toys and treats. It just did not seem right without Dixon. No matter how


hard they tried to go on as usual.


“This is too hard, I feel so helpless. I wonder if he is alright. Is he eating,


sleeping?” said Daniel. “Honey, let’s just pray for his safe return” said Coletta.


Erwin grabbed both of his parents’ hands and closed his eyes for prayer. They


looked at each other and followed suit.


No sooner had they finished praying when they heard a car horn blowing. They


ran outside to see officer Huff taking Dixon off of a leash. Dixon took off so fast


that he tripped once or twice getting to his parents. They were so glad to see their


baby that they would have smothered him with pampering if Daniel had not




This was Christmas Eve and the dogs put on a show for the humans. They were


jumping up and down and leaping.

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