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Dealing with a loved stubborn aunt almost causes Victoria to loose her unborn baby and husband.

As Joney gets older her life seems to suffer more, but will adopting help or be another worry on her mind?

Amanda is only 16 and has dealt with so much already, how much more can she take? She lives in a house with her mom who is addicted to meth and her older brother who just turned 18 and cant get a grip on life. He takes it out on her daily. Shes searching for her way out. but how?

Cats aren't antisocial. They are affable and gregarious. Once you know how to talk to them, bond with them, you will love them and they will return their love to you. They can lock eyes with you in a way other animals can't. This is an excerpt from the ebook, "House cat Redux" that is available at Amazon for Kindle. You need a Kindle to read the rest of it but you can read a good part about becoming a friend with a totally unknown cat. It is an one-on-one relationship with a cat,

This story is about the relationship of a second child within his family and how this relationship dissintegrated beyond the point of repair. It reveals the drama of being outside an inner circle in that family and how that impacted all relationships especially between brothers.

a three year old little girl wakes up screaming every night her mother has her. Nobody knows why. Mabe night terrors? The little girls mom will soon find out. And she to will be liveing her daughters nightmare!