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Rob is a lonely man living in his little home of his, and on one night of horrible and wet weather, a little boy with a torn about heart and soul is on his doorstep, trying to find acceptance. Rob is pushed through in flashbacks of his past and reminded of when he once had gone through the same pain and misery!

the story of how a women and man fall and love and how the wife feels about him for 67 years

I'm not sure what to put in this box. I guess I could just tell you that I write poetry during any really happy time or a rough patch. So read, and lemmy know what you think :)

This is about a women who in her life was successful, but couldnt help wonder if she was still in the same place at the age of thirty something as she was in her twenty's. Kids at a young age, parents who let the world teach her and family that was pulling her from left to right and eventually down like "crabs in a bucket.

Natural disasters are no laughing matter, but sometimes when we look back, we can find a glimmer of humor that makes the memory a little easier to take.

Nanlani is a fifteen year old Hawaiian citizen,she's always wanted to go to America and learn at a real American school,So when her mother sees her daughters desire, she signs her up to be joined into a program that lets her live with a family in america. but when she gets there, her love lust changes her forever.

Okay, so a lot of teens have problems and my friend decided, in the heat of the moment, to write what she has been trying to get out of her system for a long time. She doesn't know that because she only thinks that her mom just made her want to scream, but instead wrote about her feelings. So, If you ever need a shoulder to cry on and don't have it, or just need someone to agree with you 200%, then this book is for you! Read it, Love it, I don't care. PS- this is not a book to criticize you or