» Family & Relationships » The Self Harmed, Chalen D. [free ebook reader for pc txt] 📗

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lot of people cheat.”

“She didn’t cheat.” Caden snapped.


“What are you really doing here Ayelie?” I asked.

“I want to help.”

“You want to help with what?” Caden asked.

“Clara is one of my best friends.” She reminded him. “In case you have forgotten.”

“We’re still thinking of what to do next.” I interrupted them.

“And you didn’t ask for my Madness?” She gave me a sly grin.

“What’s your idea?”

“Check the computer?" She questioned.


“And the in and out papers?”

“Done.” I said, Then looked at Caden, “We think The hospital took them.”

“But why?” Caden asked.

“They were getting better.”  Ayelie sat down in the desk chair.

We all sat quiet looking down. They were gone, and we couldn’t do anything about it. We didn’t even know if the hospital took them or not.

“What if they escaped and they just left the paper blank.” Caden spoke up.

“They wouldn’t escape.” Ayelie spoke in, “Not after what happened to Alen and Daniel.”

“Maybe they did.” I looked up. “Ryder’s smart, and Clara knows how to live on the edge. And they wanted the in and out papers when Owen and I went to the office.”

“You went with Owen?” She snorted.

“Yes I went with Owen. They’re our Boyfriend and Girlfriend if you have forgotten.”

“Not the way things are going they’re not.”

“What’s your Problem?” Caden asked.

“I’m speaking the truth. Something I’ve done from Day one. You think I’m heartless because I’m picking on her? Please.”

“I think you should go.” Caden said.

“With pleasure.”

We both watched her get up and leave the room.

~ Lock down~

It was lunch and I kept dozing off.

“Yo,” Alex slapped his tray down.

“What?” I looked around.

“Are you okay?"

"I’m tired.” I pushed my tray away.

He smiled at me, and pushed my tray back.

“Right.” I grabbed my bread stick and Took a bite, “Wait. Why are you sitting with me?”

“Because you want to know what happened to Ryder and Clara.” He looked at me.

“And you have the answer?”

“I believe I do.”

“Will the entire school please head to the bleachers in the field to have a school meeting.”

“What’s that for?” I asked.

“Come on.” Alex grabbed Our bags and I stood up.

He handed over my bag and we walked out to the field.

“Hey.” Owen walked over to us.


“Wait!” Ayelie ran over to us.

“Over here!” Caden waved us over.

He dropped his legs as we came over and we all sat down.

Mr. Pepper took the lead. “The parents of two of the students that went here think that this school is unfit for a recovery home.”

I looked at Alex.

“So they took their kids out of the school.”


“Bingo.” He muttered.

“Taking out kids from here sent a buzz and We are unfit for a recovery home.” Mr. Pepper said.

“What does that mean for us!” A kid yelled.

“Yeah.” I said, tossing up my hands with the other kids.

“It means that your parents have been called. You are to pack all of your belongings and go home. The school we are closed down for a week. Possibly more. We are detailing the school so it is safe for you. No more mirrors in rooms, More nurses every were, And in the lunch hall we will have a different area for the kids with an eating disorder, you will all eat a normal size of food, even if it takes all day. Everyone will have a bracelet depending on why you are here, so don’t try to skip out.

Eating disorder students will have a pink one that they will have to get scanned at the door. If you’re name doesn’t pop up in one of the many computers we will soon have set up, we will hunt you down, and drag you to the food hall. Suicide students will have blue and Students who cut for a form of self-harm with have red. Some of you will have more than one bracelet and under no circumstances will bulling be aloud. This is a place to get better. Not get worse. It’s what us staff like to call a formal lock down.

All your Issue bracelets will be on your right hand, everyone will have a black bracelet on their left to track your classes. Therapy and weight calls will all still be the same.  We are getting stricter, and you shall obey. There will be nurses in every bathroom, and checks will be through the night. Every Sunday you will all be drawn into the food hall so the staff can check your room. This rule is moving up from just the suicide wing to all wings. If you have multiple issues we will look over your cases, and put you in the wing which will help you with your most pressing matter.

Some of you will stay in the same room, and others won’t. You’re dismissed. Pack everything!” He called as we all got up. “Whatever you don’t will be tossed. We’ll call you when the time to come back is here. Your parents have gotten strict instructions not to put you in a normal high school, Kick scream, I don’t care, do not let them take you to a normal school. When you come back you’ll just have to stay longer.”

“Shit, Mr. Pepper means business.” Caden muttered as we all walked in our hall.

“I like it. He won’t get stepped all over.” Ayelie said. “He’s a cool teacher but He’s a push over.”

“Charlie?” Owen asked.

“Huh?” I looked at him.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“You look Pale.” Caden added.

“Uh, Ryder and Clara are the kids that sent the school into lock down.”

“How do you know?” Ayelie asked.

“I just do okay?” I asked, shutting my bedroom door.

I packed up and waited in the hall. Someone tapped my shoulder and I jumped.

“you okay?” Jackson asked.

“Yeah.” I stood up and gave him a hug.

“Where’s your Brother?”

“I Don’t know.” I looked down the packed hall. “I’m getting worried.”

“I’ll wait here, why don’t you go see if you can find him?”

“Okay.” I gave him one last hug, and headed down the hall.

“Crippled coming through.” Caden tried to push past a group.

I grabbed his good arm and yanked him. His bags knocked a couple of people out of the way and he flew at me. We took a few steps back. Caden dropped some of his bags trying to grab me.

“Are you okay?” He questioned.

I nodded, “Jackson’s here.”

“Where’s Mom?”

“I don’t know.”

We picked up his bags and we left the school.

~Home for now~

“Hey!” Mom smiled as we came inside.

She pulled me in for a hug.

“Did your appointment go good?” I asked.

“Yep. Everything’s fine.”

“Hi guys.” I touched her stomach.

“Mom!” Caden grinned.

“Hi!” She hugged him.

“Dinner is done.” She gave Jackson a kiss.

“I’m starving.” Caden hurried to the dining hall.

Jackson Hurried after him.

“Come on.” Mom smiled.

I smiled back and we walked to the dining room arm in arm.

“So,” Jackson smiled at us.

Caden and I glanced at each other.

“We want to get married while your home.” He said.

“Perfect.” Caden said.

“Where?” I asked.

“London.” Mom smiled.

“What?” Caden grinned. “We’re going back!”

“Just for the week.” Jackson said.

“Why London?” I asked.

“It’s a lot less money to get my Family there then Jackson’s family here.” Mom said.

“And London’s so pretty.” Caden told me.

“Isn’t it going to be rainy?” I asked.

Caden and Jackson laughed, and Mom and I looked at each other confused.

“It’s usually rainy in London.” Jackson explained.

“We can rent that church.” Caden said. “The one with the wedding hall attached.”

“That’s the one.” Jackson nodded.

“And you can go shopping for a dress with me Charlie.” Mom added.

“Where?” I questioned. “France?”

“Stop.” Mom looked at me.

“It just seems like a lot of money.” I told her.

“Well you have a lot of money now Charlie.” Jackson said.

“No you and Caden do.” I said.

“It’s your money too Charlie.” Jackson said.

“It takes time to get used to.” Caden said. “Trust me.”

“I feel sick.”

“Are you okay?” Mom asked.

“Can I just take a shower and go to bed?”

“But you barely ate.” Mom pointed out.

“I’ll eat a big breakfast tomorrow.”

“I think it’s fine.” Jackson said.

“Yeah.” Caden nodded.

“I promise I’ll eat Mom.” I told her. “I’m trying to get better.”

“Alright.” She nodded.

I hugged everyone and went upstairs. I still wasn’t used to this. Having Money. I didn’t want to lose myself. I took a shower and got into bed. Beat, I fell asleep.


I strapped myself in and took deep breaths. I was sitting in first class next to Caden who was grinning, and basically had his face glued to the little window.

“Look, We’re taking off!” He said.

My nails dug into the arm rest. I looked across the row to the two seats that Mom and Jackson sat in. She was looking at me our faces the same. We grabbed for each other’s hand at the same time. The Plane slowly went up.

“Oh no. Charlie!” Caden said at my side. “You’ve never been in a plane before?”

I quickly shook my head. He laughed and grabbed my hand. Once in the air I was fine. I couldn’t say the same for Caden’s arm. When Ever the plane jumped I dug my nails into it mistaking it for the arm rest. He just kept saying Ow, until I realized I was the one hurting him. We slowly began to land. The plane jumped to the ground and I grabbed Caden’s arm.

“Ow, Ow, Ow,”

“Suck it up.” I hissed at him.

His face twisted in pain and I let up my grip. The people opened the plane and I shot up.

“Get out of my way!” I ran off the plan, with My Mom clutching my hand.

We sat at a café while the boys got our luggage.

“Why is the car backwards?” I asked.

“The car’s not backwards Charlie.” Caden laughed, “You are.”

I looked at Mom and we climbed into the car. Their house was like a freaking castle. I set my bags on my bed, and turned to face Caden who was leaning on the wall. He grinned at me.

“Can We stay here forever?”


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