» Family & Relationships » I Don't Want To Love 2 : Don't Give up On Me, Nyree [best books to read ever .TXT] 📗

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He kissed me more and more.He moved closer and closer to the door.I guess he was trying to motivate to get out of the bed and it worked.Okay fine i'll go,can you get me that white and red sundress out of my closet and those red flats as well please.Sure,what ever you want.Oh before i forget hears the ring i got you.It's beautifull Darren i love it.I's 24 carats.The ring was truely beautifull,it was a 24 carat sapphire dimond,it shined in the light.Darren i can't ecept this.It had to cost you a arm and a leg.No it was nothing you deserve every penny and besides no amount of money could compare to you're rarity and beauty.Thank you Darren this is the best gift anyones ever given me.I love you so much.

I got out of the bed and looked for another outfit to match the ring.I out this Dark blue dress with a pare of black shoes.Wow Fara you look amazing in that dress.Why thank you,you don't think it's a little to short on me.No you look fine and besides were just going to see my family.

Okay i'm ready,lets go see the family.I took hand.we walked till we got to the woods and then he pulled me into his arms and the next thingin know it that we were right there at the door step.Hey dude where's my pizza.Alex i told you i'm not going to get you a pizza.Hey Fara hows it been? It's been pritty good how about you? Well i really wanted a pizza but i gusse my brother doesn't care about me.And you did say you were going to pick me up a plickets pizza.What's a plickets pizza? It's a a vampires pizza,it has the bread cooked in animal blood.The sauce beeing blood and the cheese pig skin.So it's a vampires lovers pizza.Yeah comeon in.I was really looking foward to that pizza dude,you faild me.Okay Alex hears you're pizza.I waved my hand in a square motion of the shape of a box.I thaught for a few minutes and the box apeared.Hear you go Alex,you're vampire lovers pizza and a soda.What kinda soda is it? Its a blood with selzer water.Awsome my fave thanks Fara.I didn't know you were a witch.

Yeah i kinda got into the arts a while ago.Bro i like you're girlfriend alot more now.Yeah what ever.Hey every one i got the pizza and a soda on the side.Good i'm starving,whats up Fara.Nothing much rickey how about you.Same,about to enjoy some pizza do you want some?No thank you i like my food cooked and no blood in it.Oh yeah you're still a human.I think that was kinda a complement.No Darren a complement would me saying how hot she is in that dress.No thats a complement.Thank you Rickey,but you don't think it's a little to short on me.No it's just fine but i thik you would look even hotter if it was off.Okay Rickey you're going a lttle to far now.

Yeah rickey and besides you have a girlfriend anyway said a voice from the distance.Hi julie whats going on.Nothing much just hanging around.Rickey i didn't know you were dateing any one.Yeah,we've been dateing for about six hours now.Who is she? you'll see she's going to be hear in a few minutes.The door bell rang,everyone except Sarah,Saddie,Rickey and Darren had a look on there face like they were wondering who was at the door.Everyone hears Jenny.Yeah jenny's back,i was kinda hopeing nothing will make my perfect day go horribly wrong but seeing her face made a dream turn into a nightmare.Hi everyone i'm baaaaaccc... Her vice trailed off when she saw me in the room.Well i didn't think i would be seeing you hear Fara.

I thaught the same thing.So how have you been Fara.Fine,things are trying o kill me but fine how about you? Well my life has been fine,as you can see i've been dateing Rickey.I see that theirs awkward in the house right now so Fara you wanna go.Sure,i'm okay with that.Wiat before both of you go,Darren you never told me how you have been.Well ever since our brake up.I've been great,happy,excited ever since our brake up.So you're not haveing any second thaughts about us or her. Okay listen to me Jenny i'm sick of you trying to steal him away from me okay.Listen he doesn't want you any more.Well no one was asking you.She's right Jenny,you need to stop what you're doing.Fara is going to be my wife.You're going to marry her.

Yes he is and i would like it if you wouldn't come to our future wedding.What ever,Rickey i'm breaking up with.What whay Jenny?Because i really just wantded to see Darren.Okay so then bye.Really you're not upset about our brake up.No i bet Alex 20 bucks that you would brake up with me befor saturday because of Darren.So you bet on me and for 20 bucks.Yeah i did so Alex pay up.Yeah what ever,hear you go.Seeing the look on Jennys face was price less.She looked like she was going to throw a major hissy fit right then and there.You know what,screw you all.By Jenny don't come back,I'm sorry Fara i thaught Darren would warn you that she was comeing.Darren you knew she was comeing? Yeah kinda i thaught she would change.I for give you all.It felt great to see her act like that.You two ae getting married,how wonderfull.

Thanks Sarah,thanks eveyone.Fara i think i want to show you something.Sure i can't wait to see it.So rickey how do you feel about Darren going to marry Fara.I'm okay with it i'm just glad i don't have to see Jenny's face any more,she was a jerk.Yeah why do you think Darren left her for her.Yeah i guess you have a point,want to watch sports center.Sur i don't care.We don't know that yet.So Fara it's almost 8 o'clock.8 we've been hear for almost 7 hours.

You wanna go back to my apartment and watch,a movie or somehing.Fara i know that's not what you really want to do when we get their.Well then why don't you show me then what i really want to do.The beautifull thing about being a witch is that you really don't have to wait to get to were you want to go.I really thnk the best things witches crated was teleportaion.For the past 3 weeks where pretty much sweet heavenly bliss.I spent most of my tie with Darren and his family prepairing our future wedding.

Chapter 3 : Wake Up

So Ms.Faraganda Mackavie,what are you plannng to do all day tomorrow he said sarcasticly.Well i was thiking about going to the park,maybe go swimming.Ha ha very funny.Fara are you sure you want to go through with the wedding.You don't have to do this for my sake,i can wait.Darren i want to marry you,i want to be the new Mrs.Welsh.Your not getting cold feet because it's not to late to back out of this now.Darren you have been asking me that question for te past 2 days now.I just want to make sure you're doing what you really want to do.

Darren,shut up and hold me please.He grabbed me and pulled me closer to his body.We were quit for a good long minute.Darren..I.What is it Fara?I just want to know why you want to marry me?Fara i thought you understood why i like,no why i love you.Yeah thats it.I'm not like you,i'm human.Fara i love you for all those reasons and more.I love you with every single fiber of my being.

You make living worth living for.If you weren't in my life i wouldn't want to see another sun rise.Darren,thats exctly it i put you through hell all the time.I know that and thats also what makes me want to keep going.I will protect you till the end of time.You give me purpose every single day and night.

I have one more question for you.What is it?HOW DO YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT TO SAY!!!Well i don't know about that,but i know how most people feel.I gave him one quick kiss and then it turned into two then three.But i didn't mind and i new he didn't either.I new after that second kiss things got more intense.He kissed me harder and i returned the same way.But i couldn't keep going i say something move in the corner of my eye.I pulled away from him and moved causiously towards the window.Darren looked at me with a puzzled look on his face.

The shadow stood infront of my window with blood red eyes glowing in the shadows.Darren rushed to my side the second the creature apeard.

He walked slowly foward and pushed me back little by little.Fara when i tell you to run i want you to run okay.No if you're going to stay hear and fight so am i.The figure in the window looked at me and then at him.It's eyes arched and it growled at use.It showed it's bright white sharp teeth.I flinched at the sight of it and then looked at Darren.He didn't brake his gaze from the creature and the creature didn't brakes it's gaze from him.The creature arched it's self into a springing mood as i started to move back.The glass smashed and the best came running in.Darren leaped at the beast and i saw what it was.It had the shape of a man and it looked like a wolf.

I stood there in shock as my room was being torn to peices.I never thought werewolves existed till today.Well thats the same thing i thought about vampires as well.I started to come to and i saw Darren get thrown against a wall.Fara run i can't.I stood there staring at the beast with my fists full of nothing but fire.It bared it sharp teeth at me and lunged.I fought,i burned some of it's fur.Darren jumped on its back tring to choke it.Darren was thrown to the next room.I blinked for less than a second.I was pinned on the ground.It's eyes wen't from a blood red color to a pritty auburn color.

It looked at me with sad eyes and then bit me.AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!.Get off of her,it was a loud angry voice yelled from the distance.AAAAHHHHH,i screamed more and more.I moved back a proped my self against the neariest wall.I watched Darren throw the beast out of the window.It landed on it feet,stood up and stared at both of us.It looked at darren and it's eyes turned back red.He pulled his teeth out and snareled at him.It started to walk backwards very slowly.It's eyes went back to an auburn color when it looked at me.I put my hand on shoulder where the wolf have bitten me andstared at the blood.I looked the the wolf as my hand droped because of my loss of blood.It stared at me like it was sad for what it had done.I smiled at it sterted to pass out.I heard
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