» Fantasy » Demon in the Snow, Heather Fledderus [rainbow fish read aloud .TXT] 📗

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after I met Hannah and the others, I still had no idea what I was.”

“So they committed a felony after realizing that you could See?” Astrid interrupted.

“Well, seeing as how I shortly after saved their butts, yeah, I guess they did.”

The Pyros all grinned. “That's awesome,” Abel spoke up, “The Nobles are flexible after all.”

“So how'd you do it?”

“Beat all the others? I used my demons as a smokescreen while I went and killed the others' demons.”

“Pretty good distraction. It seemed like even your demons wanted to hand your ass to you on a silver platter.” Everyone laughed at Cain's remark.

Nate glanced up when he noticed a figure approaching their table. “Chad,” he said, “Save me.”

Chad shrugged, “Not my problem. You're the Pyro-Summoner here, you deal with it.”

Cain had a sudden wicked grin on his face, like he had just figured out the perfect way to get a lifetime's supply of chocolate absolutely free. “Yep. It's decided.”

“What is?”

“You're one of us. Congratulations, Nathan Hitagasi, you are the first Summoner to become an honorary Pyro.”


“What?” Confusion settled on Cain's face.

“My last name. It's Hitgashi, shi not si.”

“Yeah, sure, whatever.” Cain dismissed it with a wave of his hand. “Later on, I want to introduce you to some guys I know.”

17. Hannah Saitou

In spite of herself, Hannah was nervous. Father had never wanted to speak to her before, except when the rest of the Council had been present as he had given her and the rest of the team a briefing on where they were going and what was expected of them. Cresta had been named team leader, being the only one of them with any formal training to speak of.

Her footsteps echoed through the virtually empty hallway, the steady scratch as her sandals scraped against the marble floor. Now that she was back in Ko-ha, Hannah was forced to wear the traditional robes as a member of the Fourth House: a short, blue silk kimono embroidered with silver moons and dragons and tight black pants underneath. Her sword hung readily over her shoulder within easy reach.

When Sora had been born, she had been defaulted to the branch family, given to an aunt to raise in service of the family. That was why the embroidery was silver, not the family gold. She now lived to serve. It was unusual for an Illusionist to be the Head of any House but the First, but not unheard of.

“Well, if it isn't Hannah Saitou,” a voice from up ahead boomed, startling her.

Hannah looked up to see the Head of the Second House, Lord Himanachi, standing by a pillar, his orange and yellow robes a blatant contrast to her more reserved colours. His eyes glowed pale purple, as did the eyes of his attendant who stood behind him. She bowed respectfully to them both.

“And where might you be going this fine day? I would have thought that one with your skill was enrolled in the Academy by this point.”

“I am, Lord Himanachi. But I have been summoned by my father.”

“And what would Saitou want on a school day?”

“I will learn that when I meet him.”

Himanachi nodded sagely. Hannah didn't dare take her leave without his permission. “You were in Misd for a time, were you not?”

Hannah nodded, “Yes, with team Senshi.”

“That means that you were the team to encounter that half-ling, correct?”

Hannah nodded again, grateful to her training that she was able to hid the majority of her emotions. She resisted the urge to lick her lips or swallow or grab her hands- any would  be a sure sign that she was nervous. No need to give this Lord anything to use against her.

Something about his posture, his eyes, something made her feel uneasy around him, all the time. His House was tasked with the training and raising of what was now called the Pyros. Pyros weren't people who had limited control over their powers, even if that was what it always looked like. Pyros were born with enormous amounts of energy, raw power that only the best of them could hope to maintain perfect control of in the heat of battle.

“And how is the half-ling faring?”

“Well, sir, but I really must take my leave of you and report to my father.” That was as blunt as she dared.

He smiled serenely, a sight that chilled Hannah to the bone. “Of course, how inconsiderate on my part. Take care of yourself, Lady Saitou, I would hate that anything tragic were to befall our most gifted Caster in several generations.” Him and his attendant stepped away from the pillar and began to glide down the hall, their chiffon sleeves billowing slightly out behind them.

Hannah suppressed a shudder as she watched their retreating forms. Lord Himanachi knew that she was part of the branch family now, but he had called her by the title of the Main House. “Lady Saitou”. She shuddered anyways before taking the last few steps to the door where she knew her father would be waiting. Why had Lord Himanachi been lingering outside her father's anteroom?

She took a breath to calm herself, setting her expression to one of indifference. She waited, knowing that it wouldn't take long for Oochi, her father's guard, to sense her presence.

Even as she had the thought, the door slid into the paneling. Oochi towered over her in all his seven foot seven, 400 pound, Casting glory. Dressed in the blue and silver of the Branch House, Oochi was related. But as a child, he had been demonically enhanced after a close encounter with a high-ranking B-class demon that had tried to eat him.

He never spoke, and Hannah was never completely sure if it was because of his alterations, or some sort of vow of silence he had taken. He nodded silently to her and stepped aside to admit her entry before closing the door behind her.

Hannah took in the scene at a glance. Her father, tall and serious looking with black hair that was tied back with a band, sat in his chair, dressed in the traditional gold and blue of the House. Around his neck was wrapped a silk scarf of light blue, marking him as the Head. Seated in chairs to either side were several of the elders of the clan.

In an instant, she recognized the meeting for what it was. Her family wished to learn more about Nathan. Cold swept through her body, settling in her toes as she bowed respectfully to them all. They had access to records that she did not. It was entirely possible that they had figured out what Nathan was. What should she do?

“How was Misd?” Elder Sheiji Saitou spoke first. One of the older of the elders, he was her great uncle, a high-standing member of the branch who had bounced her on his knee when she was little. Despite his age, his eyes were still sharp, and he was unparalleled amongst the family for his Peculiar Casting skills.

“We encountered several targets that were swiftly dealt with.” The word 'demon' was practically taboo within her family, especially in briefings like this.

“That's  not all you encountered, I hear,” Her uncle Zaiki added. His dark hair and even darker eyes denoted him to be a born Summoner, conceived after his mother had already filled her Cache. The existence of people like him was rare these days, since most pregnant Summoners were given the months off until their children were born.

Hannah said nothing, as there had been no question in the statement.

“This Nathan Hitagashi that you encountered,” her father began. The instant he spoke, any sort of agitation in the room disappeared as everyone remained perfectly still to hear what he was saying. “What do you know of him?”

“Not much, Father. We didn't realize that he had the Sight until he assisted in the defeat of a Snow-type target. He has shown an affinity for controlling them, and can to some extent integrate and use their abilities as if they were his own.”

“Have you seen him absorb any?”

“No, Father, I have not.”

She could see his next question coming, and her mind began scrambling to respond.

“Does he bear the Mark?”

She didn't dare hesitate, “No. I have not seen anything to indicate that he may be one of the Akama.”

“Are you satisfied, Saitou?” Zaiki asked, “You have heard from your own daughter's lips that the half-ling has proved itself worthy of our tolerance.”

“For the moment,” Father corrected him, “It has yet to truly prove itself.” He glanced up at her, not even really seeing her. She could tell, his eyes were practically glazed over as his mind whirred about other things. Things that didn't require her to be present. “You may leave.”

Hannah bowed again, silently. Only speak when spoken to, she reminded herself.

She backed up a few steps before turning to face the door. Oochi already had it open for her. It was all she could do to keep herself from running out of the room.

Once out, she bolted, racing past the blurred orange and yellow figures of Lord Himanachi and his aide. She ran, faster and faster, on the verge of using Hayakku to go even faster. She ran out of the compound, along the broad cobblestone road leading to the noble's business sector, entering the haphazardness of the town with out really realizing it. She ducked under rugs being carried on people's shoulders, dodging stalls selling produce, bolts of cloth and thread, and several carrying various trinkets from other towns.

This was Gossen, the capital city of the largest province in Ko-ha. The deeper she ran in, the more narrow the streets became, the more congested the passersby on either side of her. Here were the taverns that a few students of the Academy visited. On several occasions, she had even caught Sora here, in one tavern in particular, dressed like a traveling entertainer, enjoying a harmless cup of Wassassa tea with the locals.

She paused to catch her breath. She was in a not-so-crowded area, especially considering the time of day. Loud noises emanated from the one tavern, she could hear it. Unlike its neighbors, this one didn't have any sort of sign around it, except for a crude painting in blue above the door of what was supposed to be a dragon, but ended up looking like a fat snake with wings.

The Hydra. Home to nothing of particular importance, yet still seemed to be popular. Hannah glanced up at the sky- it couldn't hardly be called afternoon yet. Classes were held in the morning so that students could resume specialized duties, training and the such. But for some, it was considered a chance to relax, especially among the senior students.

She could sense Sora's presence in there. It would make sense- they hadn't been home in several months, and he enjoyed playing “Commoner” from time to time. 

A collective burst of laughter suddenly filled the air as the tavern's door opened and a miserable drunk wandered out, probably headed to find a less rowdy location to fall into a drunken stupor. Hannah caught a flash of the sea of red from her glimpse of the inside of the tavern, the sight causing her eyes to widen with surprise. Only one particular group wore blood red leather jackets. But what the hell

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