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Yuri is a seven year old girl who is well educated with etiquette and various subjects. Often home alone, she spends her time writing on her blog or baking. Until her seventh birthday, she had been homeschooled by professors and scientists while her parents are overseas at work. What happens when she is finally educated by teachers with a class of people her own age? Isolated of course. With a single childhood friend. Will she make new friends? Or will she be left alone again?

its a story about a comman man just like on among us...who had to struggle a lot to become something from nothing in this greedy world,,,he even had to overcome his family and self wishes to truly become something...its a story of me,you and every comman man...

Its about the first time I met my dad. I'm sure many people can relate to this story.

Four friends Haley,Claire, Morgan,and Bianca find a journal under the floorboards of Claire's bedroom. They find out that the journal once belonged to Claire's grammother, and her friends. Her grammother,and her friends wrote to each other in the journal by shipping it to each other. Claire,and the girls diside to do the same when Haley moves to Texas, Bianca goes to Italy to visit her dad, Morgan goes to Hollywood to be in a movie,and Claire goes to Miami.Read this story about truth, honesty,

fell down the stairs, is what I answered. Yeah right. I 'fell' down the stairs. I was scared. The teachers always told me to tell the truth and yet he told me not to tell anyone otherwise I'd go to hell. (ongoing)

Edward has a sister and her name is Isabella Marie Masen. When Bella is eight her parents died in a car crash leaving her nowhere to go but her big brother. What will happen when Edward finds out that Bella's father is still alive and he's his uncle. This is her story after the crash happened.

When Callie's all time favorite friend De'wayne go away to join the army, Callie is stuck with his Little brother Carter who happens to have a crush on Callie, but when they both get into deep trouble, its always him taking the bullet for her, but as long as he loves her, he would do anything for her

Reflective of mores and the heartache that ensues when a parent is only in the picture part time or in the picture with derision heaped upon their character.

have you ever have a boyfriend and ask you to have sex with him, then that what happen to Jennifer, what will she do? will she have sex with him or no then find out