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Hurricane is a short story about the year I turned 13 and lost my father, discovered girls, diving, surfing and the endless ocean.

A Rich girl who moves to london with her pack which include her her brother and his friends. They move in with the london pack. there is love fighting action, ALL IN LONDON

Master Davey's precious Blue Tiger Tea is about to disappear from the world forever. Can Hopper Smith, a boy with the power to unlock the stories hidden inside each tea, find the courage to face the fierce Blue Tiger and save the tea? A unique adventure story. Also in hard cover and gift set with Blue Tiger Herbal Infusion. Children and families can enjoy reading the book and sharing tea. What stories will YOU unlock from the tea? About the Author Susan Chodakiewitz is the author of Too Many

Mofongo is the story of young Sebastian who dreams of running like the wind across the soccer field and scoring countless goals, but his heart defect forces him to stand on the sidelines and watch. His parents are overprotective, but they’re unable to shield him from their family problems or the bullies at school. Fortunately, Sebastian finds sanctuary in his grandmother’s kitchen. Working side by side, preparing exotic dishes from her homeland of Puerto Rico, they discover a new purpose that

Jake was invisible. No one thought he was smart, no one considered his feelings, and no one thought that he could have suffered as much as he had. What happens when it all becomes too much? And who is this new girl with bangles, bracelets and an alarmingly happy personality? She is happy, smart, and quite a hyper person. Just the kind of person Jake detests. But what happens if they are forced together, and what will they discover about each other?

Dre and Dru were brothers, but they were not close at all, Dre was always jealous of Dru and never tried to hide that fact no matter how his parents talked to him about it.

this story is all about my life you may not like it but like or lump soo enjoy and when u do give me a heart and hope you enjoy my books and many more to come!!;)