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When the past comes back, how would you react? Do you become sad or angry? Do you avoid it all together? For one person, they can't run away, so how would they react?

A few memories of my Grandpa, the man who loved booze, tinkered with the police, used guns to prove his point, and always loved a good deal

Ronan has hopped in Lexi's car and is off with Little Cookie in toe. Ronan never knew she'd meet a Dancing Bear named Herman, and her first best friend ever. Oh yeah, Jewls is a ghost. Jewls trusts Ronan and Lexi and has become apart of the family. Together, Ronan and Jewls try to catch Jewls's killer. At first it's a little weird having a best friend as a Ghost. Jewls is sarcastic, funny, brave and smart. The big problem is She's been dead for ten years, and her killer could be long gone. Will

For the very first time, I saw her. I always had a neutral opinion on the Love at first sight. Though, I believed in that – that it happens and also that it rarely happens. For me, the day I saw her was definitely not the Love at first look and neither did I ever thought about falling for her someday. She vanished for a few days or maybe I missed out acknowledging her presence in the office. Few calendar days passed by, when one day my friend informed me that a new girl has joined our office.

When a divorced dad loses his family he has to spend his christmas alone, with only his sister in law, Jackie. But when he finds a secret room in the attic his whole life turs upside down.

A true story of a young woman's memories of her beloved grandfather, and their special bond. Nina's grandfather would do anything to try and protect her from the cruel intentions of her father.

This book is about crime and death. A woman who sadly lost her son due to knife crime. She then went through a lot of pain but she still had the faith and kindness to forgive her sons killers. " I forgive my son's killers but I will never forgive the crime"