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This is just for the Four or Less contest. I started TONS of stories, but none of them worked. Finally, I just decided to write a story that fit all the guidelines and that made sense instead of trying to write a good story. So here ya go. :)

A mother tells the TRUE story of her son, who is seriously injured while playing in the yard. A severe eye injury at the age of four, ends one vision and begins another. A story of stregnth and hope from a child with the stregnth of a man.

Cassie, a 12 year old girl, deals with the drama of middle school,her love life, her family, and the changes in her life.

After experiencing what it means to be left behind I discover the truth about my family.

its just something that i felt like writing down so anyone can tell me what they think:) this is NOT a book!!! this is about love, its ment to be overly mushy.

well basically its a book about a girl who was murdered and she is still there with her family trying to find the person that did this to her. its not finished yet

The strange and unique, people and situations my wife and I have met during our travels to our winter retreat in Florida, to a place called Seville, located in the rural north central Florida piny woods.

shes in love with this boy named rashad, but her ex lover comes back an somthing goes wrong at rashads house.