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Katherine equals perfection at her school Rockwood High. Her unique green eyes flawless black hair and picture-perfect clear skin with enchanting red lips. In her world everything is taken for granted she believes she is the queen and she is, well she is the queen at Rockwood High. Though sometimes things aren't always perfect for queens in our world.

Death of a parent. Diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Gone from this Earth in two months and two days. My DAD took the news from his oncologist with stength. nothing they could do. He shook his head yes and said "ok" My Dad was the strongest man I have ever known, and at his darkest hour he never complained and left this earth peacefully.. I talk to him often, and always wait to hear a whisper in return........

“You are my best friend, and I do not know which side of you I enjoy the most. I treasure each side, just as I have treasured our life together.”

Jimmy has a crisis of faith, one which will be broken by an unexpected source.

In loving memory of loved ones who have passed away. I just lost a family member and I got the idea to do this from another bookrix member in a way to honor the memory of the loved one who had passed. I'm also doing this for more of my loved ones who I didn't do this for before so this is for all of them. I wouldn't call this a poem or even a short story but you can call it whatever you think fits best.

This is the second book in the series. I have not written the first yet. This book is about Marie, reunited with her birth parents and their son three years ago. After spending a summer with them Marie's foster parents are leaving and taking her with them. After leaving Marie's brother, Timone is diagnosed with lung cancer and soon dies. Dealing with greif, Marie has yet another challenge to pass before becoming her ideal self.

This is going to be the best weekend ever i thought to myself because dani and layla also there mum are coming over to stay but what is?...