» Fantasy » The Silent Quest, IziCain [red seas under red skies txt] 📗

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was horrible losing them; I was taken in by Queen Concetta. She’s the lady that rules Persia; she’s a sinner to her last heartbeat. She took us Arabians and hurt us like we were rubber, children, if you ever come across her; kill her.”
With that, she got up and ran to the Castle. SIX

KING Patrick was waiting in his chamber, more alike his living room. Lush white walls, glittering floors and shining candlelight’s, the place was like an earthly heaven. The chairs and tables were a quality Anahita had never seen before, clean wood and dazzling leathers.
Two guards stood silver stiff from head to toe near the door, such neatness, such perfection.
He had his back to her, so she slipped out again and made for her room. She bathed quickly and took a silk black dress from the wardrobe; it was too long for her, so she searched for some shoes. She couldn’t even move properly, the cold from the dress stinging her skin. It was too tight for her liking. She found a pair of black heeled sandals and slipped into them, she tied her hair back into a loose bun, allowing curly strands to fall about the frame of her face. She hurriedly applied make-up, checked herself in the mirror and grinned.
The arms of the dress were full sleeved, creasing and overlapping; the neck of the dress was covering her entire neck, making her feel secure and royal. From her hips downwards the flare was so fiery that when she edged left, the whole thing opened up like a fan.
Anahita hurried back to the chamber and entered with a gentle push to the doors, the guards bowed to her, she waved it away.
“Come here,” King Patrick looked up and pointed happily to a chair opposite him, the table decorated with candles and foods.
Anahita nodded and walked forward, someone was sitting in the seat just beside the one King Patrick had pointed to. They were slumped down, relaxing, playing with a knife. Anahita pulled the chair out and sat; the woollen base of it felt like soft clouds.
“Enjoyed your day?” Ren asked, not taking his eyes off the twisting knife.
He was in his armour and cloak again, the back bag at his feet. He looked slightly troubled, but showed no more until he smiled at his reflection in the plate.
“Yes,” Anahita nodded, “the most fun I’ve had in years.”
He shrugged lazily and sat up straighter, “well, that’s good to hear. Uncle, I am rumbling like an empty tank of beer!”
King Patrick laughed, “Then we must eat! Your journey starts soon, let’s make it enjoyable.”
So they began their dinner, allot of vegetables and pastries stuffed with cheese and onions. The warmth of them slid down Anahita’s throat and settled to one side within her stomach. King Patrick and Ren talked about their own adventures, half way through Boron joined them and rushed for the food. He too wore dark gear, swords and archery equipment clung to him like dangling shreds of intestines. The clang of metal echoed about, reminding Anahita of the servant call back in Persia. She couldn’t imagine being back there, she couldn’t return.
Anahita wanted dinner to last as long as she would live, but sadly her prayers were useless bags of air. She had finished her plate before everyone else and watched them intensively, taking in their features and differences. She hadn’t known either Ren or his uncle for long, yet she felt although she belonged here, with them. She felt like family, she felt warmth, peace and relaxation, home. She hadn’t felt like home in over two summers, this was all thanks to Ren.
A couple of minutes later, King Patrick and Ren had also finished their food and stood. Anahita scrambled up and followed them out the door. They weren’t saying much, just exchanging glances and smiling silent words. They walked through the castle and down the steps, into the open space where she had first met Boron and seen the images of princes and princesses; queens and kings.
Boron hurried up from behind, his boots like soft thuds against the carpet. He leaped the last few steps and glided from between Anahita and the king. He hurried to the front doors and turned, grinned and shook his weapons.
“You seem excited,” Ren frowned. “What’s the hurry?”
Boron beamed, “You said that we would have to leave before sunset to avoid any form of contact with others. Now come on, the sun’s almost down!”
King Patrick stopped walking, so did Anahita. Ren joined Boron’s side and sighed.
“Well, looks like we’re actually doing this. Eh, uncle?”
“Sure,” replied the king. “Say hello to Concetta.”
“Anna,” Ren called. “Don’t worry about me, OK? I’ll be untouched when I return.”
Anahita smiled, turned and went up, “Sure you will.”
* * *
Ren and Boron left, King Patrick stood standing in the doorway of the Castle, arms folded and eyes wide. People watched them walk on the street, news travelled fast in Arabia. Some waved, some cheered, and many stood shaking, looks of sympathy on their faces.
Ren smiled and waved, trying to look at casual as ever, but a feeling inside him kept plugging his thoughts, kept telling him to turn back and stay. Boron wouldn’t understand; he wanted this for years; it might be his last chance to visit the outside world, to free himself from Arabia.
Someone threw an apple and Ren caught it, bit in and cringed.
Sweet as the emotions drifting through his body.
Boron laughed and put his fingers in his mouth, blew out a sharp whistle and the gates tore open. Black horses came galloping from the towers and both warriors jumped on, swinging their legs and leaning forward. Ren narrowed his eyes and grinned, raising an eyebrow at the same time. Boron glanced at him, and it hit him.
Ren was going out there for revenge.
Throughout the years of planning this, Ren Talon was waiting for this moment to strike, he was hungry for blood. Not many knew about Ren’s history, his true past.
No one wanted to know about his brutal life, the thirsty sacrifices he made and the tortured souls he carried around on his shoulders.
He wasn’t a merciless human being, just rough from the inside but insanely soft from the outside. His kindness was an act; outside the shell many things look beautiful. What’s on the inside is hidden; it could be a dangerous snake or a poisonous creature.
They went straight through the whiteness.
Blinking wildly, the Charger Forest came into clear view, tall trees- black shapes. Black Spectre’s standing stiff.
Ren sighed, “I didn’t mean to let them follow us.”
Boron matched his sigh, “I know. They follow you anyway, you may not be able to sense some of them, and you may do. Black Spectre’s are clever little items. They are under no threat, look, they are asleep.”
Ren looked up, when a Black Spectre was asleep its staff was pinned to its back, the blade hanging loosely like it was made of cloth.
Silently they galloped their horses around the cloaks of the dark creatures and went on through the Forest.
At a guess, without any portals, Ren knew it would take a few months to get to Persia. Himself he could go and return within a few days. The portals skipped the time by forty days.

Ren Talon has always had secrets, dark secrets that burn him with forces that makes him cringe at his own reflection.
He is a dark devil.
He just doesn't know it yet.

With Waking the Allies.

Sneaky Peak

Thank you for those who have reached the last page of The Silent Quest #1: Taking the bait.
The idea of this book came to me when I was 11, but I never really got the chance to write it, I had many notes on it, yet again I paid no formal attention.
But when I did get to writing it, I completed it within no time.

So here is a very short sneaky peak of The Silent Quest #2: Waking the allies:


Ren barked; raising his sword to the dark sky, lightening caught at the tip of his blade and electrocuted his body; he twisted the blade in a large arc around himself. He felt it connect with the nearest Black Spectre, it staggered and melted into the ground, cowards.
Another Spectre came at him and he jerked back with the sword, thrusting it forward, the current of electricity curved off the tip and shot out, hitting the creature in the chest. Ren shook his head, the hair in his eyes was causing him too much trouble, and he pushed it back with one hand and used the other to stab at a silver wolf. Another two wolves leaped out from behind a tree, behind them stood three large Black Spectre’s, their blades at the ready.
Ren felt Boron come to stand beside him, he inhaled, the elder man stank of death. He glimpsed the slow purple glow of Boron’s sword, his own energy from Mikail was fading, and the deep blue was now a soft sky blue.
“I take the wolf on the left and the spectre behind it,” Boron’s whisper was hoarse. “You take the right wolf and the two Spectre’s.”
Ren sighed, took a deep breath and gripped the hilt of his sword tighter. Boron did the same, and then both men raised their swords to the skies and cried the name of the angel they need power from.
“Izrael!” in unison and they tore forwards even as the darkness shot down from the sky, into their swords...


Publication Date: 12-05-2011

All Rights Reserved

It took me a long time to write this novel, and to be honest i could not do it without you. This

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