» Family & Relationships » Ghostly objections, kayleigh jennings [notion reading list txt] 📗

Book online «Ghostly objections, kayleigh jennings [notion reading list txt] 📗». Author kayleigh jennings

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mother hugged and kissed her. She even cried, a lot. Kaitlyn didn’t know how to comport her mother. She didn’t even know how to say good bye. It was something she had never had to do before. Kaitlyn had never been away from her mother. She was terrified of what it was going to be like. Kaitlyn was anxious to see her grandmother, who she hadn’t seen in years, but she was also scared to leave her mother.
After Kaitlyn had left, Grace couldn’t hold herself together any longer. She had been living with a child molesting murderer for too long without noticing. She should have noticed, she should have suspected, she should have known. It was all a blame game in Grace’s head now. She wanted to be stuck in jail. After all, she is the one who could live years and years without noticing what her husband was doing to her children. To Grace it was all her fault. She deserved to sit in a cell for the rest of her life too.
The ride was long and boring. She tried to sleep, read, listen to music, and eat, but none of these things made the ride any shorter. So she just settled for looking at the world that was passing her by. When the train came to a stop, she realized she had slept through at least four hours of the ride.
Her grandmother was waiting for her when she stepped off of the last step. It was a good feeling to see her grandmother, but she wanted to call her mother as soon as she could.
Her grandmother, patty was thrilled to see Kaitlyn. Patty knew what was going on at home, but had no idea that Kaitlyn was the one to dig it all up again. She would soon find out and have mixed emotions about it.
Patty ran to Kaitlyn and hugged her tightly.
“I have missed you so much young lady“, said Patty.
“Missed you too grandma,” said Kaitlyn
Then they were on their way to Kaitlyn’s new home. It was a short and silent ride. Kaitlyn felt like that ride was longer than the train ride. It felt to her like a million years. She was exhausted and ready to talk to her mother. Kaitlyn was in no mood to sit and catch up with her grandmother. So when they got to the house Patty let Kaitlyn call her mother.
Ring, ring, ring.
“Hello,” said Grace.
“Hey mom, it’s me,” said Kaitlyn.
“Hello sweetheart how was the train ride?” asked Grace.
“It was ok, but I just needed to hear your voice. I have only been gone for like ten hours and I already miss you. How am I going to do this?” said Kaitlyn.
“Honey it will be ok, I just don’t want you to have to deal with the rumors and stress, when you need to worry about school,” replied Grace.
“Mom, can I ask you a question?” asked Kaitlyn.
“Of course,” answered Grace.
“Well I was wondering, what you are going to do when Dad gets out of jail on bond?” said Kaitlyn.
“Well honey, he will not be allowed to be around me so I will be fine. There is no need to worry about me. I am just here to make sure he gets what he deserves, and then I will be right there beside you,” answered Grace.
“What will happen if he comes around you?” asked Kaitlyn.
“Sugar, don’t worry it will be just fine. I promise!” answered Grace.
“Ok mom, I am going to go get some rest. I love and miss you very much,” said Kaitlyn.
“Good night baby girl,” said Grace.
Kaitlyn was more worried about her mother now than before. It had only been a few hours, but she wanted to go home, but she went to bed for some peace, not sleep.
Alicia was having a hard time digesting all of this, so she kept out of the path for a little while, but all she wanted to know is why kill her. There was a secret that no one knew about George, it was one that was held between Alicia and him for a long time. Now was the time for her to replay it in her head, and let it go as she has with the rest of her bad memories.
The first time it happened, Alicia was five years old. George came into Alicia’s room in the middle of the night. He said it was because he thought she was having a bad dream, but she knew she had not. He laid in the bed with her as if to comfort her, just like any father would do, but then he did something that made her more uncomfortable than ever before with him. It started with him just getting under the comforter with her, and then he took her pajamas off her. She knew she had not peed the bed. Why was he taking off her clothes? He then took off his own clothes. She was confused at that moment. Her father had never taken any of his clothes off in front of her, not even his shirt. Now he was naked and so was she.
The memory made her cringe, she wanted to cry, but of course was unable.
He made her do things to him that night. He made her do things, things that would make her a whole new person from then on. When he was done that night, he got out of her bed, put his clothes on, and walked out to leave her traumatized from then to forever. She laid there for hours in horror. She was afraid to move, she was afraid to even breathe.
That was only one of many memories like that. The abuse only got worse after that. She had not idea why he would hide his face and kill her that night, when he had already raped her over a hundred times before. She was confused, horrified, and more than anything miserable in her own little surroundings. She had no one to talk to, no one to hold her and tell her it would be ok, and no one to love. Would she ever be able to move on? The world was a different place to her now. She did not belong, but she could not leave until she found out if her father got what he deserved.
The morning after he abused her for the first time, he took her to school for the first time ever too. She was nervous throughout the whole ride. She thought it was going to happen again, but instead all he did was tell her that she wasn’t going to school today. That made her even more nervous. The day was every child’s dream, they went to the zoo, got ice cream, ate greasy food and candy. It was perfect to Alicia, accept for when they went back home, her mother was not home yet. Alicia thought it would never happen again, but it did. After this time, her father told her that is she told her mother that he would hurt her mother. Alicia was scared and didn’t know what to do. She loved her father, but he was really hurting her. So, she kept it their secret up until the day she died. The same question just kept running through her head though. Why did he have to kill her?

Chapter three
Looking Back
Grace was up and ready for work earlier than normal today. Today was the day that George went to court, and she knew he would have bond money waiting on him. She didn’t want to show it, but she was afraid for her child. He would have no idea where Kaitlyn was, so he had no way to hurt her.
Grace went to work with an edge to her day that was unnoticeable to the world, but was all that she could notice about herself. Her day was going by so fast, when it came time to leave and go to the courthouse, her stomach was in knots. She was ready to escape this horror and go be with her daughter, but it would be soon enough. Right now, she had to make sure that sick bastard got what he deserved.
She sat in the back of the court room. George did not even see her in the beginning. It was torture.
Bailiff, “ALL RISE.”
Judge Gregg, “please sit court is now in session.”
“How do you plead Mr. Nichols?” asked the judge.
George Nichols, “Not guilty, sir.”
“Ok thank you.” replied the judge. Prosecution, what do you request we set as bail?” said Judge Gregg.
“We request 50,000, sir” suggested the prosecuting attorney.
“Sounds reasonable to me,” interrupted George’s lawyer, Mr. Umber. “Ok, bail is set at 50,000 and the defendant is to remain in this state, if he leaves he will be remanded to the jail cell until his trial date.” Judge Gregg stated.
That is when George noticed that Grace was sitting in the back of the room. He looked around when he found out that he was going to get to go home, and his eyes landed right on Grace.
“Your honor, there is one more request,” said the prosecutor.
“And that would be?” asked the judge.
“We would like to have a restraining order put against the defendant, so he will not bother his wife or daughter. They are in fear that he could hurt them too.” requested the attorney.
“Right now there is no plausible reason to have one, but if he goes near them starting any trouble, then I will issue one. For now, Mr. Nichols, just stay away from your family.” said the judge.
“Yes sir.” replied George
Grace was nervous. When George walked out of the courtroom, he winked at her. It was not one of the winks you would give your wife, it was more of a “time to play,” wink.
That was the type of thing he would have done to her when they were dating, but he hasn’t done anything like that since they were just dating. It was a big surprise to her, and would have been to anyone else, if they would have seen it. She was sure now that he would not be leaving her alone for long.
That night at home grace made sure all the windows and doors were locked before going to bed. She was sure he would not bother her that night, but it would be coming sooner than she had thought in the beginning. She would soon face the biggest fear in her life. That night was hard, she laid in bed for what seemed like hours before falling into a deep sleep.
The next morning, Grace woke up to a giant relief. Her house was not broken into and she was still alive, but when she finally looked at the clock on the coffee pot. She realized that she was hours late for work. Her first thought was to hurry and get dressed and speed off to work, but then she decided to call and make it just a personal day. She was not ready to confront the rumors she would soon hear. Her first task of the day would be to call her mother and see how her daughter was doing. This task would be the hardest of the day, knowing that her child is going through something that she can never fix. She can never fix the fact that the man she married killed her child. She can never fix the fact that Kaitlyn lost her one and only sibling. She can never fix the fact that sooner or later Goerge could possibly come for the both of them, and that was one
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