» Family & Relationships » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [reading well .txt] 📗

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Please, Jamie. Let us fight in this Dream Realm war.”
If they wanted to fight, shouldn’t he let them?
Jamie took a deep breath and let it out. “Do you have a Dream Locket?”
TJ showed him. “Lord Guardian taught me the Dream Chant when he gave it to me. He also gave one to Charlie, claiming he’s my Earthly Protector.”
Jamie looked to the older boy, who now resembled a serious young man. “Did he tell you to see the Apprentice?”
Charlie nodded. “He told me to have you show me where the Apprentice was.”
“Right.” Jamie stood beside his wife. “In that case, let’s tell Shadow what we plan on doing.”
“Can’t it wait until morning?” Julie purred, tracing a finger down his shirt.
His heart beat at the action and he swore he heard TJ and Charlie trying not to laugh.
He wrapped his arms around her, catching her fingers in between his chest and hers. “This can’t wait. We have to tell them now.”
“It’s got to be at least midnight, Jamie.” Charlie interjected. “They’ll all be sleeping by now.”
“If I know both sets of twins like I know I do, especially Luna, they’ll be ready to greet us at the door.” Jamie supplied. “You want to learn how to fight in a dangerous Dream Realm war, don’t you? I suggest you begin now.”
“Right.” Julie, Charlie and TJ chorused, following Jamie out the door to the Morehouses.

Story: #2:
Amethyst’s Secret Wish

A few nights after his dream, he decided to take another walk. The Empathy power that came with the Unicorn Magic was triggering, urging him closer to the park.
The night was peaceful, and the walk comforting. He could hear the night owls high in the trees, feeding their chirping young. Nearby, crickets played their soothing tunes in a sweet melody that made the night come alive. Hands in his pockets, he took a deep breath, breathing in the now-familiar night scents.
There was another scent in the air he hadn’t recognized. The scent of lavender filled his nostrils, giving him an image of the strange girl in his mind. Opening his eyes, he saw her sitting on a bench, reading a book by streetlight. Her long black hair was plaited in a French braid, but he recognized her immediately.
For the first time since reawakening from the Dream Realm, Aaron spoke in a whisper.
She heard him, looking up.
Aaron sat beside her. “That’s your name, isn’t it?”
“One of them, yes.” Airmed supplied with a smile, closing her book. She narrowed her eyes. “Do I know you?”
Aaron nodded. “In a way, you do.” He said, rubbing his throat. His voice was still scratched, but at least he was talking aloud. “My name is Aaron Schmidt, only you know me as the Unicorn.”
Airmed gasped softly, shaking her head. “You couldn’t be. The Unicorn was only a dream, and anyway, he had green eyes, not brown.”
Aaron smiled. “Watch.” He closed his eyes, turning them from their normal brown to the brilliant green she knew.
“You are the Unicorn.” She said, clearing her throat. He changed them again with another slow blink. “How can you do that?”
Aaron shrugged. “I don’t know.”
She turned away from him, and he could sense she was nervous. With the Empathy, he could sense something deeper. Fear.
“Why do you fear me, Airmed?” Aaron asked, placing a hand on her cheek. She raised a hand to cover his, refusing to look at him.
“I don’t, not really.” Airmed said. She shook her head. “It’s complicated.”
“I’m listening.” He said softly, taking her hand and entwining it in his own.
She looked at him this time. Her blue and green eyes stared into his brown, mesmerized by the sight of him. He could only smile, and wait patiently for her to speak.
She smiled back, the look in his eyes giving her courage. “My real name is Sierra Gregory. In private, I call myself Airmed Starchaser.”
“Both names are beautiful.” Aaron supplied. “Just like the woman who bears them.”
Airmed, Sierra, blushed. “Thank you.”
Aaron nodded, silently telling her to continue.
“I grew up with my parents and younger brother Sean.” She told him. “Recently, I got a job offer with the local theater group as a choreographer.”
“You dance?” Aaron was amazed.
“My life’s work, actually.” Sierra said. “I also sing, and play numerous instruments, like the flute, pipe, and piano. I love all the arts, but music is my favorite.”
“Something about music makes your soul feel alive, am I right?”
Sierra looked at him and smiled. “You can say that, yeah.”
Aaron took their entwined hands and kissed each of her fingers before finally kissing her. Something deep in his soul screamed. A thought passed his mind.
Earthly Protector.
Sierra was the first to break from the kiss. “What’s an Earthly Protector?”
Aaron was astonished. She’d heard the thought, too.
He tried his best to explain. “An Earthly Protector is a person who is sworn to protect an Ancient Mystic.” Aaron watched her face for a reaction to the word Ancient Mystic.
Sierra stood, stepping back from him. “Ancient Mystic. You’re an Ancient Mystic?”
“Yes, and no.” Aaron smiled, standing with her. “Is that why you fear me? Because you believed I was an Ancient Mystic?”
Sierra nodded. “Somehow, I can’t lie to you. Yes.”
“I don’t have their silver-blue eyes, so how could you tell?” Aaron asked, sitting back down on the bench.
Reluctantly, she sat next to him. “I can see and read psychic auras. I could feel how much energy you had surrounding you. I could see the wild colors of your aura, dancing around your body. It didn’t feel natural to me, only magical.”
“Not many people have that ability.” Aaron said. “You’re amazing, Sierra Gregory.”
“Yeah, amazing.” Sierra mumbled, turning her reddened face away. Embarrassed, she looked at her watch. “Oh! I’d better go. I have to teach a class in the morning.”
“Let me walk you home.” Aaron said, standing with her.
“I’d rather not. Thanks anyway, Aaron.” Sierra started to walk away before he could say anything else.
He could still sense her fear of him. Please don’t fear me, Sierra. He sent to her using Telepathy.
She stopped in her tracks, turning to face him. He was standing not a foot from her. “Was that you just now, in my head?”
Aaron smiled. “Did I mention I was telepathic?”
“Then you are an Ancient Mystic!” She cried.
“Like I said, yes, and no.” Aaron responded. “Let me walk you home, and I’ll explain more.”
Sierra sighed. “I give up! You’re not going to let me go home alone, are you?”
“Not at this time of night.” Aaron said. “What possessed you to come here this late to begin with?”
She looked at him, really looked at him now. Not as an Ancient Mystic, or as a man, but as the Unicorn, her savior. She had to tell him. She owed it to him somehow.
“You saved me in my dreams because I needed saving. I was just returning the favor.”
Aaron couldn’t help it. He caught her up in his arms and kissed her. “Come home with me tonight, Airmed.”
Sierra smiled. “Sierra.”
“I don’t care what you call yourself.” Aaron held on tighter. “I want you to come home with me.”
“Why? What are you going to do?” Sierra was suspicious. “Lock me up in some tower and have your way with me?”
“Maybe.” Aaron’s smile was mischievous. His voice turned serious as he stared into her eyes. “I want to show you I’m nothing to fear. That the Ancient Mystics are nothing to fear.”
Sierra stared into his deep brown eyes. She was taking a chance, a big chance. What she felt for him already was love. She didn’t know why, and that’s what scared her. Not the fact he was an Ancient Mystic, only that she’d just met him.
Tearing herself out of the embrace, she grasped her book and took his hand in hers. “Let’s go home.”
Aaron on the other hand was happy. He was another step closer to feeling complete, and the beautiful woman walking next to him was the reason. He couldn’t wait to tell Aimee and Ariana about her.


Amethyst Schmidt was depressed lately. She was glad her twin finally met somebody special last week, though Aimee had yet to meet her for herself. According to Aaron, she was the most wonderful woman he’d ever met. Aimee was also happy he got his voice back after so long. Aaron was smiling more, laughing and joking around, just like old times. After being depressed and lonely, her twin was finally happy.
It took two weeks for Red Shawl’s spell to finally work, but ever since, she’d been thinking of her own love life.
Her thoughts kept going back to their days in the orphanage, when the Three Musketeers, Ariana, Aaron and herself, were joined by another. His name was Scott Archer, and last she knew, he lived across the street from the Shore Point Home for Children. While Ariana had Aaron as a best friend, she had Scott. When Ariana ran away, Scott kept the twins company, and Aimee was grateful. He was there for them when she wasn’t, and that made Aimee feel good. She could always talk to him about her troubles, the magic she found she had in her blood, and even of Aaron’s depression.
It had been years since the twins were adopted back into their own family, forced to move across the country to Hill View. It had also been that long since she’d seen or thought about Scott Archer. She realized she missed him.
A flash of inspiration went through her mind, giving her an idea. What if the spell could work for her? Would it bring Scott to her, after so long?
Determined, she went to Bradley’s room. He was playing a game on his computer.
“Bradley, I need a favor from you.”
Bradley stopped the game and met his aunt’s eyes. “What is it, Aunt Aimee?”
“I need you to watch Angel until your father gets home. Can you do that for me?”
He shrugged. “Sure. Where are you going?”
Aimee smiled. “I promise to tell you later.” She kissed his cheek before leaving the room. “Thanks, Bradley! See you!”
She could faintly hear him mutter under his breath as she raced out the door. “Yeah, whatever.”
Following her memories, she drove to the Benningtons. She stood at the door, taking a deep breath before knocking.
“Here goes nothing.” Aimee whispered under her breath.
Red Shawl herself answered the door. “Amethyst, a pleasure to see you again. What can I do for you?”
“May I come in?” Aimee asked, ushering herself inside.
Red Shawl closed the door behind them.
“I want to thank you for the spell you gave us.” Aimee said. “It did wonders for Aaron.”
“You’re welcome, only it wasn’t just the spell.” Red Shawl told her.
Before Aimee could ask what she meant, she heard a female voice.
“Who is it, Aunt Dar?” The woman came into the foyer to greet them. She had long black hair and different-colored eyes.
“Sierra, this is Amethyst, a friend of mine.” Red Shawl introduced. “Amethyst, this is my niece, Sierra Gregory.”
“Nice to meet you.” Aimee said politely.
“Merry Meet.” Sierra nodded. “You look familiar. Have we met before?”
“I don’t think so.” Aimee supplied. “I’d remember eyes like those.”
“My boyfriend Aaron likes my eyes.” Sierra said. “Now that I think about it, you look like him.”
“Does he have dark brown hair and eyes to match?” Aimee asked. She had to know. Was this the woman that made her twin so happy? “Last name Schmidt?”
“Yeah. You know him?”
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