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As a parent of 3 boys I am have gone through and continue to go through obstacles and many challenges. This is what I've learned thus far and decided that I wanted to share these lessons with others. As I say in the book there really in no manual to raising a child you kind of just figure it all out as you go through the process. I thought that this would be a great starting point for all parents. I hope that you enjoy it!

my sister is older than me and shes the mother of my nephew I wrote a poem about earlier on here

she was just a little eight year old when she found out her mother did drugs! she really hated her life she just wish she had a normal life like all the girls in her class.

"My Letters to God," is a short collection of my childhood and present day, personal and spiritual through's. " What good is Knowledge without applying Wisdom?" by Kakorya Freesia

when edward left bella he didnt come back.bella didnt jump off the cliff and edward never went to the volturi.bella moved on with her life and had two children before her life got ripped away again by another vampire.

kelsey's mom remarried, and in every case is on the step losers side, instead of kelseys. so she does what any seventeen year old would do. she runs to grandma. she goes to school where her grandma lives, which is the rich area, compared to kelseys poor area. she reconnects with her childhood friend and ends up dating the school stud. kelsey is tired of getting pushed away, and soon realizes, that maybe blake isn't the one for her. with landon at her side, kelsey knows what she has to do, even

This is an excerpt (Chapter 4) from "Loon Moments". The stories are primarily transcripts from the author's live radio broadcasts while host of "The Green Hour", a weekly talk show which aired on Chicago's WIND Radio. The broadcasts deal with issues of family, friends, and the values that made our country a great "Shining Light" for the rest of the world.

A memory of a hot July day in the sixties on a small mid-Michigan farm. After a long day of haying a family discussion results in a father requiring that a daughter do something that will end up hurting her mother.

Ruby is a normal teenager wanting to change into a love goddess or just have a long term lover

I cant believe my parents have to move and leave me and my brother. They say its to give us the life we deserve but I want my parents to look after me not my brother. My parents own numerous business but they have to manage the ones in the other country's while me and my brother manage the bars here.