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When a man feels isolated from, cast out by, his family he needs to go off on a journey of soul-searchiing. Are his feelings of isolation real, or his imagination? Can it be possible that, to some extent, he bears some of the responsibility for the wall that seems to have developed between him and the people he loves most in the world?

Among the myriad of relationships in life, the one between a Guru and disciple is most sacred and unique. In the book “Guru and Disciple”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan provides insight into the nature of the Guru-disciple relationship and offers in-depth answers to questions like: “What are definitions of Guru, and disciple? How is a Guru necessary in spiritual transformation?” “How does a spiritual Guru differ from a spiritual teacher, a spiritual advisor, or from

"I Remember Regulas Rothsay--Or Rule, As We Used To Call Him--When He Was A Little Bit Of A Fellow Hardly Up To My Knee, Running About Bare-Footed And Doing Odd Jobs Round The Foundry. Ah! And Now He Is Elected Governor Of This State By The Biggest Majority Ever Heard Of, And Engaged To Be Married To The Finest Young Lady In The Country, With The Full Consent Of All Her Proud Relations. To Be Married To-Day And To Be Inaugurated To-Morrow, And He Only Thirty-Two Years Old This Blessed

this poem involves the abusive father i had this didnt actually happen to meh but it resembs true events that iv been through i love this poem a lot

Anyone that has ever lost someone in their lives will relate to this book.

In the book “Death: Before, During he explains that the knowledge of Self is the spirituality that liberates one from all suffering related to death and dying.

memories of a family home encompass a girl's thoughts and interfere with her acceptance of a family decision

a short story on a family breakfast gone amusingly wrong.....

Everybody was unhappy when he is alive. Now they are happy for he is dead. The faces aof richman's wife and children are painted black. Why? Why?? Why???