» Family & Relationships » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [reading well .txt] 📗

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/> She gave her orders and the group was on their way. Laurynne went to find Strath with his brother Wolf. Braken Hawk turned to leave for the Ancient Mystic Palace, but she stopped him.
“Lord Braken.” Young Guardian spoke up. He stared, waiting. “I owe you an apology. I shouldn’t have disrespected you like that, and I’m sorry.”
Braken Hawk took her hand and kissed it. “I understand, Young Guardian, and you are forgiven.” He paused, and winked at her. “Just be sure it does not happen again.”
Young Guardian smiled and he disappeared.
The Protector watched his love stare into the distance, hugging herself. “You feel the dark presence she was speaking of?”
She nodded. He feared as much. In an effort to comfort her fears, he kissed her. Her kiss was lifeless, and that scared him more as she looked into his eyes. They were no longer silver-blue, but pure silver.
“Soon?” the Protector dared to whisper.
Again, she nodded.
He sighed. “Well, let’s hop to it then, shall we?”
She didn’t smile, only following him on their patrols of the Dream Realm.


Meanwhile, Braken Joel led the group of Young Companions and non-fighters to the Underground. It was the second trek back there since safely hiding the Elders after the Wars for Power. The first time was when he and a band of Companions, plus a very pregnant Young Guardian, followed him to free the Elders.
“Joel, you have not said a word all this way.” Mystica pointed out. “Is there something on your mind, son?”
“Braken told me you wanted me to name his true-son.” Joel replied, looking to the sleeping infant in her arms.
“Have you thought of a name, yet?” Mystica asked. “We are almost there. I would rather my second son have a name before his father and siblings go into battle.”
Braken Joel nodded, turning away. “I said I would name him, and I will. For now, we have a long way to go.”
Mystica only shook her head and let him walk ahead of her.
She knew there was something wrong with him, other than that, so why wouldn’t he tell her? They always used to be close, before she was sent to the Epsilon. Was he still the aloof half-Companion he used to be, when he first found out Braken Hawk wasn’t his true-father? Was he bitter now because of that, or has he grown so wise and sure of himself, he knew when to keep his mouth shut, and when to speak?
“My Lady Queen?” Sarabeth came up to her and started walking. She took the infant from her arms.
“Times have changed him, Sarabeth.” Mystica announced sadly. “Surely, you have noticed?”
“That I have.” Sarabeth shook her head. “He still hurts deep inside, but will allow no one but Nikita near him to heal where he needs it most.”
“This war will change him even more, I am sure of it.” Mystica told her, watching her son’s half-Companion form. “Whatever happens, will happen. Not even I can change the fates.”
Sarabeth agreed, but wondered what Mystica was thinking of now.
The group stopped when they reached the Elder Tree that hid the entrance to the Underground. Braken Joel looked to his half-brother, who was exploring the area with starry eyes and a laughing smile.
He seems happy enough, Joel thought to himself. Is this what I would have looked like had I been Braken Hawk’s true-son?
Mystica saw him staring and handed the infant to him. “Go ahead, Joel.” She whispered. “Do not be afraid.”
Joel took him in his arms. “Believe me, Mother. I am not afraid.”
“Look into his eyes and heart, my son.” Mystica told him. “Tell us what you see.”
Joel obeyed, staring deep into his brother’s eyes and down to his heart. A vision clouded his view.

The boy kit was older, but not much more so. He was a Young One still. He was half-Balinese feline Companion, half Ancient Mystic. Joel could feel the surge of magic in this one’s system. The brothers had the same strength, but it was used in different ways.
Something in the distance caught the boy’s eye. He held out a hand to produce a swirling ball of fire in his palm. Stars shone in his eyes, twinkling with feline mischief.
“Come out, Raulf Stargazer.” The boy supplied with a teasing grin. He bounced the fireball in his hands. “I know you are there.”
From high in the trees jumped and older version of the Young Raulf Stargazer. He flicked his tufted wolf’s tail as a playful greeting. “Nothing gets past you, does it?”
“Not when the canine stench I smell is yours.” The boy quipped, tossing the fireball at Raulf, who dodged it. The fireball almost hit him. “Now tell me I need to work on my aim.”
Raulf shifted to full wolf form and leaped from the ground to the boy’s midriff.
The boy was faster, shifting his own form to a cheetah, just as Raulf made contact.
The two wrestled their greetings, and the image was gone.

Joel looked from the baby in his arms to the kit-pup holding Kitten’s Claw’s hand.
“Well, what did you see?” Kit asked.
“Them.” Joel answered. “Raulf and –” he looked again to his infant half-brother, coming up with a name. “Starfire.”
Mystica took the baby from her older son’s arms. “Starfire, is it?” She nodded. “It does seem appropriate. Thank you, Joel.”
Joel nodded, then followed the rough bumps and furrows on the three until his hand hit the knot. Once the entrance was opened, he turned back to his mother. “Follow the trail. It leads to the secret city. You will be safe there until the war is over.”
Kitten’s Claw fiercely hugged him. “Be safe, Joel. Say you will.”
Joel kissed her forehead. “I will be safe, sister. I have not let you down yet, have I?”
Kitten’s Claw pulled back from the hug in tears, shaking her head. “I just worry for you, brother, that’s all.”
“Kit, he will be fine, and so will Kat.” Nikita supplied.
Kitten’s Claw nodded.
“I must be going now.” Braken Joel said, kissing Nikita’s lips and pulling her in for a final, tight hug. “I promise to return for you.”
Mystica pecked his cheek. “See that you do, my son.”
Braken Joel smiled, then shifted to cheetah form and ran as fast as his pads could take him. He didn’t want anyone to see the tears forming in his eyes.


Orthos paced the dungeons of this new Dark Castle of Lord Bane’s. So far, the one who called himself the Nightmare King had been quiet. The thought didn’t settle well with him.
How was he supposed to fight with a demon-man when Lord Bane had yet to show his worth? To Orthos, either Bane was very lazy, or very smart. Was Bane just sitting on the sidelines as he watched Orthos do all the work, or was he lying in wait for the right moment to make his ultimate first move?
Orthos grinned to himself. Maybe Bane thought the same of him?
He thought to Omri next, who still sulked in his vase.
Useless Djinn god. Orthos thought. What good was a Djinn if they couldn’t do anything right?
Then he thought to what D’Kora told him. Vino was destroyed by the Dweller-Companion, Red Wolf Moondancer. Red Wolf had long turned tail against Orthos and the Dominionite Warrior Army. How could the wolf-pup betray his former Master like that?
Oh well, Orthos thought to himself, gathering his Spell-Book and flipping its pages. Revenge will be sweet.
He found the spell and called it. In moments, the Outer Realm creature named Stalker stood in front of him.
Most of his Stalker-kin had receding gums, broken teeth, peeling and pale white skin, wide blood-shot eyes and smelled of centuries of death and decay.
Not Crucis. Crucis was unlike his Stalker-kin. He was as handsome as the day he was an orphan Dweller-kin Exiled for his crimes and called Stalker.
“Orthos.” Crucis bowed, his human features pink with life-giving fluid of mortals. “Always a pleasure. You have need of me?”
Orthos smiled at the handsome leader of the Stalkers, outlining his plan. “One of my Warriors was destroyed by one of Ramon’s kinsmen.”
Crucis growled. “So my son had a hand in this, did he? Tell me more.”
“An Apprentice-kin, I believe.” Orthos kept his fiendish grin. “Goes by the name of Red Wolf Moondancer.”
“Moondancer?” Crucis nearly shouted, fangs exploding in his mouth. “The man who raised my son Ramon? Who alerted the kin-Clans of my return to Romania and my threat to them? Moondancer, the Mountain-Wolf Companion who nearly destroyed me during the Wars?”
“Close, Crucis.” Orthos kept calm. “Red Wolf is the Companion-Dweller son of that man Chase and his Apprentice-kin Bondmate Celeste. He used to be a Warrior, but turned his back on me.”
At the name Celeste, Crucis’ temper calmed. He eyed the former Master with a fiendish grin of his own. “Tell me what I can do for you, Master Orthos.”
Orthos smiled. He knew the leader of the Stalkers would jump at the chance of destroying a Dweller-kin child, especially that particular one.
“Two words.” Orthos said. “Destroy him.”
Crucis grinned. “Gladly,” and disappeared into thin air.
Orthos laughed. At least the Stalker would finish the job the useless Djinn god had started.


Every one of the Dream Realm Crusaders were anxious, waiting for something else to happen. It was nerve-racking, just waiting for the final ball to drop. They were forced to live their lives for a week, nervous and anxious, curious, scared and wondering when Orthos or Bane were going to make their first moves, finally declaring war on the Dream Realm.
Julie Stewart was the most impatient of all. She suggested they get out and relax before the biggest battle of their lives.
“We deserve to have a little fun, don’t we?” Julie argued to her husband Jamie, daughter TJ and stepson Charlie. They nodded their heads in agreement.
All four of them headed across the street to the Readings. They found Derrick and Ariana, the Crusader team’s unofficial leaders, sleeping on the couch, his arm lovingly wrapped around her waist.
“Do you think they’re patrolling?” TJ asked.
“Nah.” Jamie shook his head. “Just resting. They’re exhausted.”
“You would be too if you were them.” Charlie supplied.
“That’s why I’m glad I’m not either of them.” Jamie supplied. “They work harder than any of us.”
“Between five kids in this world, and patrolling every night in our world, those two have earned their much-deserved rest.” They heard Luna’s voice from behind them. Shane was with her. “And to think; I used to be jealous she was the Ancient Mystic’s favorite. What was I thinking?”
“Face it, Sweetling, you weren’t.” Shane quipped. He nodded to Jamie. “What’s up?”
“Jules wanted to go out and have some fun before the real fun starts.” Jamie chuckled.
“We deserve a little rest and relaxation, don’t we?”
“Sure we do, Julie.” Shane remarked, nodding to the sleeping couple. “Leave them be. They need sleep more than the rest of us.”
“What about you?” TJ asked. “Can’t you leave your kids with Juliet and Kelly while you have some time to yourselves?”
“We were just thinking of asking the twins, Scott, and Sierra to join us.” Luna replied. “Bradley can watch Angel here with Kelly and the others.” She looked to her husband. “Well, what do you think?”
Shane nodded, his dark eyes twinkling. He smiled at Jamie. “Just like the old days, huh Jammins?”
Jamie smiled back. “Better, Shadow.” He supplied, hugging Julie. “Let’s show these guys how Crusaders have fun.”
At the end of the day, all Crusaders met up at a local restaurant, relaxing for
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