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im releasing the first 3 chapters to see if people want me to continue it Warning: may contain violence and/or graphic detail of death This tale is of two brothers. The younger Drake, who was thought to have been killed in the infamous Hale house fire. Set ablaze by Kate Argent, and the elder, Derek who must save Drake and teach him to control his bloodlust. Drake must cope with the traumatic loss of his true family and adoptive family, or lose himself within his own broken heart.

This eBook is a compilation of scenarios showing your children what to do and what not to do if someone attempts to abduct them. This eBook will offer Tips for children and parents that will aid in protecting our children from danger.

A personal description of the perfect family dinner and a look at the bigger picture of growing up.

A friendship of three girls, Mary, Bethany, and GiGi, is starting to tumble down into a big mess of heartbreak and fury. Read this story to learn about how Mary tried to mend her two bestest friends back together again.

This true story about a young girl name kendra from since she was 12 y.o until this day when she be conitnued and if you dont mind please be truthful and comment


I thought it was over the pain.I hope I fall in love and be happy for once.I use to be happy. I hope it gets better for me. Foe I can have something good in life.

Breezy is a punk girl with a twin... but she doesn't know it yet.